Atlantean Bugs

Discussion in 'Old Arkham (Bug Archive)' started by Netherith, Jul 30, 2013.

  1. Netherith Well-Known Player

    Occurring during the Aquaman/Mera/Circe boss battle in the Condemned Shipping Office:

    - The Brine Hulk seems to be more interested in Aquaman. Their green beam doesn't seem to affect anything.
    - I'm not sure if the red shield is supposed to prevent PCs and NPCs approaching "Mera" and Orion but NPCs seem to be able to ignored it.
    - I haven't been in the instance for a while so I'm no sure if this is intended or not but when it comes to facing Circe (following her and Jonn Jonnz's little "Beam Battle") she now possess a white aura and has removed her cloak (not that I'm complaining much. the view from the rear is excellent).
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  2. Minnion Devoted Player

    To add to this I've had the Trident of Posiden not spawn, I defeated it once then went through the trouble of beating up the brine hulks but then no trident when he tries to summon it the second time.

    To make it even more obnoxious I was forced to exit the game to leave the instance because I couldn't get out of combat mode even though there were no enemies for me to fight.

    Here is a screen-cap of the buged instance. As you can clearly see there is no Trident for me to defeat and I can't proceed with the instance.

  3. Dexlon New Player

    I had a similar thing happen. The trident was actually floating up high...there is a higher portion of the ceiling. I had to fight it up there.

    But a short time later, when Circe and the Martian are dueling and I was weakening Circe from behind, she turned and immediately knocked me out. Two different times.

    This is a very buggy encounter.
  4. Wrangler New Player

    Yes, it's a pain in the *** and impossible for me to finish. How does one effectively go about reporting this to the devs?