Are You #ReadyForMunitions?

Discussion in 'Announcements' started by Mepps, Apr 6, 2015.

  1. Mepps Sr. Community Manager

    Munitions should be up with restarts tomorrow.
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  2. Lord Raiden Dedicated Player

    I just got a download for DCUO. Is this for munitions tomorrow? Wasn't expecting to be downloading anything today, figured it would be tomorrow.
  3. Erza Scarlet New Player


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  4. Jafin 10000 Post Club

    PS4? There was a hotfix for PS4 earlier this evening to address some issues.
  5. TheCelestialKiller Well-Known Player

    I just got a download as well
  6. Lord Raiden Dedicated Player

    Yes ps4. I've never had to download a hotfix. Unless the ps4 crashing and donation box for the league hall were really pressing issues.
  7. JonLaneKent New Player

    This update shall include a 4th color palette :)
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  8. rancid New Player

    I dont get it . So having a bunch of guns is a power ? Are they guns that come out of your skin ?
    Do you have metal skin you transform into guns ? Or is it you have no powers and you have to have guns to do damage ? Did you run out of cool real exabyte powers ? whats next ? knife power ?baseball bat power ?then we will have sharp things powers...Oh I know the power of picking up things and throwing them...maybe a power that allows you to jump on people...frog frog power is a real power wouldn't work what fake powers can we make up next?

    mimic power...mimics powers of others in your group...see thats a reall super human power..
  9. Zneeak Devoted Player

    Awww yeeeeahhh!! Finally! :D I have waited and waited, then I waited a little more.... And you know what? I am completely fine with it!
    I'm just holding my thumbs for both Dps's and Trolls that it comes out alright tomorrow. Thanks for the good news.
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  10. Drifting Dreamer Steadfast Player

    Does this mean there won't be an actual update happening tomorrow??
  11. Veritech Loyal Player

    I see you have the superpower of negativity. Complain your foes into submission.
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  12. Jafin 10000 Post Club

    Is having a bunch of gadgets a power? How about having a ring that channels emotional energy? That's not really a power, is it? Gadgets, Light, Munitions and partially Rage all fall into the Tech set of powers. The only reason Rage is partially Tech is because the Red Lantern rings were created as a fusion of technology and blood magic.
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  13. RTHERMITE Well-Known Player

    look up the dc villain bloodsport, he is able to teleport weapons instantly, one could use this premise when making a character, and like others have said, gadgets is not a superpower, I think the exobits give the user an enhanced ability like focus, reflexes and the ability to use gadgets or munitions with a precise and deadly accuracy, almost like a super soldier, other than that I am not sure what to say. hope this helps.
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  14. Torikumu 10000 Post Club

    I'm ready for Munitions :)

    But I'm even more ready for Captain Marvel. So hurry up, please :mad:

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  15. jpharrah1010 Steadfast Player

    I'm so ready for munitions on my lvl 25 character ... #gettinmyramboontomorrow
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  16. Juxes Committed Player


    Im ready.
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  17. mariothecreator Level 30


    Can you guys please add back the old variant styles??? i mean seriously they don't even have to be in the original gear venders, they can be in the retired vender like the gunslinger coat. Just please add them back. its really frustrating to create a new character and not be able to have access to these styles. Please listen to this cry for help. I tried a petition but it got taken down. so now i am doing it the old fashion way. please add them back.

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  18. KnightFalz Active Player

    They have the ability to access a wide variety of fully loaded massive weapons from out of... somewhere... on the fly to meet whatever their current needs for over the top firepower are. Depending on the rationale one comes up with for that it could easily fit with exobyte-enhanced. One just needs to use a bit of imagination.
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  19. Harold Saxon New Player

    Very nice..
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  20. Tobias1978 New Player

    My body is ready....i can't wait to stream my journey from lvl 1 to 30 and all the goodies in between lol.
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