April Fools' Day gift :D

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by Ice Lynx, Mar 31, 2019.

  1. Ryazan Dedicated Player

    I wish I could get it on at least 1 more of my characters (maybe let us buy it somewhere?).

    But thanks for the gift, Daybreak.
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  2. bigbadron alt Dedicated Player

    Unicorn backup for the win!
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  3. Ice Lynx Dedicated Player

    Sadly I don't see it in the marketplace as of now.
  4. Amanda Bailey Devoted Player

    Absolutely ridiculous. I didn’t even know it was only redeemable on one character. If I had knew that, I would have redeemed it on the character I wanted it on. I switched characters so fast, I was excited to have this on everyone because materials are hard to get your hands on when you’re not spending real money.
  5. MiLady Well-Known Player

    Thanks for the April Fool's gift. They look great. I too would have liked to have been able to claim them for all of my toons or just make it a legendary perk.
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  6. Darth Jafo Well-Known Player

    I only opened the infinite cap 5 times before I caught on...

    Be nice if it actually gave us something after like 100 opens or w/e
  7. bigbadron alt Dedicated Player

    There is a title (and possibly a Feat) attached to it.
  8. golddragon71 Dedicated Player

    Before I equipped it I went onto one of my other characters to see if the gift box appeared When It didn't that's when I decided to share-bank it over to my main.
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  9. Emerald Vibe Committed Player

    Wish we get unicorn trinkets, just like the man-bat trinkets.
  10. SilkyPawz Bunny

    I wish the Supply drop was available for all toons or on the marketplace, need it for more toons !!!
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  11. myandria Item Storage

    Unfortunately you will not find it on the marketplace; they are account bound.
  12. Lanay27 New Player

    Does anyone know if it will be available to redeem only for today or will it go for awhile? I know of the past April Fools stuff has dropped/kept going for a few days after. I'm currently out of town and hoping I can still redeem when I get home tomorrow!
  13. Ice Lynx Dedicated Player

    It's still available for claiming on EU after nightly restarts, so I guess you should be able to get it.
  14. MrMigraine Devoted Player

    Thank you for the gift, devs.

    Gave me a chuckle - especially the music that plays as the Supply Drop is summoned. :D
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  15. Polymerase Well-Known Player

    I logged back in after a long break just for this!!!!!
  16. NibellaRin Active Player

    Please make that unicorn supply drop available for purchase or make it redeemable to all characters. It's adorable and awesome and I want it on everyone. Very fun idea whoever came up with it and I'd happily pay for all my toons to have it if there's a way to do so. It's highly amusing to see that drop during raids. Thanks for the fun April Fool's gift.
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  17. Darth Jafo Well-Known Player

    They milk us for enough money on every tiny thing. I would absolutely not pay extra to have it on other toons, no matter how adorbs it is. Stuff like this should be account wide.
  18. Curse Bringer Most Wanted

    Did Anyone happen to catch if the RC bat mobile is returning this year?
  19. Mepps Sr. Community Manager

    For people wanting to drop more unicorns on people's heads, we are going to make it possible to obtain more than just the one gifted unicorn supply drop.
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  20. MsTickle Fate Devoted Player

    NVM, I misread that we were talking about previous years' April Fools gifts.