Anyone else on the PS servers having the sound cut out and turn into a chopper?

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by FESTER665, Mar 2, 2014.

  1. Sore Steadfast Player

    I actually hear it coming through my headset even though game audio is going through the TV. Relog fixes it. Annoying in an instance.
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  2. Darth Loyal Player

    I have no idea why they put a silenced automatic rifle in some people's PS4. Some of my leaguemates on PS4 got that bonus as well. This is part of the reason why I haven't switched yet.
  3. Whizzkid Dedicated Player

    I catch it at least once a day on PS4. I just close app and reopen it and it works fine. I think that's the only fix for it. Toggling Mic/sound options in game did nothing.
  4. Dr LovexD New Player

    it happened to me it all started on the new update : 34
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  5. Echephyle New Player

    I had it happen yesterday in a&b. Devs need to look into this
  6. MrMigraine Devoted Player

    Aye, it happens to me too … it also makes the sound completely bug out sometimes.
  7. Derio 15000 Post Club

    Happened to me yesterday its really annoying, after 2 hours it finally stopped.
  8. FESTER665 Devoted Player

    All my sound comes through my 5.1 headset as well, I just unmuted the a TV so you could hear what I was hearing through my headset....

    Has a green name posted anything about this in any of the threads that anyone knows about?
  9. ShadowStyleB New Player

    I usually only get a weird noise when someone logs into the game and into the chat channel without adjusting their sound.
  10. Senshirou Committed Player

    Haven't experienced that but I've experienced the audio outs and peoples mic getting choppy.
  11. Weapon meX New Player

    this happened to me all day yesterday and today.....

    I found a fix:

    You can do the whole switching chat tab thing and it might help

    My mic would cut out completely as would sound from everyone elses. I noticed my mic would work when i switched to league chat but not in the group chat. It's has to be a bug of some sort. I tried holding push to talk while switching tabs and that did not fix the issue, this time.

    A permanent fix for me was, while in league chat (where for some reason my voice chat worked) i went into settings then into the voice chat options. I usually run with push to talk on. I switched push to talk off, so that, my mic was on automatically and stayed on. After that i went ahead and went back to group chat and behold!!! it fixed my issue! After, while in group chat, i went back into settings and enabled push to talk, and that fixed my issue with the push to talk, also.
  12. FESTER665 Devoted Player

    That trick will usually work when it's a sound issue, when this happens it kills your chat and all sound in the game turns into this noise... Have to relog to fix it.

    Played 3 hours throughout the day yesterday and was fine but Friday and Saturday night were horrible for it.."
  13. DC_Homeslice New Player

    Hey Everyone,

    Thanks for bringing this to our attention. Sorry I didn't see this sooner. We'll start looking into this and see what we can find out. I do have a few questions for those of you who are experiencing this. Are there specific locations or instances when this is occurs? A specific alert, raid, or playroom? When you experience this issue, are you using voice chat or have voice chat enabled even if you aren't talking at the time? Does this happen consistently everytime, or does it seem to occur after you have been playing for a while?

    I see some people in the thread have already answered some of these questions, but any who haven't that wouldn't mind answering me, please let me know.

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  14. DC_Homeslice New Player

    Thanks for the info Weapon meX!

    Can anyone else confirm that Weapon meX "fix" solves the problem for them as well? I ask, because I suspect that this issue might be related to some other Vivox voice chat issues that we are looking into. Please let me know?

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  15. Drathmor Unwavering Player

    last time i got it was in A&B right after using a portal to go to another part of the raid sound cut out almost every time i warped but this happend going to ranx had to close program and reload to get sound back.
    I was using voice chat as im always on mic
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  16. FESTER665 Devoted Player

    Thanks for getting back to us on this DC_Homeslice....

    I've had it happen in all different spots myself. I took the video of it happening in Vengeance, but had it happen earlier while doing Mbot on Arkham Island.

    I'm always using voice chat when it happens, and then to clear it up requires a complete re-start of the app. Switching toons or chat channels does nothing for it for myself or others in the league who have experienced it. It SEEMS like someone is about to talk and then it locks up and the chopper happens to me.
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  17. Sore Steadfast Player

    Every time you go into A&B, 2-4 people will get a mic glitch. I think it's looping a sound artifact. If the artifact is subtle, it creates a constant almost imperceptible tone. If it is a for pronounced artifact, it's like a chopper. In either event, your ability to communicate via mic is interrupted. There might be more to it than that. Maybe separate issues. Tab switching and/or turning voice chat on/off will not help.
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  18. Sore Steadfast Player

    While you're looking at it, why does in-game voice chat speaker setting need to be trivially wiggled every time you log in? If you don't, you will. Create an echo for other players and sound like you are talking in a megaphone. That's VERY pervasive and been that way for years.
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  19. FESTER665 Devoted Player

    He is looking into that one actually.... It was finally nice to see a green name looking into this in the Arkham section.
  20. IThe PatchI New Player

    Yes, PS4, twice yesterday: one entering nexus (another guy on the group experienced at the same time), the other I don't remember, but wasn't Nexus.