AoJ Gear Costs Were Never The Problem...

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by ChillCat, Jun 6, 2017.

  1. Sivulla Dedicated Player

    Don't try to make 2 alerts 2 raids and some soloes last over 6 months.
    With that amount of content, no one wants to repeat them beyond 2-3 months.
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  2. Wiccan026 Loyal Player

    This is entirely accurate.
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  3. UnleashedBrevard Committed Player

    the cost of the gear vs the marks awarded is a very big problem. DBG stated last year they heard us on the forums asking to go back to 3 month content to find out now that this EPISODE 28 is now a 6 month release and we won't be seeing EPISODE 29 until Jan.

    Clearly some out there can't add and don't see the amount of marks being lost not to mention yet another Episode without a DUO. but most non veteran players don't seem to care they don't understand the grind most of us have been on for the last 6 years the increase is doing nothing but buying them time.
  4. Mohican378 Dedicated Player

    If there is a lesson to be learned in all this, it's the playerbase REALLY needs to start considering that there will always be a cost to their request for change.

    Then it REALLY needs to consider what that cost will be before it goes and makes requests.

    Anybody who thought they were going to lower gear costs without balancing out the number of war bonds you can recieve to keep the desired longevity of the episode was not seeing the big picture.

    the big picture is that the (possibly) unintended consequences of lowering gear costs would be to shorten the lifetime of the episode, which means up ending the development team's schedule which I can assure you was planned, and set, well before the weekend prior to epidode 28's launch.

    That simply wasn't going to happen. They're not going to do that.

    So you got what you asked for, and the cost of that was a reductioin in both content and collectible bonds per day.

    Hopefully this community will start weighing the potential costs to its requests a bit more thoroughly now.

    But I doubt it.
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  5. TheCursedOne Well-Known Player

    That has been the main problem since they moved away from monthly EPs. They have around the same amount of content as the older DLCs (3 months) but are pricing everything for 6 months.Throwing in these big (events) only makes it worse cause its a whole other grind on top of the long grind to get your gear.

    My question to the devs is this did not really work back then (during the DLC days), But now you think it will be fine now for 6 months? During the DLC days players would have most of everything done within one month. Play around the game here and there for another. The third month players would slowly stop playing until the next DLC came out. Now players have to run the same amount of content for at least 5 months. Do you not think the players will not get burned out by that time?

    Go back to the 3 month EPs and be done with it.
  6. KHALONofOGUN 10000 Post Club

    The problem is that if the grind time is cut then comes the expectation of new content...only that content would not be coming out soon enough.

    To clarify; they intend for the episode to last 6+ months (like AF3 before it), if they had cut the grind to 3-4 there would be 2-3 or so months with no new end game content in sight. On top of the already foreseeable complaints there would be the issue of people taking breaks or dropping subs during that gap. Of course the response to that is that it's already happened/happening...but not to the degree it would be with a shorter grind.
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  7. KHALONofOGUN 10000 Post Club

    How long have you been on THESE forums??? ;)
  8. ChillCat Loyal Player

    It would seem my point still hasn't made it across. The math is not complicate and yes, some players instinctively understood the correlation but the message spent too much time on cost. Cost should have never been brought up, the word "cost" should never have been uttered because that's not how you fix the concern you problem above.

    The only word that should have been used and harped on and vociferously shoved in the Devs faces is "T.I.M.E". If you want the result result, you have to start with the right message. In this case, the message was muddled at best.

    Start with something like this - "I want a new DLC every 4 months that is expected to last 3 and that dlc should have at least 1 solo, 2 duos, 2 alerts and 1 raid with an elite version". The costs will take care of themselves.
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  9. Harlequin Devoted Player

    Things were changed the way they were for one reason and one reason alone: with the original content/reward structure, replay badges were devalued to being nearly worthless due to the number required to earn any given reward. Nobody in their right mind would throw that much cash at the game to get so little progress and those that would wouldn't make up for the assumed loss of revenue of those who said nope.

    That's it. Try to twist events to suit whatever narrative you want but, in the end, it comes down to the almighty dollar.
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  10. MrMigraine Devoted Player

    The problem here is obviously that there are too many Raids available.
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  11. Norwegian ninja Well-Known Player

    I can support this, but stating it won't change what DBG does( many people have stated these things many times in msany different threads). You see, people wanted the same amount of content to drop more frequently than 3 months...what does DBG do? Announce they are going to monthly...only 2 pieces a month.

    People ask to get rid of monthly and go back to the old system of quarterly.....DBG's announces a change to large content away from monthly. The twist is that "large" content isn't any larger than the quarterly. The only thing truly larger about it is the timeframe it lasts.

    I wish DBG would have an open, honest, and candid conversation about things. I have asked many questions in different threads and private messages. My posts have been directly linked to by Devs, but they actually don't answer the questions. They might say good point...and then they pivot to their talking points like a politician.

