Are You #ReadyForMunitions?

Discussion in 'Announcements' started by Mepps, Apr 6, 2015.

  1. Mepps Sr. Community Manager


    New Power Munitions Launches Tomorrow!

    Lock and load! All citizens of Gotham City, Metropolis, and beyond should be ready for a new wave of Exobyte-enhanced Heroes and Villains wielding big guns and laying down bigger explosions. Munitions launches in DC Universe Online tomorrow, April 7, 2015.

    Munitions will be available in the in-game Marketplace for non-members, and Members will automatically have access to the new power.

    The wait is over! Are you #ReadyForMunitions!?

    • Like x 28
  2. Jafin 10000 Post Club

    E.T. is ready, are you?
    • Like x 21
  3. Blitzshock19 New Player

    What about legends Shazam?
    • Like x 6
  4. Capt Coolade Active Player

    so server downtime time??
  5. ArtOfFreak Well-Known Player

    I've been refreshing all day waiting for this announcement :D
    • Like x 4
  6. Veritech Loyal Player

    Locked, loaded and #readyformunitions
    Come get some!
    • Like x 7
  7. Blight KOBRA Commander


    And how!
    • Like x 7
  8. 9001BPM Steadfast Player

    WOOOOOOOOOOOO :-D Oh yeah, oh yeah xD
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  9. The Valor Well-Known Player

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  10. Aglorenzini Dedicated Player

    That means your focus now will be on atomic? HELL YEAH!
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  11. FaLeX Dedicated Player

    I think my leaguemate Lil Sis is ready....

    • Like x 6
  12. Here2Help Devoted Player

    Great.... Call of Duty Online now! xD
  13. BlueLionSven Well-Known Player

    Quantum laughs at you.
    • Like x 9
  14. Prometeo New Player

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  15. Hraesvelg Always Right

    Weird Al is ready!
    • Like x 6
  16. MartianClamHunter New Player

    "Respect your betters!"

  17. HeavyWeapon Dedicated Player

    I'm ready if you make the head band PULSE color changeable not just the headband. Seriously who thought it was fine to make the head band color change but not the glow? It was better when both were red, how is it ok that the headband is whatever color but the pulse glow is puke green?
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  18. YinChakra Dedicated Player

    ......Serums...... :p
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  19. Greywolf666 New Player

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  20. metalfenix Committed Player

    so tomorrow we'll have another big patch download and offtime of 7 hours? :confused:
    • Like x 1