OMG, I am calling it as it is, the writers have failed this series. 1. Laurel's character was so mishandled that she became one of the least likable characters on the show and they gave the Black Canary role to her younger sister who later gets killed and resurrected (to White Canary who in DC lore is a villain) then she started to get an improvement when she became Black Canary (to be honest though she didn't get anything to do as the character) then boom, kill her off. 2.Felicity taking a moment to make it all about her (SMH) by thinking if only she was there alongside them in the prison, she could have done something. 3. Just about every scene was filled with people growling their lines, or crying, or slamming cars with helmeted fury and blaming themselves for "not being there" or "not seeing the answers right in front of them." 4. The continuing of Olicity (yes, because we all know that Green Arrow's true love is Felicity Smoak, a character who has nothing to do with Green Arrow lore but here she is )
S4: E20 Damn, kinda liked that Hive Witch, thought she was siding with Darhk Shouldn't the others have had a say in if they want to protect themselves from magic? May be 'dangerous', but that's still their decision, isn't it? Flicka certainly thought so Diggly Wriggley is supposed to be a trained soldier, right? So, why did he, when shooting at his brother, aim a good three feet ahead of him? Have we missed an episode? When did that girl on the Island's eyes turn gold? The way Dingle climbed the fence? That is how you do it, have been doing it like that since was a kid That shocked look of Andy's stupid face, priceless Extremely disappointed in Flicka: she hears talk about Genesis and she doesn't think "Star Trek"?
In episode 21 However, since Queen had experienced that already, it was OK to have him remember it in that situation despite it not have been on the show at that point. One of the few better decisisons the writers have made in this season.
Yes, but that doesn't have the same tone of deserving mock to it, since he keeps calling himself fastest man alive.
This show is beyond terrible at this point. They let a nuke hit America and then they pass it off like it was just another day. Forget Green Arrow and his team, that would be an act of war if any type of missile hit any part of American soil. I sincerely hope they find a way to reverse this somehow.
They episode they killed off, you know who, I stopped watching the show. It's has always been going down hill after Olicity emerged. Now it is unwatchable. End Post You don't kill off the "Lois Lane". That is all
At one point I was really thrilled when they went from a slightly inspired TV show slowly to a DC comic universe TV show; but right now there, IMO, are far too much liberties, "our own things" and "special spins" on it. Its not like its the 10th version of a Spiderman movie. The show-runners have to visualize that they have THE chance to make a great TV representation on the DC universe & they constantly go for totally unneeded "new takes" on it. Outside of the comics & cartoons there have been no serious takes on it. There is no need to reinvent Vandal Savage as an ancient Egypt old youngling when he is actually far much older. If they don't like or think its too silly to have a Pied Piper antagonist than do someone else, but creating someone else and calling him Pied Piper for the sake of the signature name is stupid. There is no need to make this atrocious hunt for a romance in Arrow when they could be one of the rare shows with a legendary couple kicking butt; in a n interviews they stated ppl expected Arrow & Canary being "the endgame". No, ppl expected seeing them being together as natural progression inside the show without it being overshadowing. The forever hunt for a romance and not being together in a show is so yesterdecade. And Silver Banshees outfit was a crime to her comic representation. 3mil per episode and they could not make this iconic character look iconic? I have not tried yet but I'm sure I could find better representations by typing "Silver Banshee Cosplay" in Google image search. At least its was a good, if unintended, punchline to Livewires (throwing rocks from inside a glasshouse) "we need to do something about your outfit" oneliner. Yeah, that was a shot in all unified DC universe shows directions & not just Arrow. And that where just example. I probably could fill books about how I feel about the Iron-Atom-Man Suit. Ok, probably not books but at least several lines The thing is at one point they drifted towards a good representation of DC and... in the last year (?) they drifted away from it. And again it is totally not needed. Leave that to the ppl that make a re-imagining in 15 - 20 years after this. Its not that the fans are fed up with correct representations of DC heroes in TV.
Thought that flashback with her eyes going gold was during real time? And seeing how that flashback hasn't happened yet, it's a 'flash forward to a flashback'
Just had to, The first rule of Fight Club is: you do not talk about Fight Club. The second rule of Fight Club is: you DO NOT talk about Fight Club!
That episode was the very last episode of Arrow and the day I stopped watching. To watch Laurel put "Olicity" together on what was her deathbed, that was when I knew Arrow was over and it officially became Felicity & Friends. That wasn't the only reason I stopped watching, that was just the straw that broke the camel's back. The show has been in a downward spiral since Season 3.
First 2 Seasons of this show was so good! How quickly it became garbage. -Killing <name> as a means to put Olicity over -Arrow being beaten by low-lifes quite frequently and he rarely shoots arrows anymore -This horrible fixation of the show with Felicity. She's basically the main character of the show more than Oliver lol. There's also the horrible drama and hypocrisy that surrounds her character. -The constant mishandling of Captain Lance. Killing the daughter, oops she's alive, kill her again, oh she's alive, oh now the other daughter is dead. He's also been reduced to having his life revolve around Donna Smoak. -Merlyn was cool the first 2 seasons but now he's just become useless An episode of the Flash with Black Siren did more justice to the character than 4 season's worth of Arrow. Well done writers and producers of Arrow!
I was thinking maybe a good thing will happen and Black Siren will end up on Team Arrow somehow. But something tells me the writers aren't that smart. Hopefully all these complaints will set them straight though and do season 5 right. I laughed at the end of EP 22 when Darhk came in and interrupted Felicitys family drama. I wish he would have done that with every corny Olicity scene.