Up-Votes Needed Artifacts are mislocated upon switching armory

Discussion in 'Arkham Asylum (Bug Reports)' started by KlarkKent, Jun 26, 2024.

  1. KlarkKent Creator League

    Something odd happening with artifacts when I switch between armories.

    Try to replicate with this setup:

    Armory 1

    slot 1: Strategist
    slot 2: Venom wrist dispenser
    slot 3: Transformation card

    Armory 2

    slot 1: Transformation
    slot 2: Strategist
    slot 3: Claw of Aelkhund

    What supposed to happen; artifacts automatically slotted in their slot without going into an empty inventory slot.

    In the video it looks like when I activate Armory 2, Armory 1 artifacts getting slotted into inventory then Armory 2 artifacts are being slotted into character. That leaves venom wrist dispenser located in different slot instead of where my Claw of Aelkhund was. Whatever I put on slot 2 in Armory 1 goes to that first empty inventory slot at the end of the video. This wasn't the case before.

    This started after we get the December 13, 2023 hotfix. One of the systems designer pointed out this might be related to a backend issue that came along with tech for wolfpacks.
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  2. Proxystar #Perception

    Hi Klark,

    This bug is being caused by the placement of your artifacts.

    If you look at your video you will see that you have your artifacts positioned

    Strat > Venom Wrist > Trans

    Then in your second armory you have it positioned

    Trans > Strat > Claw

    What is happening is that your artifacts are then moving around in the background and then moving around in their slots (because you're using identical artifacts in differing armories but in different slots) and it then also starts to move the artifacts around in your inventory as a result.

    If you make your armories match their slots the issue should resolve itself, for example make both armories

    Strat > Trans > Venom Wrist
    Strat > Trans > Claw

    I had this issue pop up and this is what I did to fix it, once I made any identical armories match their slots the game stopped moving artifacts out of their designated slots in the inventory
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  3. Forum Junkie Committed Player

    Yes, this has been a thing for a while now. If you have multiple armories this can be a chore across all armories, especially with more artifacts than the typical 3. Just be sure that any artifact(s) being shared/used on more than one armory are slotted in the exact same slot, keeping your swappable artifact at the bottom slot always.
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  4. Illumin411 Devoted Player

    Yeah, this has been happening for a while now and is really annoying. I don't even do a lot of swapping. Mostly just scrap for Mass Density when tanking on my alt or trolling on my main and then DKS when using orbital and henchmen. But I am forever losing and having to search for where my scrap ended up. It gets bounced all over the place and sometimes the top left slot is even left open. Annoying af.
  5. KlarkKent Creator League

    Im aware artifact order is part of this issue but I used these artifacts in this order(any many other variations) even before this issue and like I said there was no problem back in the day. They were just replacing their place between slots on my character and whatever artifact my armory(ies) swapping to without pushing the artifact I had to an extra empty slot.

    The artifacts slots I typed should taken as an example. VWD is now perma EOG and it cannot be on slot 3 on my build. And claw is on my battle troll armory which must be on 3rd slot for art swap. They cannot be on same order. I see your solution and I already tried that but I just can't use them in that order.
    Even with the solution, problem still exists which it wasn't around before Dec 2023. We need to get rid of that.

    This is most likely backend issue(came with wolfpacks) like systems designer informed me.
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  6. Forum Junkie Committed Player

    This is before Wolfpack. This started after so many complaints from people whose artifacts were disappearing completely when switching armories or swapping in combat. Suddenly, an artifact would be completely gone, not in the inventory top nor bottom, nor any other place, like your bank for instance. This was likely a failsafe to allocate an artifact back into the inventory when not being exchanged 1:1 with something in the inventory.
  7. TheLQ-DCUO Loyal Player

    I notice it as well, more so when switching between DPS and support roles. It can move around artifacts in my inventory and move them to a different part of the inventory. Strategist Card in particular likes to wonder around.

    Very minor but very annoying if you inventory swap and have certain trinkets/pets/artifacts/henchmen organised in a specific way in your utility belt/inventory, and then if you switch armoury it gets moved around while in an instance. As DPS I've had to go without swapping a particular artifact on a boss fight after switching armories on occasion because the artifact (in inventory) got moved when I switched and it was in a completely different part of inventory that I couldn't easily access while in combat.

    It doesn't happen every single time but it does happen sometimes, maybe 2/3 times out of 5.
  8. Proxystar #Perception

    I'm not arguing about the bug, I even upvoted your post as I agree

    I was just telling you the cause and the current fix, hopefully the devs will fix it, but in the meantime your solution is what I described. :)