Ask CarlynnCarnage

Discussion in 'Joker’s Funhouse (Off Topic)' started by CarlynnCarnage, Jul 17, 2013.

  1. CarlynnCarnage 10000 Post Club

    But they are cool! Idk. I like them. But I can't do the feeding rats and mice. I've had quite a few cool pet rats and I would get too upset.
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  2. LL New Player

    Check out the's out of hand now in fl....people have been letting go snakes they can't keep up with. Boas, have no natural predators taking over the Everglades, and moving up the state.

    Now kids, and pets are in danger....
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  3. CarlynnCarnage 10000 Post Club

    Yeah that's terrible. :(
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  4. Deathmike Devoted Player

    That's the origin story of SlothCat. A new breed of superhero...:confused:

    Deathmike out.
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  5. LL New Player

    I actually knew a guy up in the north east that owned an alligator, had to keep it in a bathtub. I just don't get it. U have a pet that wants to kill u, yet u care for it.

    To be honest I care more about the animal then the moron. I'm just shocked 30 states allow u to buy them. How is it u have to register ur dog, in some states, but you can just buy a lion or tiger?

    Either way check out the wild animal sanctuary Colorado ....I'm pretty sure u will love this's amazing what they have done, and the great lives the animals saved get to live....:)
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  6. CarlynnCarnage 10000 Post Club

    Nothing about keeping an alligator seems like a good idea.
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  7. Treat New Player

    Exactly my thought when I found the gif. So I posted here! :D
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  8. LL New Player

    lol, I know, yet in this doc, a kid about 3 was bought an alligator as a gift, they said it would with proper care grow to be 8 FT....

    Another part had a kid like 5, his dad bought him a 10 ft boa for a present....just wow.

    Really check this film out. I promise it's not what got u upset before. It's an honest look at how big of a problem this is.

    In fact the start of the movie, the dude removed 29 alligators between Dayton and Cincinnati oh. In a year. It was more then removed from homes in Fl, which is where they live...:)
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  9. LL New Player

    U just like to mess with our minds...:)
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  10. Treat New Player

    I do, it's true. ^-^
    Is it working?
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  11. LL New Player

    Again I bring up ur a true female....I almost stayed staring at that image....ur all evil.
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  12. CarlynnCarnage 10000 Post Club

    It is on LL for sure! Lol!
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  13. Treat New Player

    >_> But am I weird?
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  14. LL New Player

    I get that, but that image u sent, is trying to compromise some of our lesser minded heroes....hmmmm
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  15. Treat New Player

    XD I honestly was slightly grossed out by that one. I have no idea how it is even possible. Let's just return to our hardworking cats.
    Look it's even working on Carlynn's new outfit!
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  16. LL New Player

    Oh so ur admitting ur under Carlynn?...hmmmm

    I thought u villians had ur own thing....
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  17. Treat New Player

    XD Well there is that Carlynn/Treat 2014 thing she said on some other thread before!
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  18. LL New Player

    It's still either of u would just let go of do get he has great the regulars love him...:)
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  19. Treat New Player

    D: He will be competition. I have no idea how we will over come this. Besides, can you imagine a world where Carlynn is president? O_O I can't! It's beyond my comprehension.

    (but the idea of it has me giggling)
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  20. CarlynnCarnage 10000 Post Club

    See I was under the impression that Yoda can't run again. So...
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