    Speaking only for myself, content is king. If you build it, they will come.... or come back. If you don't provide anything meaningful for players, they are going to leave for a game that does provide it. We have had 2 Episodes spaced 6+ months apart. In that same span we have provided free, clamped content to the masses, multiple versions of TC's, and are working on the 4th game changing power revamp since the game started. You tell me where the resources my subscription are being funneled to. Because it isn't content.
  12. MrMigraine Devoted Player

    In the spirit of 'Be Careful What You Wish For...'

    Between Amazon Fury III and Age of Justice, we have*:
    3 Open World Areas with 5 missions a day (out of 27 total) and a Bounty
    1 Solo
    1 Duo
    3 Alerts
    4 Raids

    Now if we had stuck to Monthly Content for the past 10 months, we would have:
    3 Solos
    7 Duos
    3 Alerts
    7 Raids

    (*To be fair, we've also had 2 Events since the change - one Anniversary and one Major)

    On the topic of New Maps:
    During the 10 - 12 months following the switchover, we have Episodes 27 & 28, with 4 new maps and a bunch of reskins.
    All New: Olympus, Typhon's Olympus, Savage's Bunker, War-Torn Village

    During the 12 months of Monthly Content, we had 9 new maps and a bunch of reskins
    All New: Bombshells, Flash Museum, Nanda Parbat, Science Spire, Phantom Zone, Brainiac's Ship, Darkseid's War Factory, Iceberg Lounge, Kandor

    Now I'm a huge proponent of Open World areas with lots of stuff to do - and the current era has Events to add to the fun - but was the tradeoff really worth it?

    tl;dr I miss monthly content.
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  13. Proxystar #Perception

    Sorry but that's nonsense.

    The feedback was clear people were concerned not only about the vendor cost but also the duration of the dlc given the expected grind.

    The Devs listened to the feedback without a doubt but their changes resulted in very little change because quite honestly their desire is for this dlc to last 6-7 months.

    What the should be doing is just communicating that clearly with a categorical statement of you're getting 2 dlc a year and the grind is based on that.

    Unfortunately the communication continues to be vague and has important often critical facts missing.

    In fact this is the second time they've dropped gear prices on test and walked out for the weekend.

    Theres room for improvement for sure but to act like the community was ambiguous in what it was asking for and blame them.. That's poor form chillcat everyone knew what was being requested.
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  14. Malachee Committed Player

    Trust us, Chill...your point has DEFINITELY "made it across".... there's just an awful lot of us that don't agree with you. :cool:
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  15. Gulrick TheWanderer Committed Player

    Bro, you need to make a new forum post and preach this. This is exact 100 percent how I feel.
  16. CrappyHeals Devoted Player

    Having a membership on this game gets less and less valued as time goes on. 2 dlc's a year....thats a joke and on top of that now you don't even have to be a member to play the new content for a month but who knows how long that will go on for it could even be extended like last time.

    Then they give us some events were everyone can run them and they are stat clamped so our gear don't even matter and on top of that more cash grabs come with those events.

    This game has turned into such cash grab. I have no problem supporting a game i enjoy or spending money on a game that supports me back with timely content that is fun but this game just doesn't have anything like that anymore just less and less content and more and more cash grabs. Can't wait till september, that D2 hype!!!!!
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  17. Helios The Eternal Flame Dedicated Player

    Thank you, thank you, thank you. I wanted to do this, however Cat I have lost the fortitude to deal with the negativity of those that simple do not want to see what you just mentioned. Great post.
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  18. Korlick Loyal Player

    Of course. But thats the other problem: 6 months gap between DLC´s without enough content in those DLC´s. The longevity is not real. It is fake due to the cost of the things we have.
    Anyway...longevity is kinda relative too. Because there will always be people who rush through everything in less than a month.But in general, the content available is not enough to cover a 6 months gap.
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  19. pitbullb3 Devoted Player

    People were arguing about the cost because that equal 6 months of same content. I never seen anyone argue 1 point without the other. 4 raids 3 alerts 1duo 1 solo and a host of open world is not enough content for a year. Think that was the main argument in gear cost
  20. KHALONofOGUN 10000 Post Club

    I won't disagree that it's not enough content for that timeframe. The thing is if they made this Episode the size of two quarterly episodes, they would not have been able to release it yet, and nobody would want to wait any longer than they already have.

    There's a reason why these last two episodes are being artificially stretched out. For many reasons they can't/won't tell us why that is (although they have hinted at a few things here and there). Considering how people here react to any and all news, i don't blame them for keeping things under wraps ultil they're ready to reveal things. All that to say that they need this episode to last 6+ months, and there is no way for them to do that except with this extended grind, for reasons they are not ready to reveal at this time (along with their continued focus on the stats matter project). People have asked for the grind time to be shortened, but it won't. Also, some people are ignoring this, but there were a few people concerned about maintaining their alts with the amount of dailies originally presented...that played a large part in the reduction of daily content.
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