Artifact - Catalysts in PvP-Instances?

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by Luke©, Feb 19, 2018.

  1. Luke© Well-Known Player

    Hello everyone,
    this thread is mostly to the people, who know about the struggle of PvP-Feats.
    Its hardly possible to get into an 8vs.8 Player Arena/Legend Map, unless you create your own group, which makes it hard to get the feats in there.
    Now the idea: Since people love to farm catalysts every week on PvE-Maps, why not in PvP-Maps too?
    It could be way easier to get the PvP-Gear, and Feats. Also new players would start to play PvP, not just the old ones, so its a higher chance to win. ;)
    1 Catalyst on 2v2, 4v4, 8v8 per week, changing map also.
    What would you think about that, if the devs would introduce this into the game?
    Just an idea, you´re free to write your opinion down bellow.
    Thanks for reading till here. :D
  2. Shark Dental Devoted Player

    If it weren't the only place to get it, then sure, why not? If it's the only place, then no. PVP in this game is a joke, mainly because of exploits and balance issues, but also ping.
  3. BumblingB I got better.

    Artifacts don't work in PvP no? What would be the point to put a PvE item reward to a PvP system?
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  4. ChillCat Loyal Player

    I see where you're going with this and applaud the creative thinking. Sadly, it will take a lot more than one-off rewards to get folks to queue more and take an interest in PVP.

    PVP needs a complete overhaul, and right now, power/damage balance is probably the thing that's working the closest to what it should. That should give you an idea of how much still needs to be done.
  5. Black Prime OG Devoted Player

    Why not? You gain Nth metal.
  6. Black Prime OG Devoted Player

    I dunno. That brand new map with feats had PvP a booming for a while.
  7. Black Prime OG Devoted Player

    I'm down for this. Just like the PvE instances, one per week on set maps. 2s and 4s being the most popular. Not sure 8s would go over well.

    Just saying Mepps, this summer, Superman stuff, Fortress of solitude and PvP. Some type of bonus or something to draw people in. A weekend of getting double marks for that map or something. Lol.
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  8. TybeeTahiri Devoted Player

    This game has PvP ?
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  9. TechWarrior0329 Steadfast Player

    I have no issue if they add some ways to collect catalysts to PvP but just like Shark said NOT if it is the only place that catalyst can be found. let's face the cold hard truth.... at this point considering the amount of time they DONT spend on fixing or improving ti its safe to say the dev team decided a while ago that the PvE community is much larger and shelling out more cash. That being said.. I seriously doubt they will want to tick off that community and potentially lose a bunch of players that have no desire to PvP and would view it as the Dev team forcing them to do some thing they have no desire to do. That would lead to less money coming in which would lead to even more new money grabs to try and stay profitable which would probably lead to even MORE players leaving.

    Now like I said.. add some catalysts to PVP is okay.. but at that point they need to set up a system to be sure you still only get 1 catalyst per week so IF you did a PvP mission and got (as example) some Superior Dionesium. Then you'd automatically be loot locked on the PvE side for that catalyst... other wise you'd have some willing to do PVP getting twice as much per week and ONCE again ticking off paying customers with no desire to ever PvP.

    Sadly while this whole idea might entice a few more players to PvP I seriously doubt it would be many so is it really worth the effort the devs would need to do to make it happen? To be honest in my own opinion NO. So I don't think you will see it happen.
  10. StealthBlue Loyal Player

    Since the current artifacts don't work in PvP, how about some PvP artifacts that need catalysts only found in PvP? You can earn your nth metal anywhere, but for breakthroughs you have to get the catalysts from the correct side of the game (PvP or PvE). I'm not sure what the affects of PvP artifacts should be, but that's probably how/why catalysts would be added to PvP.
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  11. BumblingB I got better.

    You gain Nth metal because of the nature of killing something gives a chance at that drop. We are talking about rewards that we would get at the end of the content for completion. Not the same thing.