Artifacts for healers

Discussion in 'War Room (Powers, Artifacts, & Builds)' started by Jensu, Jan 8, 2019.

  1. CaptainColdJr007AKAFreeJohnson Committed Player

    For survivalist and healing output* and 120 and 160 aren't even needed for the argument of it being better than Starheart. For someone who made an essay about how much they would miss the community and won't be able to help, its ironic for you to be back and holding out information you already tested in both elite raids.
  2. TheLorax 15000 Post Club

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  3. CaptainColdJr007AKAFreeJohnson Committed Player

    Facts lol
  4. xXHeadlinerXx Dedicated Player

    I thought you changed it to sorcery? Also, did you rename it? I keep seeing you logout and some name I don’t know login on my friends list. I can’t remember what it is; probably something like Wicked JensuSucks lol. ;-)
  5. Fatal Star 10000 Post Club

    Pretty sure that meme was condescending towards you
  6. TheLorax 15000 Post Club

    I was just shocked. Usually abusive language is my thing.
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  7. Fatal Star 10000 Post Club

    Your thing is a lot of people's thing lol
  8. CaptainColdJr007AKAFreeJohnson Committed Player

    I know it is, but that face is my reaction as well. Me and Fatal already know I got 1-2 years worth of ammo that only 2-3 sentences I'm officially vow'd not to disclose about Charmed assuming I even want to honor them still. She should be happy I'm not an emotional person otherwise that slander she wrote (yes, slander, we've actually had this argument multiple times of her using legal/damaging terms but not using their proper defintion or even context) would've had me making a DCUO version of Surviving R. Kelly telling her experience/struggles. DC gave me 300mil for free so rn I'm preoccupied with other matters and I'd rather wait until she's not emotional anymore before I jump to severe reprecussions.
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  9. Jensu Well-Known Player

    Lol you saying I suck, look how many people left after I did, joke aside yeah I changed her name to wickedest ones
  10. xXHeadlinerXx Dedicated Player

    Yep. Had to get rid of a lot of trash for sure. My back was getting tired from all the carries :)

    Seriously though glad to here you took your healer back to Cel.
  11. Jensu Well-Known Player

    Oh Cel is my favorite power I knew I was going to bring her back, now I just ranking up the artifacts to get my restro up
  12. Jensu Well-Known Player

    i want to thank every one who help me with the advice on the artifacts, i have decided to rank up:

    Demon's Fang
    Soul Cloak
    Eyes of Gemini
  13. qwkiller New Player

    Can someone help me? I have Starheart, Omegahedron, and Orb of Orion. I'm nature and I'm not using a super charge.

    Should I swap Omega for Demon's Fang? Is their power back about equal? Is starheart useless? What should my new third be if so?
  14. Brit Loyal Player

    I am a Nature Healer not using a supercharge. I run Orb, Starheart, and Demon's Fang. Demon's Fang gives significantly better power-back than Omegahedron.

    Starheart isn't good, but with me being in the exact same situation as you, I'll tell you why I keep it. It attaches that burst heal on your Group Heals, such as Metabolism. This can give you a cheap burst heal for when you need to top somebody up quickly without waiting for HoT, but when they're not hurting bad enough to need the x3 heal of the Orb's priority heal. For most Healer sets, Starheart isn't worth it, but with Nature, and specifically a Nature Healer using Orb (which is awesome for Nature to give it some much needed burst healing), and without a need for Soul Cloak or Gemini, Starheart is probably about as good of an option for #3 as anything.

    The only option I would entertain as a potential swap-out for Starheart would be Manacles, but with our shield only being a 4 man shield, and with only a standard shield rather than both a standard and a supercharge, it's only half the payoff of what most of the other healers get out of it. I haven't played with it much; still topping off my DPS alternative artifacts, so I can't really speak to it directly.

    But yes, I would definitely swap Omega for Demon's Fang. Demon's Fang is the bomb for power return. I bounce back from Orb Priority Heals within one flurry-shot bow combo.
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