Anybody else experiencing Client-crashes lately?

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by Zneeak, Mar 2, 2019.

  1. myandria Item Storage


    I am on the US/PS server and I have experienced crashes since yesterday. For me (East Coast) it happened between 6-8pm yesterday and between 11-1pm today. I can only assume that those are times when the servers are busy with players doing this weekend's event. When I played after those times my PS4 had no issues.
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  2. Jack T. Chance Devoted Player

    Thanks for bringing that up, as I had forgotten to. I'm on the East Coast of the US, as well. And due to my work schedule, and the fact that I'm just naturally a night owl, I tend to play either very late at night (after 11 pm EST) or during the early afternoon on my days off, which fall during the week, not on the weekend. Most likely, I'm usually playing at times when the Server isn't under a heavy load.
  3. Duzzit Active Player

    I've been experiencing these crashes for the last few months but they all stopped when I bought some thermal paste, removed the heat sink from my CPU and vacuumed the dust out, wiped off the old thermal paste, applied the new, re-attached the heat sink.

    I'd never done it before so I watched a couple of youtube vids.

    My CPU is quiet and cool now and the game hasn't crashed in 10 days
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  4. Zneeak Devoted Player

    Good advice for those who may have had disconnect/crashing issues for a while, I keep my PC vacuumed and clean on a regular basis myself. I haven't had any consistent crashing issues since before the Artifact XP-event went live, but after that... Oh boy, random crashes atleast 4 times a day with the "DC Client has crashed"-pop up-window.
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  5. Brit Loyal Player

    It's been happening for me once or twice a day, every day, for the past four months.

    Mostly it's when zoning, but occasionally it's just something like opening the broker or a vendor will set it off.
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  6. Proxystar #Perception

    I like it when the game crashes and i get to provide "feedback" in the error window :D
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  7. Proxystar #Perception

    If your cpu was over heating it would happen in any occurence where the cpu went under load.

    DC isn't special in that regard, the game crashes because of software errors not hardware, of course i don't mean hardware can't cause errors im meaning the hardware won't cause an issue isolated to DCUO, it'll always come back to a software issue.

    Your lack of crashes following reseating your cpu will be coincidence.

    Also i would encourage people not to reseat your cpu unless you're a little tech savy, also if you've bought your pc from a store opening it and reseating your cpu may void your warranty.

    You'll want to be cautious about it, it's not a bad idea to always keep your pc maintained but this wont be causing your dc crashes.
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  8. 9001BPM Steadfast Player

    This also happens on PS4 and my “error reports” are a big help there too. :D
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  9. Knarlydude Loyal Player

    Mine too. I almost made a thread about it but mine stopped at least a week ago.
  10. Tipel New Player

    Yes, i'm on U.K Xbox and i'm getting crashes a couple times a session.
  11. Kid Multiverse Loyal Player

    Yeah, more often on USPS4. Crashing on zoning and reviving from deaths.
  12. LadyLightning Issue Tracker Volunteer

    hey peeps... I just want to point out that all this feedback doesn't help if you don't say your server and the time of zoning crashes...

    EU is on 72 hour restarts as far as I know, but US is back to daily restarts... xbox is also not daily I think.
  13. Zneeak Devoted Player

    US PC here... I don't think anybody here has been confusing the Server-restarts with their crashing-experiences if that's what you're asking, lol.
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  14. LadyLightning Issue Tracker Volunteer

    no. But server restarts and server stability can be related ;)

    When they tested extended runtimes on US server some systems crashed. But in general things have to go wrong first before they can find things to optimize :(
  15. Zneeak Devoted Player

    They can very well be related, and sounds like something they should be looking into. It would be nice with an actual dev response in this thread too, considering there's 2 pages in this thread alone ranging not only from PC players crashing but both PS and Xbox aswell.
  16. Dezaras Loyal Player

    I've just had a couple, both on the EU side, within minutes of each other. One was on PC, the other was on Playstation.
  17. Doc.Doom15 Committed Player

    I never experienced crashes until I got my brand new gaming PC. The only thing that changed was me getting a new PC. This game just doesn't play well with new rigs. Usually 1 crash in every 4 hours so it's not the biggest of deals but when it does crash it usually even freezes up task manager so I have to log off and back in again which is a bit annoying. And yes, all my drivers are up-to-date and there is no crap on my PC as it's brand new.
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  18. Mepps Sr. Community Manager

    For clarity:
    • Crash is the program stops responding, closes on its own, and/or the client crash reporter window pops up.
    • Disconnect is where your character leaves the world or you are logged out completely back to login.
    Can anyone/everyone confirm which you are seeing? Are you seeing something else not described here?
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  19. Zneeak Devoted Player

    Thank you for responding to this thread. I myself am experiencing crashes with the pop-up window stating that the PC Client has crashed, followed by the game closing down.
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  20. Proxystar #Perception

    Crash, repeatedly, several times a day can be a common occurrence.
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