Atomic tanking

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by Pr0tojay, Nov 4, 2015.

  1. Pr0tojay Committed Player

    So what do you think we should spec our skill points into as a tank, dom & health, or vit & health, or some resto?
  2. Trexlight Devoted Player

    Depends on your Playstyle is what I'll tell everyone. Resto works with Proton Remedy to increase heals and boosts Density last I recall. I'll be focusing on Dom and Health myself since I'll be using Atomic Combos (heals based off Dom) and the Aura (heals based off Health).
  3. Lionxoft Committed Player

    The aura takes a bit long to come up in pvp. That's a problem for me.
  4. ACW37162 Loyal Player

    For me.....

    Dom - crit heal mag/percentage (affects proton remedy and energize) - health - defense

    Any tree I purchase WM in I buy restoration just for proton remedy and assault.

    If your going to turtle tank and not combo tank disregard Dom and go health and defense.
  5. MAXILIANO Loyal Player

    I'll dominance, defense, health, and restoration ...
  6. SnakeEyes Active Player

    Dom Health in blues
    Resto health in yellow
    Resto might in one red
    Dom Might in one red

    Health in all my blues in base, Resto in all my yellows in base, Might in all my reds in base.

    I might even throw in a resto health in 1 blue socket just to test how good the heals off of proton remedy, density, unleash anti matter and hardlight shield, energize, and the blossom iconic.
  7. Malachyte Devoted Player

    Was thinking about switching my Earth Tank for there a drawback to the Atomic Tank such as Rage Crash with Rage, and Fire being so dependent on the healer ??
  8. MAXILIANO Loyal Player

    No, and that's what I liked him!
    Their defense increases absurdly and you can even heal!
    The test server I got over 48k defense and still can heal me ...:)
  9. AberrantAngel Committed Player

    Working today so quick question. What are the tank loadouts for atomic. Had my son switch my earth tank to Atomic. But will only have a little bit of time to play today. As real life interferes with me saving the world. Any help you can give will be great or a link in the forums where this may have been answered. I will adjust to my play style when more time on that toon is ava
  10. SnakeEyes Active Player

    yeah heres mine..

    Snake's Atomic Tank Loadout

    1. atom reorganization (ranged pull)
    2. Atom splitter (aoe pull/combo to get aura and heals)
    3. Electron flare/ unleash antimatter ( aoe dot knockdown/ other is group breakout heal)
    4.Nuetrino blast ( group breakout/ aura short cut if you hit it after atom splitter combo'd)
    5. Density ( metal shield)
    6. proton remedy ( heal over time / shortcut to get aura after a combo)

    You can change out electron flare or atom reorganization for another combo power or for single tank taunt or breakout or sc or something if you want to.
  11. Nemisor Committed Player

    the drawback is.........its not finished yet.

    just my opinions based off testing it but atomic is going to be the hardest and likely weakest tank power. its problem is it wants to be every tank power but doesn't excel at anything.

    it cant heal like fire. no where near the defense of earth, manual heal instead of auto like rage mode. 2 powers ( ok ones a SC ) that provide sheilds but not as good as ice.

    it just seems all risk to me.

    the pulls are nice though ( something positive ). but as i said its not finished yet, they will tweak as needed but if you enjoy tanking i would hold off for a bit before you respec.
    • Like x 2
  12. SnakeEyes Active Player

    It has the exact same defense as ice it just doesn't have powers that prevent you from receiving damage like ice. Its basically gonna be like a harder power to use right now just cuz u gotta block and counter people right now til they tweak up the immunity to control to get combos off. Once its finished you should be able to just combo and fight and not have to block as much. But they just added some damage absorbtion to it so I can't wait to test that out I didn't get to test that part on test this week. I think they will increase the reward for the risk after they get feedback this week on here from playstation players. Its not gonna be that bad. without combos at all its could be played like earth and be blocking with earth you get like 3-5k def with atomic you will get like 28k def added to your def so its not squishy plus you can hit proton remedy and heal your self with a goot hot like fire but earth can't do that and ppl tank with it fine so I expect to turn out nice. It will be straight nasty in alerts and duos you will be like a celestial healer putting out a ton of damage cuz you could run 2 combos and chain combos. Right now u can't do that in the raids but I still feel like its a decent tank power. You do get 20somethingk def and 10 % dmg absorption on earth you only get 3-5k def and 50% absorttion.
  13. Malachyte Devoted Player

    Thanks for the input, guess I'll wait a while before respecing till the bugs are straightened out.

