Anyone else on the PS servers having the sound cut out and turn into a chopper?

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by FESTER665, Mar 2, 2014.

  1. Green Lantern New Player

    For me, it's every time I get into A&B. Sometimes immediately, sometimes 5-10 minutes in. It's the audio track of the background music skipping. But when it happens, I lose all voice capabilities. Can't talk, can't hear others. The ONLY way to fix it has been to close the game completely and relaunch. Changing toons has no effect.
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  2. Johnnylagz117 New Player

    Some sound cut out but also glitching , cutting out completely , stopping in game play to the point it crashes and then need to reboot system .
  3. Solmes202 Loyal Player

    I'm getting a message saying failure to connect on ps4. Anyone else?
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  4. TheD4U New Player

    Me too. Can't access the PS store either
  5. Solmes202 Loyal Player

    Guess it's time to play Tomb Raider on my PS3 until this blows over
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  6. Johnnylagz117 New Player

    Lol I have soo many games to play tomb raider , metro and one other that came out recently for ps+
  7. Sgt Bombero Committed Player
    Started a thread on this issue in the bugs section.
  8. Karbonala New Player

    Yes! This has been happening regularly it seems! Although, I deleted a chat tab that was constantly busy and now I'm experiencing it much less. Don't know if the two are connected, however.
  9. FESTER665 Devoted Player

    Got texts from a few guys in the league that said it happened to them a few more times during the night....

    I didn't log back in because it's ruining the fun. Get a group together, bam, two or three need to relog... Get into the instance, bam two or three need to relog..... Get to the last boss, bam two or three are typing "chat gone" in their chat boxes and will relog after the instance...
  10. FESTER665 Devoted Player

    It happened to our league always while we were in a group..... Is anyone seeing this bug when they're not in a group ???

    I also heard what other people mentioned that the chopper was much quieter so it's like the volume at the time of the glitch was lower....
  11. Patm82 Well-Known Player

    yup had it happen alot lately
  12. Masta New Player

    I've been getting it on PS4 since I connected my PS3 headset.
  13. FESTER665 Devoted Player

    Last night was horrible, I had this happen three times within 5 minutes, and then a fourth time about an hour later when I was solo'ing the CC bounties...

    This is the first time I've had it happen while doing stuff solo, so I don't know if it's getting worse, but it happened to multiple league members multiple times (especially when doing an A&B run) during the two and a half hours I was online...

    I REALLY hope you guys get this ironed out for GU35 because it's getting to be too much. I don't know if you need specifics like toon names, or times it happened, but I can get all that information if needed.

    Are you guys at least seeing this on your end to be able to know what we're talking about? I know each time it happens to me I notice there's a slight queue to get back online, I'm guessing it's from so many people closing and restarting the app to get their sound back.
  14. FESTER665 Devoted Player

    Well hoping to add more information to this to hopefully track things down since this is ruining the game for many players. We had two people stop playing tonight after having to relog multiple times, hopefully it doesn't become a permanent hiatus....

    Had it happen at 8:00pm CST, I was not in a group, talking in league chat, farming bits in metropolis.

    Happened next at 8:46pm CST. We had eight league members online, we were in AnB when another league member hopped online. We all said we would flip to league chat so we could talk to the guy. The minute we all flipped to league chat the entire league (including the guy not in the instance) had the chat drop out and all got the chopper. Took about 6-7 minutes to get everyone back on and into the instance.

    Final time was 10:37pm CST, we were between raids, I was in a group, in my lair and it chopper end on me again. It also happened to two other league mates at the same time, one was in his lair and the other was in the watchtower.

    I hope this is being looked at because it's a very irritating problem and is upsetting many players.... I know it might not seem like a huge issue but it really does ruin the gameplay.
  15. Mepps Sr. Community Manager

    For those of you who have experienced this, can you tell me if you have continued to experience it since GU 35?

    If you have, can you try disabling 60FPS and seeing if it continues to occur (or if you had 60FPS disabled on PS4)?

    Also, please post if you have had this exact issue occur on PS3.
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  16. Little Sister New Player

    I finally had this happen to me a few days ago. I was running Black Dawn and when I got to Gotham, it did it.

    To answer Mepps, it was after GU 35 (like 3 or 4 days ago or so ?) and I have 60FPS On.
  17. MrMigraine Devoted Player

    I have noticed this since GU35, regularly. It happened three times last night.

    But for me it only happens when I am in a group over 6. Last night, twice it happened when we first got into an instance, once it happened as I was sitting in my base, chatting ... and that seems to be about par for the course.

    I will try disabling the pretty pretty 60FPS tonight ... but only for the sake of SCIENCE!

    Edit: I should add that when this happens, it takes out ALL sound. Not just voice chat. Whether it's piped through my headset or my TV speakers, it all goes: sound effects, music, dialogue, etc.
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  18. Thewoe Well-Known Player

    It was happening before GU35, and its still happening now. Ive tried it with 60FPS on and off and it still happens.
  19. Thewoe Well-Known Player

    Also it seems to happen on PS4 whenever there is a ps3 user in the same chat, not sure if thats helpful or not.
  20. Sore Steadfast Player

    Happened to me again last night. I'll check my settings.

    It's worth noting that it went out for like half the group at the exact same time. Usually it's when talking to Sinestro in A&B, but this time it was right when we hit the cog in Mogo after the Metropolis crew returns to get the maze portion started.
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