Anybody else experiencing Client-crashes lately?

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by Zneeak, Mar 2, 2019.

  1. Shadowdragon Devoted Player

    I get the first one several times per day. Crashes happen most commonly in the following places:
    - Just zoned into Atlantis & program closes as I move to pickup my first quest.
    - Just zoned into Titans Island & program closes as I move to pickup my first quest.
    - Just zoned into base (any theme) & move through the hallway between the entry space & mainframe room.

    I get the 2nd one occasionally when a loading screen displays for over a minute.

    Edit: USPC
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  2. Mepps Sr. Community Manager

    Please also note if you are on PC, Xbox, or PS, if you haven't.
  3. Proxystar #Perception


    Actually mine crashes a lot while going in and out of my inventory during a fight or instance.
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  4. Zneeak Devoted Player

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  5. Black Prime OG Devoted Player

    Crashes. I rarely get "logged" out of the game. I just do the quick report of the crash, but like others say. What help is that?

    As someone that went thru the early years on PS3 and game freezes. It doesn't bother me that much.

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  6. Iconic Simulation YouTuber

  7. Iconic Simulation YouTuber

    Mine usually happens either during some loading screens or zoning in certain maps.
  8. Knarlydude Loyal Player

    I'm PC and my crashes have stopped as of last week. Before that it was at least two or three times a day during zoning. Luckily, I was able to fill out crash reports every time it happened.
  9. Brother Allen Loyal Player

    I get that "Client Crash Report" window at least once every other day. It is also worth noting that the Client Crash Report window is EXTREMELY annoying in that it prevents me from playing in Full Screen Mode. The reason for this is because when I am in Full Screen Mode and I get the Client Crash Report Window I am unable to click on the "Ok" or "Done" button after it uploads the crash log. Once this happens I have to force restart my laptop (good old CTRL+ALT+DEL). So I stick to Windowed Mode so I can click on it when it pops up. That is how frequent the Client Crash Report window occurs for me.

    As for PC or PS...obviously PC.
  10. Black Prime OG Devoted Player

  11. Zamara Dedicated Player

    I keep getting crashes on both PS4 & PC, on the PS4 is not as bad as it'll just close on its own and go to the PS4's send report screen but on PC I always have to log out of windows or reboot the PC as the send report window is stuck behind the frozen game, can't close neither of them, if i try to tab to the send report window it won't stay in the front it always sends the game screen to the front, i can open the task manager but the game screen being always on the front makes it useless. Only way to get out without shutting the whole thing down is doing ctrl + alt + delete and then click on the log out option.
  12. Brother Allen Loyal Player

    If you play in windowed mode Zamara you can close the Crash Report Window. That being said we should not be forced to play in windowed mode like we currently are.
  13. myandria Item Storage

    US/PS server for me.

    I usually experience a crash when my character tries to go from one place to another physically, such as entering/exiting a base, exiting an alert or raid via return portal, or entering/exiting a mission from the open world. I do not experience this as much if I use the warp menu/teleporter.

    Mapserve/Disconnect:I don't experience this as often as crashes, but when I do it is usually during an alert, event, or raid.

    Sometimes I will have both things happen to my character back to back; first the disconnect, log back in, then the crash and the crash report window, then log back in.
  14. dresserball Dedicated Player

    You don't read the crash boxes do you?
  15. dresserball Dedicated Player

    @Mepps What's the point of the crash report? I have been using that every time.
  16. Snowy OwI Devoted Player

    I've also gotten a crash reporter crash when loging to the game lately it has happen a coupple of times Just when my character is spawning the game crash.
  17. Schimaera Devoted Player

    PC, as mentioned usually when phasing to a new instance (by map-teleport, using the Lair teleporter, using any teleporter in instances or open world). Usually, everything goes fine for ~5 minutes max until a crash happens. It does not happen everytime but enough that I'm frustrated.
    Another problem I've encountered is when the crash happens on full screen mode on PC. The screen freezes and you can't alt+tab out of it, nor could you open the task manager to actually shut down the game. You need to log out from your profile and log in again (thus closing everything else that was open).
  18. Schimaera Devoted Player

    The first one.

    The second one sometimes occurs around forenoon (~11 am GMT) when roaming through gotham or metro and farming exobyte spots. Either the city loses it's connection and I'm teleported to hq/wt or wherever, or the game disconnects me and forces me to login again. This is, however, not related to the thread's main topic.
  19. Azzras New Player

    Crash with report sent. Just now. PC US.
  20. Snowy OwI Devoted Player

    The first one some times when I go from the character menu and is finished loading the game then the game crash with crash reporter and sometimes when I look at my other monitor while having the game running on the other screen it freezes and I have to close it. I'm playing on a pc on EUPC server