    Thanks again everyone..

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  14. SnakeEyes Active Player

    Def will be the hardest tank power to use tho because you have to do so much to achieve the desired effects for the tanking side where most all other tank powers jus have to hit one power or the first tap of a 3 tap combo or something or have dreadful blast cut in half for tanks but atomic currently has to do full 3 tap ccombos and a short cut or you have to do 9 tap combo to get your aura on soo its alil bit harder than any other tank to use...but in terms of durabitliy blocking it has about the same as earth or ice if ice didn't hit a shield power. Like ice hitting a pull power and getting hit or something is what it would be like but your getting heal over time the whole time and adding more heals coming in if you can pull it off or hit proton remedy off cooldown. If you rock hardlight shield and density you could get two burst heals and two shields added to you loadout or unleash antimatter and add another heal.
  15. SnakeEyes Active Player

    It also doesn't have any aoe dots like the other tank powers do. It only has electron flare that is like enflame or like violence on rage. I really wish it had one. I know that the wm dps would love it. It jus feels weird not having or using a power like that when I tank.
  16. SSeid Committed Player

    Mod with dom&hp.. dom increases heals received, hp well health.. and then when you spec your SP get restoration first, once that is done get dom&hp and last of all get healing crits.

    You should make sure you have more dom than min possible to CC the highest raid availiable to you.. although that will probably happen just by gear and mods.
  17. Nemesir Well-Known Player

    Done BD Normal as 143 Atomic Tank 3 times.


    Atomic Tanking suffers terribly particularly for Solo Tanking setup. Damage Mitigation and Self-Heals are NOT sufficient enough specifically when countered by adds or boss. Combo system mechanics acting more as a liability to Atomic Tanking due to NPC blocks/counters.


    1. Remove Power-Combo self-healing activation mechanics.
    2. Increase Self-Healing Percentages.
    3. Increase Damage Mitigation Percentage of QG-Aura from 10% to 60%. (Yes, you read it right, 60%)

    * Giving Atomic Tanking another 48 hours for a fix/patch, Power Re-Spec Token on stand-by if not fixed/patched within 48 hours. Tons of recommendations being posted on Atomic Test Thread here on Forums but never even tried or implemented for testing. Really disappointing.
  18. Pults Loyal Player

    You really want to make another ice tank? Changes should be slight. For example increasing strength for the shield, healing on initial power cast and increased healing for doing combos.
    If the changes you suggested were implemented it would be unfair to other tank powers.
    Then fire would need 10 maybe 15% dmg mitigation outside of block and 5% mitigation when in block, rage would need health stacking independent from amount of adds - for each add health is boosted by 20%(not dependent on dominance) and rage crash to cancel with range bringer. Earth would need boosted mitigation outside of block.

    Whilst atomic is still struggling it will be fixed but most likely moderately in order to keep things within reasonable balance.
  19. Nemesir Well-Known Player

    The keyword on your reply is "Unfair"

    I'll give you 2 Tank Power mechanics comparison reality check:

    Ice = Can use 4 shields on cycle/rotation for effective tanking damage mitigation without being countered/blocked.
    Atomic = Have to use power then 2 tap combo for 40% Dom Self-Healing mechanics that can be countered/blocked.

    Now tell me your definition again of the word "Unfair"?
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  20. Pults Loyal Player

    I know how simple ice is and the shield rotation is its core mechanic, in comparison ice performs really good in any situation where other tank powers fall short. Earth can't withstand many adds and constant high damage, rage can't withstand single boss fights, fire can't do anything outside of block.
    I still stand by what I stated earlier, I do not want another ice tank roaming free in the skin of an orange glowstick. Either all powers get adjusted to perform well in any situation or no powers get adjusted and we all deal with what we have in our hands.