Devs, you gave us a nice spot to test legend toons. Could you give us a spot like that to test loadouts and artifacts at different levels in game. Maybe have a giant score card on a wall. It would really help and be a useful tool. Thanks
The test sever allows you to do all that even if you are a PS/Xbox/Switch player the test server is free and DCUO isn't a graphical heavy game that requires any sort of decent pc to run.
Why would you want a scorecard? Is trying out artifacts equivalent to a gymnastics competition? Do you want to see all 10.0's come up across a scoreboard on the wall saying GREAT ROTATION
Easier to see damage and power out etc and because that's what the OP asked for. No need to be hostile at a simple question.
I'd like character statistics, so yeah a scoreboard would be helpful. Like WoW's Details! Damage Meter.
Fantastic for people with a computer capable of running it decently- but I don't see why you seem so vehemently opposed to the idea of some place to test things in the actual game.
He's not wrong though. DCUo can play on most low end laptops and in today's age, i doubt there's much of a house hold that doesnt have a PC or laptop. Test Server is there to test it and then is there to analyze the combat log from the game. Its work but thats all we have because the Devs wont bring something like this to Live Game and we wont have access to make Mods where we can make it ourselves.
It might play on many low-end computers but it plays like crap. I understand some of you are privileged enough the idea of a slow or outdated computer is an alien concept to you, as well as the idea of having to decide between a gaming computer or a console, but it is a real situation for a lot of people. A testing area wouldn't hurt anyone and would be appreciated by a large part of rhe game's population- why such the pushback? What's your motivation for not wanting people to be able to test things without going on PC test server?
You can easily build a pc capable of running DCUO for less than the price of a ps4 pro or whatever the PS5 will cost, I ran DCUO and recorded content on a PC that was built with components from 10 years ago when I started playing and ran just fine that whole time. The pushback comes from common sense, why would the dev team create essentially another mini server within their own existinglive sever just to accomplish something they ALREADY have in place? You want another instance with multiple vendors providing: gear, artifacts, mods, generator mods/league buffs, power and movement mode respec tokens, you prob want lots of armories too so you can save spec's and switch between them easily and if not respec stations. Oh you also want some sort of giant scoreboard on the wall despite us already having a chat fully capable of displaying damage summaries. This is the sort of idea that people jot down on a napkin during a business meeting.
If they are existing PC players they can simply copy their installation folder into another folder and then just download the test server launchpad which will save them 20-30GB of download. If they are new to PC during the COVID-19 situation alot of ISP's have lifted or taken the fees away from internet data caps (you'd have to check your own ISP's website) but now would be the ideal opportunity to do that and save yourself on your data plan.
Yeah that's what I done on previous occasions, it'd be nice for the console players though. Would also be nice to test heals/tank setups in some way too... Doomed metro. spore cloud is okay, but not *real world* - or rather controlled, methodical *real world*. Anyway I'm starting to drag this off topic...
The test server doesn't have all the artifacts and such. It may work for you, this would work for many.
The test server has every Artifact accessible except for the Bottled City Soder, you can get generator mods up to 35.0, personal league hall with free 400k prestige, gear boxes up to CR304, skill points around 320ish& premium level inventory space
Privileged? Dafuq you on about? a 10 year old computer can play DCUo. "But it plays like crap" Yeah, so does Live server, whats you point? Plays just the same chief. Thats a lazy excuse. Test Server is about "testing". You want to try out something, go on Test Server. Its literally there for that reason. It might be the exact copy from your toon on Test but you can still get solid information on items. Its not so much a push back but more that the area is already there and very accessible. There's no reason to have it on Live when that data and space can be used for better things. Im sorry the console players dont get to Test on their Consoles but like I said, grab an old PC and head on out. You dont need a Gaming PC to play DCUO. If you dont have a PC then sorry for ya.
So anyone without a pc is sol, and you think that's acceptable....gotcha. How very not arrogant and selfish of you. Par for the course.
To be honest I would recommend owning a PC over a console if you had the choice, they are very much useful for many sorts of things and not just gaming.
Ok that's cool. I remember a video saying that they weren't all up on test. I still don't want to do the test server and would rather have it in the current game. I mean they didn't have to put in a legends testing area, but they did. Also if they already have stuff coded from test it shouldn't be too difficult to put it into the live server.