Anyone noticed spytles tweet ?

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by Baby Sister, Sep 9, 2014.

  1. krimzonk Committed Player

    Hmm style looks very generic to me. You can already get quite similar style pieces in game. Not very creative at all.
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  2. Baby Sister Committed Player

    I thought the same exact thing.... Needs way more creativity
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  3. Drakonicus New Player

    Yeah ? And how would you do a Nightwing inspired gear ?
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  4. rival exe New Player

    Yeah definitely does not look good on that body type...
    I like the armored six pack look but it's still not enough for me to forgive SOE for giving a middle finger to a good portion of their players by allowing/encouraging elitist players who want to set stupid standards and kick everyone from content they pay to play.
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  5. Crimson Jonni New Player

    Hmm. Time to grind through pvp on my level 13 gadgets nightwing alt. Just cause. Dat Chest piece.
    Lol i really only made him to have an excuse to get the escrima sticks
  6. Drakonicus New Player

    Offtopic, but if somebody doesnt want to play with you, you are better without then.
  7. Gale Reaper Dedicated Player

    I thought the exact same thing. Calling bias on heroes, smh.
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  8. Baby Sister Committed Player

    I have no idea ... Hmmm I dont got a guy mentality but I'll for sure show some more skin ....sorry if I offended your man hood of nightwing :oops:
  9. kawe Loyal Player

    Most important to me... he decided to make it Nightwing-blue! <3
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  10. Dcon34DCUO Loyal Player

    I don't know.
  11. rival exe New Player

    Maybe Star Fire will get gear.
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  12. Drakonicus New Player

    Its a Nightwing inspired gear. Your issue with it, is that too similar to Nightwing ?
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  13. Lawlessworlddc New Player

    Bah every hero only style is f ing ugly.
  14. Captain Domino Committed Player

    I dig it! Too bad I'm a villain lol.
  15. Greenman_x Steadfast Player

    I really like it. I changed my style for about a month total in the past 3 years since I got my Hive Defender head, there's a few pieces on here that might sneak their way onto my armories.