Armory Transformation Animations

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by Neph, Aug 22, 2019.

  1. Neph Dedicated Player

    So I have been looking at this game with some fresh eyes after taking a break and there are some things that I have noticed about the game since I have returned.

    DCUO has morphed into DCAO (DC Auras Online), lol don't get me wrong, a lot of them are pretty and interesting to look at. A very easy aesthetic to work into the game and charge for it. From a business stance it is a sound strategy.

    The styles have gotten better and with the inclusion of materials, kudos for your creative efforts.

    I do see some things have not progressed since my departure. These are things that Jens/Spytle promised the player base back in the day. In no way shape or form is SJ/NerdofPrey subjected to or obligated to hold up what he told us would be in the game aesthetics. BUT, I do want to bring it up since we are only interested in making the game a more enjoyable experience.

    In this thread, I finally have arrived at the topic: Armory Transformation Animations

    We have the preliminary transformation in the game and has been left to be the standard. The gas bomb. Back when Jens' team introduced this aspect into the game, he said that there would be other transformation animations added to fit the other themed powersets. If this game is a MMORPG, then I would expect this to be something that could be realized.

    Current Animation:

    While cool, it fits more along the lines of a Batman/Green Arrow type character. You could leave this as the standard and just add to the styles tab for other Marketplace options. More revenue, utilizing the coded animations already in the game rigged and animated with the toons.

    First alteration comes to mind, which would knock 3 with one stone is the lanterns, have them do this animation and the light from the ring would come down on the character changing the paper dolls appearance as it hits the ground:
    The Lanterns armory gets activated and the animation would take the same time as the smoke bomb.

    For ice, I would have the character freeze his/herself with this disguise:
    holding this pose:
    and then the ice just falls off from the toon, revealing the changed armory.

    Lightning, easy, a bolt of lighting from the sky, zaps the toon with the electrocuted animation:

    And so on, you get the gist. I'm just shocked that nothing has come out since the release of armories. There was one other thing that Jens and I talked about and that is movement styles, but I will create a different thread for that!
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  2. Dedikated6 Well-Known Player

    Its Fashion show now lol just look at the streams
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  3. coldchilln88 Loyal Player

    All of the Yes
  4. Neph Dedicated Player

    Earth could do a tornado around their toon or they could spin in one spot, keeping stationary, but doing the spin animation like the flash:
    Mid spin their armory changes

    Nature could put themselves into a cocoon:
    In one costume, out the next!
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  5. coldchilln88 Loyal Player

    These are all great.
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  6. Irvynnge Loyal Player

    why not? if they were reasonably priced, who wouldn't want one? cracking idea.
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  7. Psycho Tech Dedicated Player

    id like a standing casket one for zombie characters to pop out of
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  8. Neph Dedicated Player

    I would have had zombie characters/celestial rising out of the ground like in the Kandaq raid :)
  9. Neph Dedicated Player


    Make it happen DCUO! :)
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  10. FoolsFire Devoted Player

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  11. Irvynnge Loyal Player

    oh, dear Grudd, all the yes! lol
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  12. SigmaAtom Committed Player

    Why can't I unthink this ^ ?

    Its been two weeks O.O

    Has DCUO for the last 4 years been a fashion show??
    When I remember all those streams.. that ever so slowly started being about giving some fashionista jollys.. man! this is a game about Superheroes.. not flippin catwalks!

    Dedikated.. I want to unthink this, because.. I don't think e-catwalk streams are going do I unthink this?
    Sure all the QoL improvements are good and the new systems... but if these new system are all designed to make up buy fashion gear.. what is the point? O.O


    (also sorry to neph for the off-topic)
  13. Dedikated6 Well-Known Player

    You?! Mannnnnn ive been sitting here for quite awhile now trynna figure out how I can actually get some honesty from the devs on the direction and primary focus of their game (outside of making money) lol I even applied for jobs there, all these IT certs gotta be worth something to DBG. been playing since november 2011. and im just baffled bruh by how much emphasis has been put on materials and auras. we (those whom are legendary ) pay for the game yet cant even get a solid answer on why somethings are the way they are i.e PVP. I really dont know bruh. I look at how ESO was at launch in 2014 and how they revamped the hell out of it take make it respectable, but like all corporations $$$ is the only focus and Micro transactions has become the biggest villain in all of gaming . ESO litterally sells what we call Skillpoints in dcuo ; in their market place now . Customization (auras materials) is helping to sell the micro transactions and all DBG see are $$$ signs idk
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  14. Great Architect Loyal Player

    Not really - you have to remember that the people that like all the bling are, *by definition* going to stand around where people can admire see them :D. They are there, and you notice them because they are... well, noticeable.

    Just as you always remember an Alert run that had the raging, ranting loon in it (rather than the numerous unmemorable, but fine runs you have with sane people).

    A lot of people like the wide range of Styles, and do interesting things with them to give their character a unique look and feel - other people just want to show off their expensive stuff. I think I've seen about 12 "Batman Who Laughs" today alone. Yes, it's a cool style, but I'm already bored with looking at it :D.
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  15. SigmaAtom Committed Player

    True True and True GA..

    Personally I still have the same style since March 2012.. well since all the fashion going on I have embellished it a bit.. but.. I was a year before I wore an aura (2015-2016*).. coz I thought they were tacky.

    Anyhoo.. I'll +1 you GA for the truth of what you say, but can't ultimately agree, but that's neither of our faults as you point out.. it's the community and what they want. Also feeling super bad about nicking Neph's thread.. sorry again. If you (GA) and Dedikated wanna chat more via pm, we can group pm.. just hit me up :)


    *I came back Dec 2014/start of 2015 after around a years retirement. Then we got TC's August 2016.. wasn't happy about that... but the league was (ORS) going well (I was a league boss/still am.. kinda).. bored out of my gourd with no new content.. we had just switched from monthly content .. which (monthly content) was excellent.. always easy to recruit, easy to talk folks into a monthly membership..

    I now hope we get a new city once a year.. not so I can recruit but for my own justification of playing. Nowadays.. I don't really bother recruiting because its not worth the time and effort spent. Especially that people just migrate in seasons.. 1 month playing.. don't see them again for 2 months.
  16. Trinidad James Loyal Player

    I'm waiting for them to drop this on Batman Day.

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  17. Great Architect Loyal Player

    No need to apologise at all - the game has to cater to players that have different priorities than our own, and it's often easy to forget that ours is not the only way to enjoy the game (and enjoying the game is very different to simply playing the game). Whilst I may be kind of disparaging of people that love the bling (because that's not my thing), they are still part of the player base, and rightly get the things they want. I'm just not interested in those things, personally.

    It's about as useful to slag people off for being "a fashion show" as it is to harp on about people that constantly re-spec to take advantage of "FotM" powers. They're doing their thing, and as long as it's not contributing to a lopsided Metagame or player experience for people that don't make those choices, then it's all good.
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  18. SigmaAtom Committed Player

    Huh? I apologized to Neph.. not you man.

    And the streams used to show .. iirc.. the full solo and parts of the alert and/or raid.
    I have all the powersets, so I don't complain about 'FotM'

    Anyhoo, back on topic.

    I agree there should be at least one armory animation type for each mentor (Meta,Tech,Magic).. the current one seems Tech, a whirlwind would do Meta (Flash, Supes).. idk for magic tho.
  19. Great Architect Loyal Player

    Sorry - you quoted us both, and I picked up on the wrong answer. My mistake.
  20. Neph Dedicated Player

    No apology needed, I only ask that you give this thread a thumbs up and post your thoughts on animations that could be creatively used for our toons!
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