
Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by bull425, Jan 24, 2025.

  1. bull425 Well-Known Player

    So, let me preface this by saying I won't be switching out artifacts, not even sure if that is still doable, but I won't be doing that.

    I am looking for recommendations for top 5 artifacts for:
  2. LowFlyingMoon Loyal Player

    If you're not going to swap (or "switch", if you like) artifacts - why do you need 5? :)
  3. Great Architect Loyal Player

    Because there are some Artifacts you want levelled because they have situational usefulness or synergy with a group, but they won't be in your usual three. EoG and Lasso, for example?
  4. CharlesVerde Level 30

    i'm doing great numbers on my rage toon with strategist card, transformation card and omega totality DPSing
  5. Reinheld Devil's Advocate

    Or he's already 90% on the 4th 'best' artifact, and it wouldn't really be worth trading it in for the 3rd best one if he can just start on building #1 and #2 now?