Anyone interested in free sketches of their DCUO characters?

Discussion in 'Joker’s Funhouse (Off Topic)' started by SuperSoldier, Sep 29, 2013.

  1. DarkVisor 15000 Post Club

    Same here: Haasts is mostly the same as she was when first created her (but adding a few pieces to make her more 'bird-like' with the Egyptian feet), Christall alternates between her original outfit and her Biker gear, everyone else are probably going to stay a they are (except for maybe Issanador, have a number of looks for her from the Character Creation and possible use the Anti-Freeze for her combat role)
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  2. Void The Oblivion Well-Known Player

    You took alot of time to create a background and personality to your character. Very nice. But are you ignoring the intro where you wake up in Brainic's construct, stating that you were there because you possed powers given by the exobytes, and Brainic wanted it back?
  3. SuperSoldier Devoted Player

    I think this will do or drop me a PM, it might also help to mention what page the original request was on. What I do is download the pics to my pc and stuff them into a folder with the page number they belong to. Usually the pics when I download them are named after their character names and not the posters, I'll then come back to this thread to read up on character info for inspiration as I draw them. I'll be sure to place the updated costumes in the appropriate page folder.

    Edit: oops, I broke my rule of not posting something in this thread without something to show... I guess I better finish something today.
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  4. Tule New Player

    Came back just to say thanks. Awesome picture.
  5. SuperSoldier Devoted Player

    SURHMAN Sketch
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  6. Black Dawn Steadfast Player

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  7. Void The Oblivion Well-Known Player

    you still doing the drawings?
  8. DarkVisor 15000 Post Club

    Yes, but there is a big backlog, but you can still leave your details: at least one good image of your character, and details about your character (name, mentor, power, preferred weapon of choice {not necessarily style}, movement and a backstory {optional but good to know})
  9. SuperSoldier Devoted Player

    Tenshi Nyu Sketch - Oddly familiar to another sketch I recently did, but I can't resist putting these "robot-ish" heads in profile. It's a good thing I double checked the message because I thought it was a male character from the pic.:)

    I'll still be trying to knock these out on a semi weekly basis, unless you're clairvoyant and know something that I don't...
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  10. CollKev Well-Known Player

    Wavedox my toon please
    Character name is - Beastkid kev
  11. Black Dawn Steadfast Player

    Dude, no offense but if you want a pic, put in a little effort. Get a picture, list the style used, mentor, weapon, and background information. SS does great work.

    EDIT: fantastic pic btw Super!
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  12. Ali Level 30

    Ok uh i forgot where i lasted posted my toon's pic halp
  13. CollKev Well-Known Player

    Its ok i tried but wavedox isnt working. Its stuck at loading screen
  14. CollKev Well-Known Player

    Also i do not know how to upload the picture up here. If i did i would simply give him the details instead of making him do it while i ask for a favor.
  15. Jafin 10000 Post Club

    You need to take a screenshot yourself in game. The Wavedox picture changes when you change your style, so you need to give Super Soldier a picture of what your character looks like now.
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  16. CollKev Well-Known Player

    Your explanation is so vague, i got the picture from wavedox which started working again so how do i post it as a reply?
  17. Jafin 10000 Post Club

    Your picture from Wavedox will change every time you change your style. You need to go into your game, take a screenshot of your character, then upload it to a picture hosting website like Flickr or Imgur, then post the picture in here by copying the link, clicking the little tree icon that is at the top of the reply box in here, paste the link into the box that appears and then click insert.
  18. CollKev Well-Known Player

    How do i do that on an ipad?
  19. Jafin 10000 Post Club's a lot harder on an iPad. Do it on a computer if you can. If you need to do it on an iPad then just get your picture up somewhere, and when you go to post it in the thread make sure load the website in desktop mode or else you won't have the little tree icon to insert a picture. You can do that by tapping on the address bar after the page has loaded, then swipe down the part with your favourites and it will show an option to request desktop site.
  20. CollKev Well-Known Player
    Toon name Beastkid kev
    Hair - Metalhead
    Head - Captain cold
    chest - kung fu gi
    Legs - tech ninja
    Feet - punchline
    Back - punchline