Artifacts, the gimmick no one asked for.

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by Kanmaru, May 3, 2020.

  1. Kanmaru Dedicated Player

    I still stand by my mention of absolutely hating artifacts and how they are pay to win. My main problem is that there are so many other things Daybreak could have tried before putting them out. That's why I know when Mepps tried to defend it and say it was trying to bring new play option for wider playstyles, I knew it wasn't the real reason.

    Mepps: "(Artifacts are for providing many different optional playstyles, and contribute a relatively small portion of your overall power. They're not for anything else, regardless of what water you attempt to force on top of them.

    Anything added to the game may be used more effectively in the wild, which is why adjustments happen. Balance is a goal and a moving target with a live-service, constantly-updated game.")

    If that was really the case then all they had to do was make these Artifact abilities into trinkets that you can get with source marks. That's it. You want an ability to get a Spector to heal you? Pop your trinket. It's not hard.

    Artifacts are such cash grabs that it's painful that they try to call it anything other than that. All these unnecessary level ups for them to work properly when all we would need is a simple trinket to pop whenever the situation calls for it.

    Simple fix for getting rid of Artifacts, turn them into trinkets and get rid of the leveling and catalyst system all together. We were just fine without them before they became a thing so I'm sure we would do better if it was more balanced this way. Buying trinkets with marks that already do what they are supposed to from purchase or RnG without having to get it to a certain level for it to do so, makes the game fair for everyone. No Pay to Win, no Money Whales, no more lies...none of that.

    And in addition, it's better this way because of trinket cool down and no spamming or taking advantage of broken artifact abilities. Another reason why working on PvP now in this current games era is impossible because they KNOW they broke the game and with artifacts it would be impossible to make anything fair around them.

    For all the people that spent hundreds of dollars on artifacts, I don't know why you did it but sorry. This just needs to be done.
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  2. dcuotoo Well-Known Player

    yes...yes to every word...
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  3. Irvynnge Loyal Player

    I'd be perfectly happy with Artifacts if when it came to levelling up, you just levelled up. I've made it no secret in the past that the crappy % failure nonsense is the one single thing that I genuinely dislike about this game.
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  4. willflynne 10000 Post Club

    I get the frustration with Artifacts, but I don't think turning them into trinkets is the answer.

    First off, we've already got limited space in utility belts for trinkets and a lot of trinkets are considered "must have" by some or simply are the preferred item to use for certain players. Considering the number of artifacts out there, you'd just be replacing Artifact complaints with Trinket complaints, particularly in regards to how many are out there or are being added.

    Secondly? Many of the Artifact benefits are passive abilities. They just happen. Trinkets? You have to activate them. It'd be a serious pain in the hindquarters to have to activate Solar Amplifier every single time I wanted to use Heat Vision on a character, never mind things like Omegahedron's power regen increase. I can't speak to the actual numbers, but I know for sure that I do like the passive ability aspect of Artifacts and I'd imagine I'm not alone in that regard.
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  5. Proxystar #Perception

    I'm indifferent with artifacts themselves, They clearly however impact the game from a balancing perspective, but they're also Dimensional Ink's cash cow, they're not getting rid of them.

    I do however think there should be a better system in place for people in game to earn seals of preservation etc, and I'd go as far as making them a rare member only drop in game and they could drop similar to exceptional recovery kits.
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  6. Legasei Well-Known Player

    Artifacts are not pay to win for legendary members. Unlike premium players, you’re not forced to pay anything extra to level up your artifacts if you’re a legendary member. However, legendary membership is pay to win, considering all the exclusive benefits that come with it.
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  7. nawanda Loyal Player

    I support artifacts. You can get decent ones over time without spending additional money, with the option for accelerated progression for those who want to spend money.

    They are a good model of an additional revenue stream in a modern game.

    Unlike time capsules and their feats, which are abhorrent, unethical and disgusting.
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  8. TonyMontana80 New Player

    I dont mind Artifacts, but somehow make SP to level it up, otherwise whats the point of doing feats if SP wont matter. SP need to matter more than it does today. The artifacts are just making the game and powers uneven. No balance at all. Some powers are stronger than others without artifacts already. So when you add an cr 200 arti to an already strong power, that powers is becooming invincible. Ice and fire has been lacking since revamp, and the devs havent done anything to even it out or closer to the strongest powers in the game.

    I always been a fan of your toon is strongest cause you have the highest gear, highest sp, even on the loading page it says so lol. Its a shame that it aint even close to that, just pick a strong power like muni, pay real cash and lvl your arti to an high rank, and having 200 sp but yet still does more dmg than those who actually been working hard to do feats and having high number of sp.

    Its a fact, that the devs dont care about us, they are just inventing new ways to how to milk cash out of their members, Either its a new TC, trinket, Material, Aura. Just stop that crap, we dont need more materials, auras, trinkets, artifacts. What we need is it should be more fun to play this game, bigger open world missions, new and better bases, new design to league halls, raids that take more than 10 min to finish.

