Anyone else on the PS servers having the sound cut out and turn into a chopper?

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by FESTER665, Mar 2, 2014.

  1. Han Lower Level 30

    This has been happening to me frequently..I've noticed in in nexus, paradox, the watchtower, shady nightclub duo, and at strykers island. I'm on the usps4..when I switch characters the persistent chopper noise is still at the character screen. I have to completely close the game and relog to fix it. Thanks for checking into this
  2. LORD_SHOCKA New Player

    Please for the love of all that holy can we get a hot fix. Sad when ps4 is freezing and having more issues than ps3.
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  3. Crimson Veil Dedicated Player

    I have fortunately only had it happen to me once and it was last night in A&B. About halfway through the raid everybody started sounding a little garbled a couple people DCed around the time that it started (not sure if related in any way) and then the digitization of the sound worsened and progressed to the same sound in the OP's vid. I had voice chat enabled but i did not have push to talk on. I completed the raid and then left the instance and within 2 mins of leaving I DCed as well.

    Disclaimer: I have noticed other sound/voice related oddities since the GU but this was definitely the worst and most annoying
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  4. Radium Devoted Player

    I went in with Sore last night for the last boss, within 2 minutes of being in there the sound was gone.
  5. Radium Devoted Player


    You have no idea the things we said about you in that Wave run lol
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  6. LORD_SHOCKA New Player

    I've lost all sound in many instances, and about a 1/3 result i. Freezing. It's no certain place that does it, but it's always when I'm in a group or pulled into an instance. Have yet to have issues with Solo stuff.
  7. LORD_SHOCKA New Player

    You guys looked like the worst pug group ever. I just sat in silence as you guys died twice on first boss... Who does that any more.
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  8. Radium Devoted Player

    You need to learn how to cut your whipthrash quicker and stop gettin caught under the ravanger ;)
  9. appocolyps Committed Player

    This happend to me twice today, both times it was when i first enterd OP3 been happening to league mates too!
  10. danielqpk New Player

    You know how when you Log into the game & have to adjust the VOICE audio?
    slide it back and forth....
    every time i do that to equalize my sound.
    yeah so that is me though.
  11. danielqpk New Player

  12. xXThe RavenXx New Player

    This is happening a lot more today than usual. Our league was trying to que into Wave, everyone had their mic start clicking and either froze or dc's. Then we walked in and it continued to happen to each person 3-4 times until we said, screw it, let's do something else.

    Dev's, here's a thought; why don't you fix issues like this involving sound and game crashes and consistent DC's first, and worry about all this stupid balancing nonsense after your game works properly? I'm tired of hearing "let's nerf everything," when I should be hearing "let's fix everything."
  13. Sore Steadfast Player

    I can answer that. Because SOE has different teams in DCUO to work on different things. The people that would fix sound issues, game crashes and disconnects are not the same people that work on weapon balance.
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  14. COMBATICUS Dedicated Player

    I'm on ps4 and was running seed and happened to me but then the sound cut off completely
  15. LORD_SHOCKA New Player

    I believe you guys got murdered by sentry and warrior. The oppressor was what killed me, not sure why his shout attack hit BEHIND him...
  16. Eminence Dedicated Player

    The machine gun mic!
  17. Nightwish Well-Known Player

    Just happen to me again 4 minutes ago. It always happens when I'm in a group for Paradox. lol
  18. Whizzkid Dedicated Player

    This x100000. I hate it so much and with the headset that I use it's near deafening when I forget or someone speaks before I toggle.
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  19. FESTER665 Devoted Player

    This was ridiculously bad today.... We were trying to run stuff and it happened numerous times to the league. We were always in group, and in different places, sometimes watchtower, sometime lair, sometimes instances... All players were on PS4.

    Between 4:45 pm CST and 6:15 CST it happened to myself and league mates 10 times....

    They need to get this fixed ASAP....
  20. Zylo Committed Player

    this happen to me last night at around midnight. logging out didint stop the chopper sound cuz I was still hearing it on the charachter select screen. I baisicly had to close the DCUO app on the PS4 then start the game again the sound to go away. 1st time this had happen and to do it.