anyone notice how the utility belt from the raid has a consumable?

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by COMBATICUS, May 16, 2015.

  1. COMBATICUS Dedicated Player

    So got my first utility belt today in NGN. And happen to notice has 1 trinket 2 wilds and a consumable. Please don't tell me the new elite is where the good utility belt is. So they gonna keep doing this from now on? make raid belts as bad as vendor but add the one with 4 wilds in elite. Please someone tell me that NGN or HH drops the 4 wild utility belt. And they not making a trend qhere thw thw four wilds drop in elite modes only
  2. ozzy1111 Dedicated Player

    dcuo baby....
  3. Elusian Crowd Control

    Its been posted in test feedback long time ago and in dev discussion fter it hit live again. no response on it yet. ofc the udnerstanding for it on the highest attainable UB to give a consumable slot is stupid especially since we had the outcry twice in the past. Laerning curve of the opposite direction.
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  4. COMBATICUS Dedicated Player

    Ahh wasn't aware it was posted there thanks for the heads up. But I never understood why there is a consumable to begin with. I really hope this a bug of some sort. I'd really hate to find out that from now on only elite raids/alerts will drop them
  5. SilverwingsZOE New Player

    it was the same for wotl2,good belt only from l&w and you pretty much know how fair was/is the droprate from it
    hop1 too I guess was the same but other than the necklace of op I didn't get useful stuff at all,not even a weapon from raids,probably only three pieces of armor,a single ring,probably a mask,no plans,very few fe6,around ten base items and loads and loads and again loads of marks
  6. spack2k Steadfast Player

    yes it needs a fix ASAP
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  7. MAXILIANO Loyal Player

    If not I remember correctly the 110 has also consumable!
    What makes me very sad! Because it's something that I never use ...:(
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  8. COMBATICUS Dedicated Player

    Yea I realize the best belt drops in the raids and my beef is why the 110 UB from NGN and HH drop a UB that has a damn consumable. And what I'm afraid of is they will only drop in elite raids or alerts from now on makin it even worse for any1 to get anything. Not everyone has a good team or league to run elite version of raids. There's no reason why the damn UBs specially the raid ones should have a consumable slot
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