Artifacts Swap on combat needs to be supported or limited

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by Yvtq8k3n The 7, Mar 14, 2022.

  1. appocolyps Committed Player

    Unfortunately it is a massive difference when being optimized like this, this is the sad reality of the game im afraid whilst they continue to allow tac swapping.
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  2. xxHELLSTROKExx Loyal Player

    Once locked to armory, I don’t think it’ll be a thing. It’s more during cutscenes than actual combat tho I have done that plenty. Artifact swapping even on a ps4, I don’t really have an issue with it compared to my gaming rig, is pretty quick with the “have faith method”. Ally menu is not quick at all and as quick as I can be, I’m exposed way too long in combat unless there’s a phase change window.
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  3. Proxystar #Perception

    We need to make it so our gear is hard locked on as well, we can only swap it by using an armory and we're not allowed to take soders or anything in combat when they run out, we have to wipe or wait to be between battles, it's only one buff per fight, even if it runs out mid fight.

    Also if you're a clamped instance and decide you want to put on DLC augments, that needs to be locked as well, you should have to do it before you start, you're not allowed to do that either. :D

    Like I said earlier too, perhaps the best solution is just to hard program the game so once you enter combat the only buttons you can press are the combat loadout you already have set, anything else just does nothing other than creating an obnoxious error sound.
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  4. Proxystar #Perception

    I've done it during combat a number of times. although its usually because I've forgotten something or something changes.

    I've got all allies in the game, except Diana, all of them are max as well except 3 which are above level 6. (I'll be getting Diana soon)
  5. AV Loyal Player

    Swap gives the endgame horizontal progression and customization it would otherwise completely lack. For veterans, the game feels mindnumbingly slow without it as there would be no tactical considerations that aren't "tank/spank/dodge." Console players can do it just as easily as PC players, with PS5 actually being better for it due to faster load than PS4 combined with pure d-pad input w/o risk of mouse changing default cursor location in inventory. Without swappability consideration, the majority of artifacts would be completely worthless. Lastly, it's one of a few critical factors that maintains might/prec balance.

    Swapping is something that's looked at, discussed, and balanced for when an artifact goes on test. Artifacts have the specific swap behaviour they've been designed/tested to have. If you don't want to do it you don't have to do it... but these kinda threads are very much "instead of me improving I want you to force people to play at my level" in a nutshell. Removing it would change the pace relative to APM and complexity of high-end combat to such an extreme degree it wouldn't be remotely the same game anymore. It'd be like asking experienced players to exclusively play LPVE in terms of how much it would dumb things down.
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  6. Proxystar #Perception

    Glad I'm not the only one that thinks like that, haha.

    I know there was the guy that was in here, basically self loathing at the fact he can do it like a god, but in reality not everyone is doing that and if I were them I'd more proud of the fact they're able to pull it off with such skill, not surrendering to the views of the more casual and accepting a view that they're cheesing, even if he sees it as "cheese" himself because he dismisses his own skill doesn't mean it's something easily replicated by the average player, it certainly isn't and if it were cheese, every mouse in this maze would be chewing on it, but that' just my opinion.

    It really does feel like to me, these types of discussions really are as you say, just a case of players wanting to control others because what they're doing exceeds either what they're capable of doing or what they're willing to do to be a better player :)
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  7. Bubbla Active Player

    This is doable on ps5 no problem. Just because people can’t or won’t that is their problem.
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  8. Yvtq8k3n The 7 Well-Known Player

    Disappoint, this just promotes dps fiesta and is indeed gamebreaking. If there was a cooldown of some sort, or heck even a key similar to armory you could use, I would agree. But cant agree with this artifact swapping.

    I will give an example, if you take less then a minute killing TDSE lois whats the point of worrying about snipers and stuff? I think the game should be more role oriented, each role have their importance, what we currently have nos is a 30 seconds lois melt down.
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  9. AV Loyal Player

    Lois was squishy day one. Has nothing to do with swapping and good DPS could always cook tf outta her. She has very low health.

    Everything a player'd swap for has its own cd and/or duration already... Arti swapping isn't "lol artis go brrrrt."
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  10. DeitySupreme Steadfast Player

    I am someone who does not tac swap. I do not do it because I am to lazy. Just because I do not want to do it does not mean others shouldnt be allowed to do it. And asking for it to be made easier is also not an option. ATM tac swapping is reserved to people who want to go out of the way to do these things. Making it easier with key binds or programs made by the devs would turn this from an optional thing to some thing that the community will require. That is a big no.

    If you do not like doing it than dont do it. You are not forced to do it.
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  11. Illumin411 Devoted Player

    If that had been the first listed gameplay video the very first time I came across DCUO on the PS Store when looking for a new game to dive into late 2017, I would have moved right on without even a split second of consideration. I probably wouldn’t have even gotten as far as assessing how fun it looked. I probably would have just assumed the game was in such a super bugged and broken state that it was unplayable with the menu constantly popping up every five seconds.

    “Oh no wonder, it was released in 2011. Servers are probably long gone and the offline clearly hasn’t been updated or maintained in years with all that menu flashing nonsense. Bummer, the description sounded cool…”

    What would be super awesome now that we can’t clip flurry shot with bots or holo trinket is if opening the menu clipped it and got the 4th tick. No cooldown? No power cost? No taking up a tray or utility belt slot?? infinite use? PERFECT!! NEW META!!!!!! /sarcasm
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  12. Great Architect Loyal Player

    Funny you should mention Armouries - wouldn't I just be able to have two Armouries with identical artifact loadouts, but in different slots, and undermine/circumvent your restrictions?
  13. Illumin411 Devoted Player

    Totally. Couldn’t agree more. I’m always thinking “just because you’re not willing to download, install and use a speedhacking program to increase your performance doesn’t mean you gotta go pissing in my punchbowl! Get gud already!”

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  14. Proxystar #Perception

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  15. Doctor Nova Devoted Player

    Robust growth opportunities
    page 19
    DCUO Upgrade
    Summary: Modernize visuals, upgrade key game systems and add brand new large content update to capitalize on the nextgenconsoles growth cycle for significant growth opportunity
  16. Rejchadar Inquisitor

    Well, legendary allies are very expensive to level up if you play casually or distribute resources to many alts, so people will not begin to understand this en masse soon ... this is ironic and sad, since even a few allies selected for the situation would make the game much easier for them ...

    Do you know? Lately I've in the elite Duo on my "battle base builder", on the last boss I switch to full tank armor so that people don't fall into complexes....
    You noticed? How radically does the perspective on the average players change when you start actively puging?
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  17. appocolyps Committed Player

    Yes it is, so long as you dont get the inventory bug which is frequently on ps5, you will never get that on pc using steam hotkey.
  18. appocolyps Committed Player

    Real talk, love this!
  19. xxHELLSTROKExx Loyal Player

    I’m your opposite. I’m generally way too lazy to do it. I can and will if I really need to but I’m usually half asleep while playing so it’s reserved for those special occasions when I have energy haha.
  20. xxHELLSTROKExx Loyal Player

    I almost always pug. Keeps me sharp. Most duos turn into solos. If I run with friends that are good, I stop trying since I know we won’t have issues. Pug runs are usually harder in any regular content vs elites with friends. But yeah we’re always on here talking about 40mil spreads and metas while the majority of the player base has 2 allies at rank 3 and 3 low artifacts like omeghehdaderon Lazarus and starheart. And don’t forget the rainbow augs! Just makes me feel bad that someone has to figure out how to balance content between top and bottom, an impossible task really that the devs do pretty well at.
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