    DCUO has just become a game where you pay to win, all those who dont pay are just behind and eventually quit the game like so many ppl. I know several ppl who has quit this game cause of the direction it has taken in the last few years.

    For those who is gonna say they love the artifacts and they way the game is today, thats because YOU are one of those who pay to win.
  9. Whodini Well-Known Player

    To echo an earlier post...I have no problem with artifacts. I just completely despise the failure rate system which requires you to buy seals just to hit a breakthrough. Is grinding for hundreds of marks not enough? Not everybody can play 10 hours a day ya know. Harrumph!
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  10. Legasei Well-Known Player

    How are time capsules any different? You can get the feats out of them over time, without spending additional money as well. When you’re a legendary member, you have the option of buying open tc with your loyalty points and unlimited escrow for buying tc items off the broker. When you’re premium, you have neither of those options. You have to do it over time. And that time is even longer than it is for members. Premium players that grind for tc items deserve those feats.
  11. El Guapo Well-Known Player

    I cant stand them either. Ever since they came into the game dcuo has felt more like a job instead of a recreational activity.
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  12. dcuotoo Well-Known Player

    this I spend as much time doing unfun crap like buying dionesium...hope I spelled that I do spanking zod...and I really enjoy spanking zod...much much more than buying ...oh...I don't know...buying more fing dionesium...
  13. Trexlight Devoted Player

    Artifacts are great and amazing for the game. The Paywall and grind is the terrible thing behind it. Fix the grind to make it quicker to level and lose the paywall aspect. make it worth grinding the game for, not the larger the wallet the easier it is. Seals need to drop in game. Especially Seals of Pres.

    Artifacts in this game give more of a purpose than the Artifacts in say WoW. Its not a new concept but the playstyle options are very nice but certainly wish its more implemented on the Power at times but with what we have, Im liking. Just again, paywall and Grind need to be relooked at.
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  14. Crn Well-Known Player

    I am super okay with artifacts I just highly dislike the fact that you have to pay to level them past a certain level. It designed for you to spend Monet on the seals of completion and also maybe source marks for the catalysts.
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  15. myandria Item Storage


    Time capsules are truly controlled by the RNG Spirits as far as getting those collection pieces for feats, gear, rare items and those spirits are not biased in this case; no matter where you stand as a member you get the same chances: HORRIBLE with no bypass options. They are also limited-time items; when another time capsule is introduced the former one goes away for good and you have to buy the former ones from the broker, ask a friend/league member nicely for them or beg for them outright in shout chat. The collections pieces, gear and other time capsule items that can be sold become hot commodities on the broker and only go up in price as time goes by. Those prices get way out hand, even for members.

    Artifacts have seals which help bypass the RNG Spirit curses when leveling them up; whether or not you buy seals, at least the option is there. Artifacts are not limited-time items like time capsules are; once an Artifact is introduced into the game, it remains in the game. If you miss out on the original offering of an artifact there are other ways to obtain them that doesn't cost anything. Artifacts are not perfect, but they are very different and much more reliable than Time Capsules and the items they contain.
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  16. Legasei Well-Known Player

    Agreed. Time capsules are a bigger headache. I’m saying bigger headaches deserve feats.
  17. FlawlessTime Dedicated Player

    The seals need to be dropped ingame either from open world new Powerful bounty's or even weekly events something special or just have them drop in raids same thing for the 75k Neth metals
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  18. Kanmaru Dedicated Player

    The reason why I hate artifacts is the lack of balance now within the game. Because of this, there will always be a meta set of artifacts that must be used to stay on top or perform your best without being left behind.

    I don't understand how people like them. I think the game was just fine combat wise without them. If we had powers that were underperforming then I would rather the Devs just fix those powers properly and not band-aid them with unnecessary items.
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  19. Brit Loyal Player

    As soon as I heard those magic words "Pay 2 Win" I instantly stopped listening to anything you had to say.

    My Artifacts are 200, 200, 164, with a max'd soda as well. I have spent $0 on Artifacts. There is nothing to do with Artifacts that needs to be paid for, unless you are some sort of impulsive, impatient guy who can't handle taking things at the game's normal pace.

    There are a million things about Artifacts that I hate, and I would happily voice up a laundry list of reasons why the system fails and ways that it needs to be improved upon.

    But a "pay extra money to speed through progression" option is not the complaint, especially when the game has so little content that, once you pay to skip it, you have no real reason to actually play.

    I understand Free To Play.
    I understand Pay to Play.
    I will never understand Pay to NOT Play.
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  20. nawanda Loyal Player

    Because time capsules are deceptive. They have hidden odds, widely considered unfair. Players don’t know what they are getting when they buy stabilisers. They are unregulated gambling and they are designed to encourage compulsive visibility on percentages, no age checks, no spending limits, and the most desirable cosmetics and feats are deliberately placed behind them. I’m embarrassed to even play a game that has them.
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