any1 else rage crashing in ToTD?

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by COMBATICUS, Feb 23, 2015.

  1. COMBATICUS Dedicated Player

    Now I don't mean just regular rage crash, I'll try to explain it as clear as possible.

    Once in awhile, I'm in the middle of combat, and use rage mode everythin fine and dandy. Then use it again and within the first 3 seconds of me activating it, for some weird reason I rage crash, while I crash the heart beat sound is still active. I thought it was from my end....but I'm connected wired, my download is over 300, and upload about 100. So I brought some pugs and some other ppl in my league and from time to time they were experiencing this as well.

    So my question is, is there any other players out there having similiar issues? If so is this something we should be reporting in the bug section. It just that it's annoying ur in middle of having all the adds and ares, and then u don't know when itll happen again u pop ur rage mode again and without out it even passing 3 seconds u automatically rage crash, and the effect and sound are still there.

    I'm thinking it's probably the raid itself might be a little buggy, just like how survival mode first came out and rage tanks had issues similar to what I'm describing. Anyways I'll try to post this in the bug section as well. Just wasn't sure if it was enough ppl experiencing this as well, ty for your time.
  2. Wanning Comet Committed Player

    I read about someone reporting a bug with Severe Punishment in Throne, they said about the same thing you describe, they activate and then crash 3 second later without warning. They swapped Relentless Anger for Severe Punishment and had no issue. They were on PS as well. I've had nothing similar while using Severe Punishment in regular throne or elite throne on the PC server ever though, it might be a weird PS bug or it might be I'm just lucky to not be affected.

    Sorry I can't really help that much other than that, I'd just try switching your rage mode activator and seeing if you still get the bug you describe.
  3. COMBATICUS Dedicated Player

    Its ok, appreciate the reply. But yea it's just gets me without warning, I'm not sure what's causing it but I hope they look it to ot. The funny thing is, this wasn't happening before they took the raid out to fix, this started to happen after the took the raid out fixed the glitch and brought it back and when I went in there again after the fix, it was a non stop crash
  4. DC-9xlives Developer

    If I understand you, you are rage crashing without the heartbeat sound effect to let you know. Do I have it right?

    We do have a local fix for that issue, but it's still being tested.
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  5. Chewy Stuff Well-Known Player

    Wrong. Nothing to do with heartbeat. Random Rage Crash with Severe Punishment just activated.

    Can confirm. This has happened to me too on USPS. I thought it was cause i was rusty at tanking... but after a couple of tries it looked like i was rage crashing just after i had activated SP and started blocking.

    I had chalked it up to lag and just quit.
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  6. BigBabyGeezuz Dedicated Player

    When you activate severe punishment some sort of attack cancels the whole thing and you lose the heartbeat as well as the ability to heal damage back. Cancelling it with outrage, chain, etc. does nothing.
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  7. Ichiro Loyal Player

    I have the same problem
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  8. kav Committed Player

    It basically bugs out and nils the effect of SP - you basically rage crash promptly and/or happens after a few seconds after it being activated.

    @All Rage Tankers: You can use Relentless Anger for the Rage Mechanism in the mean time. I've tested it and it works perfectly fine in TotD as a Tank.
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  9. StopPerving Dedicated Player

    Can confirm that randomly this happens to me also. Surprisingly, I got thru a run yesterday without it happening.
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  10. Shad0wReap3r Committed Player

    Same for me. Not the issue you are describing, but the one the OP is. Activate rage mode, and crash within 1-3 seconds of activating. On USPS
  11. Kimone Luthor Genetech Clone

    A gentleman and a scholar.
  12. LordIsraphel New Player

    I have the same problem in t6 new raids .EU PC server.
  13. Void cell Well-Known Player

    Had this happen last night in elite throne... uspc. Guess I will try relentless.
  14. MEBegnalsFan Devoted Player

    I know in LAB one of the adds stun me and even though I am in my rage mode and not even close to crashing I crash and die. This happens multiple times over. I have seen the same thing in the Alert when stunned. I am wondering if the rage healing back ability is disableed when stunned, if so that will cause some serious issues for any Rage Tank.
  15. Atrocitus Ps4 New Player

    Possibly be a punisher hitting you with a 1 shot. It's easy not to notice them when your gathering adds. The skull icon appears above there head, they gather the income dmg from the dps, and expell the gathered damage in a aoe.
  16. Avian Dedicated Player

    I have had weird "rage crashes" as well while running TotD, I haven't been rage for long so I couldn't really tell if I was doing something wrong but it definitely didn't feel right.
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  17. MEBegnalsFan Devoted Player

    What I am hearing than is that Rage is broken for tanks? This means I can rage crash when I am not suppoe to Rage Crash. So it was not me but a bug when I was in Lab? Thank GOD!

    Just as a FYI, it seems to happen to me when I get stunned when I active the Rage mode. I activate get stunned and do not receive any healing back or I Rage Crash, not sure which one it is. It is very annoying as I stopped tanking with that toon due to this issue.
  18. LordIsraphel New Player

    i just quit today 3 runs in tod because of this .i quit the game....for today and maybe....they even dont care about this.
  19. MEBegnalsFan Devoted Player

    What is happening here is a bug for Server Punishment and not Relentless anger. Ok. I will try that out today.
  20. erckboy Active Player

    yes I've experienced this, I lose the heartbeat sound way too early in the Ares fight I have no idea if I'm gonna crash and I usually panic. Im thinking it was lag on my end though. thing is the other day I crashed after I used vindictive, it's very inconsistent sometimes.
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