Anyone else feel worn out from this most recent dlc?

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by MrBeefCakes, Mar 16, 2015.

  1. xoHLxDPSox Steadfast Player

    well from my experience is this, the raid gear always ALWAYS makes the next DLC a cake walk, like vestments made AF easier then it should of been on the 1st day IMO.

    and then again with the gear from L&W.

    I tried running this content in vendor gear yea its not hard, but it wasn't a face roll either like it would of been in raid gear like it was for my main character.
  2. MEBegnalsFan Devoted Player

    Not true....The difference between L&W gear and vendor gear was very minimial just like the difference between 100 and 99 gear. Very little. If you look at 101 and 99 that is where gear start to truly vary.

    I completed the daily no problem with my Rage toon using 96 gear, for the 97 gear. Same can be said of my healer and more recently I did it with a 106 gadget DPS.

    The next DLC CR should be 111 CR and you should have no problem running it in 97 gear, forget 98, 99, 100 or even 101.

    That said, it will be easier with better gear but once you get a full set of 99, it is not as hard as other make it out to be.

    I'm looking forward to the next DLC. I want to see how they roll out small content for HoP DLC.
  3. RTHERMITE Well-Known Player

    I definitely do, none of my league likes this dlc and I refuse to pug any of it, it takes everything I have just to log on to my main toon and play him, good thing I have alts to play or I would never play this game.
  4. xoHLxDPSox Steadfast Player

    Oh I am too, I have 3 characters ready for it, a 114 troll, a 113 healer, and soon to be 114 DPS.
  5. Sore Steadfast Player

    Not necessarily trying to corner you. I'm just trying to see if you'd focus your feedback towards a specific recommendation rather than a general sentiment that what's currently in place isn't working. I remember the Tori/Mepps interaction but I recall Tori criticizing that solution because there's so little guarantee a forced good drop after X amount of bad luck would be the drop you're chasing. I thought Tori was trying to push for some kind of "choose your reward" journal entry which didn't seem to get much response from DCUO. Personally, I'd like it if recovery kits, plans and generator mods didn't share a loot table entry with the good gear.
  6. HersheyKiss New Player

    Its awful. U know i play 5 toons. Well waited all week again for reset and did the raids (still need thrones on 2 toons tho) and i got 1 purple drop. One. Thats 39 drops this week and 1 was 100 and it was a 100 bow :( Worst. Drop. Rates. Ever.

    As far as content goes its 1 of the best dlcs imo. What holds it back from being the best 1 far and away is the loot.
  7. HersheyKiss New Player

    Well i agree w/ya on elite. Ive just had 0 interest in it. Imo its worth resetting a raid u cant even finish. Thats asinine. And then to defeat bosses in the hardest piece of content by far and get the same reward u get in the solo? Whoever came up with this idea shouldnt be working on this game. Its one of the most backassward things ive ever seen.
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  8. Mighty Hyperion Committed Player

    Yeah, burned out to say the least. The solo allows you to get full 98 in a week, making the alerts (outside of a couple feats) unrewarding. The raids are fun one time through and the mechanics that were so fondly spoken of pre-release are not all that super duper.
    It doesn't help either when the new DLC makes all other t6 content pointless to the point of not even having to run it anymore (outside of feats, which many don't care about anyway).

    I wish they would add more sandbox elements to this game to keep us busy during the content burnout but apparently that will never happen. All-in-all, very tired already of new content (have been for couple of weeks).

    Lately DCUO DLC has been a lot like a one-night stand, you have a blast that first night, but after that you don't really want to play anymore.

    PS: Could we please get a Hydra that doesn't look like a ******* Turkey-Dile/Ali-rooster? man....
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  9. HersheyKiss New Player

    Its not the lull between dlcs. Its the fact theres a raid that no1 can finish and its actually hard for most players but rewards the same level loot as the solo. Thats the problem, oh and the awful drop rates of the 100 gear too.

    I know a player who i shall not name who bribes great players to run elite with em. He resets the elite raid multiple times a day for the entire raid just to get a chance at 101 gear. Now are most doing what he does? No ofc not. But the fact that someone is out there doing that wasting replays on a raid u cant even finish and then having to do it a hundred times for a few pieces of 101 gear is just sad imo.

    Its no fun what so ever to not reset and wait all week to raid and then get all 98 gear which u can get in the solo. Thats the problem. That has nothing to do with a lull.
  10. HersheyKiss New Player

    Imo the raids are fantastic. The loot is awful. The raids are some of the best in the game.
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  11. same Johnny Dedicated Player

    You realise that's a seriously "poking" attitude, right? Border-lining trolling. But all will be well.

    Anyway, again, if you read up, you will see I did offer suggestion as to what I think would have been a better plan regarding rewards. And too bad that the vendor gear was frowned upon, that would be my favourite solution.

    Also, I'm pretty sure kits, plans and mods do not interfere with what we get as drops, if that's what you're saying. At least by the time OC was end game, I remember one of the devs (Tunso, maybe) saying rewards would be getting A and a chance at B, not getting either A or B.
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  12. HersheyKiss New Player

    No the problem is the loot in the solo being the same as elite. It has nothing to do with shiny. The devs said they expect 1% to finish elite or any bosses in there. Yet most are getting rewards that the other 99% can get with ease.

    They cant say this content is for 1% of the playerbase then have the rewards be the same as a piece of content anyone can finish.
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  13. Unverifiable New Player

    you dont need 101 gear to complete anything in this game..

    and the elite raid is not suposed to be able to be beaten until several DLC from now by the majority, as its how it was designed and requested.. so to spend tons of money trying for it is pointless as next DLC will make the gear worthless.
  14. SethZoulMonEl 10000 Post Club

    They can because they did. They are perfectly capable of making the drops that are not the rewards as low as they please. The rewards are the 101 gear, not the gear the drops more frequently.

    And I do not see you offering another option for drops. What would you propose instead of 98 drops that would not overly bolster players' stats?
  15. youngshotti New Player

    Wait wat is this just pc cause seen ps4 not till 6/9
  16. MrBeefCakes New Player

    PC for now.
  17. HersheyKiss New Player

    I understand u dont need 101 gear. Ive been 1 of the people telling others that from day 1 of the dlc. My issue is the devs putting a piece of content in the game that they say "only 1% of the community will finish" and then have the rewards in that piece of content the same as the solo that 100% of t6 players can finish. It makes no sense on any level.

    I also understand many many players wont finish it until 1-3 dlcs later. But how about the people that are beating the 1rst 2 bosses consistently and they get 98 gear. Thats just ridiculous.
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  18. MEBegnalsFan Devoted Player

    I find the whole CR thing with the current DLC to be trash, considering that by the time the next DLC launches I can run the duo and get my CR up to the highest tiered gear in this DLC. So having 100 or even 101 gear is almost useless.

    I believe anyone with a full set of 99 gear is more than capable of completing any of the current content, including the Throne Elite.
  19. Sore Steadfast Player

    In red.
  20. SethZoulMonEl 10000 Post Club

    First, the 98 gear is not a reward, it is the consolation we get in place of the reward if we are not lucky enough to get the reward. Second, 100% of t6 players cannot finish the solo; I know of a few people who are unable to do so, and there have even been threads on the forums from people who could not complete it.