We have new powers and I was wondering if anybody had any fresh power/weapon ideas? I wouldn't say water though because technically Ice is water and quantum is ALMOST cosmetically similar to water-control. But anyway, here are a few of my ideas. Flatulence powers(control)- Taking a page from Mystery Men(god awful) How about a burrito blast super charge in your loadout? dropping stink bombs? Or a Butt Blaster where you can rocket yourself in the air and out of harms way (from control effects for a short time). Fire power interactions? Stun enemies, root them in fear with your stench and blow enemies away with your powerful poots! Form changing(tank) - Unlike shapeshifting where you get to transform into animals, this power lets you change the form of different parts of your body to do damage. Besides no Plastic/Elongated Man love in this game? Change that Example: Mallet arms- Briefly changes the form of your hands into giant mallets, can melee with them similar but not identical to light claws, (and for devs[Just saying])can replace or cover the hands like brawling gloves or the earth gloves weight drop- has your character jump into the air, turn into a 1000 ton weight and crushes enemies beneath you. Crushing effect on enemies beneath you and a stun for an AoE. Blue Lantern(healer) and Red Lantern(Tank) - yea not original AT ALL. But making a blue lantern a healer and a red lantern a tank would give blue lanterns the advatage over reds as in the comics. AND healer & controller combinations are tough to beat, so a Blue & Green Lantern duo would be just like the comics. But wait? How can a villian be a blue lantern? They can't. Making this quite unbalanced and much more unlikely to be in the game. More unlikely than f*cking flatulence? Yes So any thoughts about my suggestions? and any powers YOU want to see added that can't be replicated with the current power set already implemented in the game?
I have an energy tank idea I've been messing with. Basically kinetic energy and potential energy trees. Kinect tree boosts the tanks dodge percentage causing attacks to miss while the potential tree boosts the tanks chance to absorb a hit completely and take no damage. Not quite don.polishing but it's my opinion that the next tank will probably have a dodge mechanic based on chance.
I have a thread about a potentially fun and powerful new weapon group which encompasses missile launchers, rocket launchers, and bazookas. Here is the link: https://forums.station.sony.com/dcuo/index.php?threads/shoulder-fired-weapons.6285/ Try to give the original post as many likes as possible so that we have a chance of getting this weapon added to the game. Myself and many other people would appreciate it very much. Thank you for your time.