Anybody else experiencing Client-crashes lately?

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by Zneeak, Mar 2, 2019.

  1. Zneeak Devoted Player

    I'm on PC side, and ever since the Bonus Artifact XP-event went live I randomly get a pop-up window stating that my DCUO PC-client have crashed. I've had this happen numerous times for me ever since the event went live. Is anybody else experiencing this issue? I didn't have any issues with random crashes before this event went live.
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  2. DeadDuck New Player

    Seems to happen when I'm changing zones from time to time. Annoying when I'm in a multi-player team.
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  3. Tracmar Well-Known Player

    Been happening quite frequently for last 2 days
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  4. Zneeak Devoted Player

    Yes, that's been my experience aswell. Ever since the Bonus Artifact XP-event went live, before that, I didn't have these issues at all with the pop-up window and random crashes.
  5. Dene Devoted Player

    Ironically, mine have slowed.. I used to get one every two days - but only 1 in last 4 or 5
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  6. DOA40 New Player

    I was getting 1 or 2 crashes last week. But so far, over the last couple of days, I haven't crashed.
  7. recoil2 Dedicated Player

    i've been getting a few crashes, i assumed it was my CPU usage overloading, i've even had it once in silent school just before the thorn golem. mostly mine happen right after logging in into the game successfully.
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  8. Jack T. Chance Devoted Player

    Those of you that are experiencing this, have you Verified Game Assets since it started happening? :confused:
  9. Zneeak Devoted Player

    Yup, to no avail. Also playing other, more demanding games with no issue so can firmly state it's not on MY end.
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  10. Jack T. Chance Devoted Player

    Only things I can suggest now are as follows:

    1) Download and install the freeware program CCleaner and run both a standard scan, and then a Registry Scan. Let it resolve what it finds. This can clean up some problems caused by programs that never fully uninstalled from your machine, and it can get rid of errors in the Windows Registry.

    2) If all else fails, do a complete, Clean Uninstall of DCUO (including running CCleaner afterwards to finish the cleanup,) and then redownload and reinstall a fresh copy. Yes, I know that takes AWHILE, because the DCUO Servers that push out the download are a bit on the slow side. But the reality of Windows is that sometimes a clean reinstall of the game fixes the issues.
  11. MsTickle Fate Devoted Player

    I've been having tons, dating back some five or more months, and it's notable since I wasn't able to game at all due to medical issues from mid-January until a couple of days ago. But crashing is how I've quit the day's gaming almost every day of the past several months.

    I've never had such a frequent set of crashes prior to these last few months; nothing even close. It dates back to perhaps the GU prior to Atlantis?
  12. Zneeak Devoted Player

    I scan my PC regularly. I'm pretty sure it's not an issue on MY end, seeing as a lot of players have posted about game crashes these past few weeks ranging from both PS to PC, so I certainly won't waste the time uninstalling and reinstalling a game whose issues are most likely on the other end.

    Thanks for your suggestions though.
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  13. Zneeak Devoted Player

    There's been game crash-issues on and off for a while now for sure, but I've personally never had as much trouble as I've had these past few days since the Artifact XP-event went live. Ever since then, the game keeps randomly crashing with a pop-up window stating that the PC-client just crashed.
  14. E Clip Dedicated Player

    I dont know a single PC player that doesn't crash at least once per day. Im crashing 1-3 times a day. I was told only people with Nvidia cards are crashing, but that's not the case. A few players I know have AMD cards and have crashes as well. Validating assets, reinstalling the game from scratch, deleting some files in the documents folder (forgot how they are called, but they have to do with hotkeys and other personal data stored), limiting FPS ... nothing helps. This is a problem with the game, that much is clear.
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  15. Schimaera Devoted Player

    At least twice a day since the Teen Titans Episode launched. Usually when phasing/using teleporters.
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  16. Zneeak Devoted Player

    So it seems that I'm definately not alone in experiencing PC client-crashes right now, issues that seem to date further back aswell. A dev response would be..... Appreciated?
  17. Jack T. Chance Devoted Player

    This is the hardest part about Windows PC glitches: Finding the source of the trouble. Is it a particular piece of hardware and its drivers causing an issue? Is it your particular CPU or GPU? The particular hard drive or SSD you're using? The Motherboard? The RAM sticks you're using? Some piece of software that doesn't like playing nicely with other things?

    One thing that may make a big difference, but which you may not be able to do anything about right now, is your particular Internet Service. What if the game's crashing because your connection speed isn't reliable enough?

    Troubleshooting on Windows PCs is always the hardest part. :(
  18. Zneeak Devoted Player

    The hardest part seems to be getting through that not one but several player's PC's aren't all being faulty on their end and that maybe, just maybe the issues may lie on the other end.
  19. Jack T. Chance Devoted Player

    True, but when not all PC players are experiencing it, it means that there's some sort of common factors that need to be identified so the problem can be solved.

    Speaking only for myself, and I am unanimous in this, my game rarely crashes on my MSI 17" high-end gaming laptop. It has an Nvidia desktop graphics card in it, rather than a mobile chipset. And it's connected to Verizon Fios Quantum Gigabit Internet. Couldn't tell you why, specifically, crashes are very rare on my rig these days, but commonplace for other PC players. :confused:

    All I can tell you is that the times, most recently, when it crashed for me, it was when the server went down for everyone.
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  20. Zneeak Devoted Player

    I've seen several PC players in past threads regarding crashes and sometimes even lag, with a high-end gaming rig to show for it, aswell as high-speed internet connection.

    I myself stated earlier that I'm playing more demanding games with no issues, the only game that seem to cause issues for me at the moment is an 8 year-old one known for numerous game-crashing issues across several threads. :rolleyes: Seems like you're just hellbent on assuming one's rig is the issue and not the game itself or one of the many client issues that can be, on their end, all based on the fact that you personally don't seem to have any issues yourself.

    All I can say is I've tried to do what I can on MY end to fix the issue. Hopefully the devs take another look.