Up-Votes Needed Armory Switching Bugged

Discussion in 'Arkham Asylum (Bug Reports)' started by IzzyLizzard dcuo, Jul 24, 2022.

  1. IzzyLizzard dcuo Level 30

    So this may or may not be a bug because it’s been like this since armories came out.

    when I switch armories in combat the cool down is red and takes for ever. So what’s the reason for this? I have many armories but this limits me, Why?

    Can we get a re-look at this mechanic to armories? it makes no sense to me now with all the options I have during any given battle.

    Thank you
  2. TheLorax 15000 Post Club

    It is intended to prevent us from swapping constantly while in combat. You can still switch while not in combat even if you still have the red cool down timer.
  3. IzzyLizzard dcuo Level 30

    I get it, still with all our options in battle now it makes no sense to limit us. Why can’t I swap from full heal to dps then to a heal dps type build or from single target to AoE back to single target etc…. all in the same fight? Seems like a broken mechanic now that needs to be re-looked at is all I’m saying, see if we can’t get some up votes maybe get it changed. I’m sure its simple to take that cooldown out.
  4. IzzyLizzard dcuo Level 30

    Why prevent us from swapping while in combat? Make no sense. maybe when it first came out with how little options there was but now, the way the game is, how many options we got. This mechanic is bugged and we should treat it that way. Let’s get some up votes, I’m sure there plenty of people that don’t mind the yellow cool down but the in combat cooldown thing needs to go. Thank you
  5. xxHELLSTROKExx Loyal Player

    It would cause issues. If I could continuously swap between st and AoE, burn would go thru the roof. If I could switch roles, good lord. Like tanks confusing bosses and adds by swapping, grabbing aggro then another swapping to tank and that one swapping to dps and the boss just keeps floating back and forth. There’s many reasons not to. I don’t disagree that it would be great but if people think tac swapping is an issue now, give me unlimited armory swaps and I’ll show you how crazy things can really get in this game. Those of us with 10+ artifacts/ all the allies, and max sp will absolutely bury any content in seconds. Which means every player will need to get to that level because content would be balanced to that scenario
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  6. IzzyLizzard dcuo Level 30

    Re hashing this. I’m fine with the green cooldown but take the long red one out the game please!!