Anybody else experiencing Client-crashes lately?

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by Zneeak, Mar 2, 2019.

  1. ZuroXtheDragon Active Player

    Almost everyday 1 atleast.
    And the crash ticket is soooo annoying.
  2. Snowy OwI Devoted Player

    And crashed with crash reporter..Again
  3. Zneeak Devoted Player

    The last few days have been crash free for me, I'm hoping it stays that way. Hopefully, measures have been or atleast will be taken with the new episode around the corner.
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  4. Barry Allen Well-Known Player

    Im not just haveing random crash, im geting dcd every time i log in or use portal or enter into an instance or switch phase or warp rally or even if i try to switch characters
  5. Whiffmiester New Player

    I am crashing 5-10 times a day this **** is getting annoying
  6. Jade Rebel Dedicated Player

  7. Lord Brutality Active Player

    Same. Here.

    Hang in there. Just spent 15 bucks on Badges too. Pzzzzzz off.