Anyone else on the PS servers having the sound cut out and turn into a chopper?

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by FESTER665, Mar 2, 2014.

  1. 478874 Dedicated Player

    Happened to me at least four times this weekend, just miserable. I ended up unplugging my mic and playing without sound.
  2. kabeq Well-Known Player

    Today was really bad. Wastelands and all the Trigon Duos. Sound choppy and dropping. If I turn down all in-game sound effects, I can hear every third word the other players are saying. It's funny Mepps mentioned checking frame rate. The first thing I tried was turning off 60 fps. Made no difference at all.
  3. Whizzkid Dedicated Player

    It happens every time I go into either Nexus, A&B or Dox. It's extremely frustrating taking the time to build SC before a raid just to have to relog because of this. :mad:
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  4. GhostKilla79 Active Player

    This is by far worse on the villain side. It may happen occasionally on the hero side for me (once a night), it will happen 4 or 5 times per A&B on the villain side.

    It really happens every time there are too many players in one area. (more than 5 or 6)
  5. TheLoneLantern New Player

    Had this happen on PC side too, but only during some cutscenes.
  6. Damien Wynter New Player

    I've only had it happen once so far. I random queued into Outer Caverns T2 Raid. Voice chat was on, and at the beginning of the raid in the opening room with the soder vendor, I could hear people talking and sound was fine. I flew toward the cave opening, hit supersonic and with that sound effect, all sound turned into the "chopper" for the rest of the raid. Leaving the instance after completing it did not help. I did not crash, but once back in the open world, I reset the game and things were fine again.
  7. Ice Knight Well-Known Player

    These problems have been occurring for me since GU 34, sounds cuts out, voice just stops working A LOT, and the whole UI just disappears randomly ( on PS4). I have sent messages to mepps about it but guess he never read it , and posted on forums.
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  8. Jcal Dedicated Player

    Had this happen to me twice last week. Most recently, and most severely, I was running FOS 2 and right before the Prime Assassin fight I got that annoying sound. I was simply going to lower my audio but all of a sudden the game froze (PS4). Had to hold down the middle button on my remote, close application, and got that darn blue error screen.
  9. Rox New Player

    My friend on PS3 got the sound glitch the other day

    I use to get it a lot before I turned off the login keytone on PS4. Haven't had it in a while.
  10. B0NE DADDY Well-Known Player

    Still happens and when it its always in raid groups
  11. FESTER665 Devoted Player

    Had it happen on Friday night at 10:00pm CST. In a group of 8 getting ready to queue into A&B, 6 of the 8 people had it happen (all PS4's, all 60FPS I believe) and we all had to slowly relog to get the group back together...
  12. FESTER665 Devoted Player

    Mepps, have you guys been able to re-create this on your end or had it happen on your end at least so it doesn't sound like we're all insane? LOL
  13. black ice New Player

    yes the new update not work right some batman superman sound work not wonder women sound freeze lot in out the sound freeze not good dc
  14. black ice New Player

    ps3 sound freeze new update work right dc
  15. FaLeX Dedicated Player

    yup, had this issue last night on the ps4


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  16. Redscreen5 New Player

    Happens for me regardless my actions. I could be standing around in WT and it glitches. Alerts / raids anything . All since the GU34
  17. Mepps Sr. Community Manager

    We have had this happen a few times, but we do not have a consistent repro yet. I have a few more questions:

    When this happens, is all voice and audio out? Does any sound still come through and can you still talk to others?

    Do volume sliders work? What happens when you slide volume to 0?

    Can you try turning voice chat off, then on again? Does anything happen with the audio? Do the voice channels visually disappear and appear in the UI?
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  18. Ice Knight Well-Known Player

    Turning off voice chat off and back on , doesnt fix it , and even relogging doesnt fix most of the time, and the UI to come back you have to relog for it to show back up .
  19. DEMONIZER1 Loyal Player

    Every single Raid I entered Monday was the same thing over and over again...

    Had to re-log like 6 different times to fix it, very annoying!

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  20. DEMONIZER1 Loyal Player

    Yes, the audio cuts out and voice, then you get this wicked skipping like a old school CD player!

    I have tried the slider, turned mic off and on with no joy, then re-log and it works...

    Started for me Thursday or Friday, then mics went completely out Saturday and I gave up for the weekend and then the same audio issues when I came back Monday night to try again.

    Not sure what else to tell ya!

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