Any good dps at the moment?

Discussion in 'War Room (Powers, Artifacts, & Builds)' started by Miauinator91, Dec 17, 2019.

  1. TheLorax 15000 Post Club

    Just parsed Harvest on DPS vs Healer. On Healer role Harvest did around 10-12k LESS than DPS role.
  2. ALB Dedicated Player

    What are you talking about? "Nature with a nature healer". Not as a nature healer. Lmao wow, the levels...
  3. TheLorax 15000 Post Club

    So what is the significance of Harvest and Nature healing? Why would a healer have Harvest in their loadout?
  4. ALB Dedicated Player

    To keep poisons rolling for roar spam. Get the full damage from roar
  5. ObsidianChill Community "Trusted"

    Light does more damage than both those powers expect in max range aoe. Melee & S/T both are Light
  6. TheLorax 15000 Post Club

    That wouldn't work because Roar removes all Poisons so there's nothing to refresh. The Nature DPS would still have to restack their Poison after Roar.
  7. TheLorax 15000 Post Club

    So Roar isn't removing the Poisons that someone else is refreshing?
  8. TheLorax 15000 Post Club

    Interesting. That should probably be reported.
  9. DeitySupreme Steadfast Player

    It’s a little tricky I guess (Most likely a bug). Roar has its own “power interaction” with poisons that are stacked compared to others that have to have any poison up. Technically if another nature has 3 poisons up than the 1st nature’s roar would be registering the 3 poisons as its own interaction but the removing doesn’t work because it is someone else’s dot. Probably the way the coding is written. If that’s the case than I do believe it’s a bug. And would explain the high parsers. I actually didn’t know about this either lol.
  10. ALB Dedicated Player

    People been doing it since revamp. The damage is crazy.
  11. Kimone Luthor Genetech Clone


    I do know that Nature has a defacto parser difference in the poison interaction specifically (that I discovered when I was running the Electricity split test - shocking results, only two Abilities in the entire set split "weird", and they're not the only abilities in the game that do) that functions as such :

    Single target damage is "D". The cap on split damage is "2D" - you can hit two things for 100% single target damage.

    "T" is the number of targets. "S" is the final resulting damage to an individual target, in the case of a multiple target situation the "primary target". "A" is final damage to ancillary targets, which will become important later.

    Standard damage splits as follows :

    if T = 1 or 2

    D = S

    If you hit 1 target for 100 damage, it takes 100 damage. If you hit two targets with the same 100 damage hit, they both take 100 damage

    if T = 3 or more,

    (2D) / T = S

    Which means if a hit does 100 to a single target, the split cap is 200, or 2D.

    According to this formula, at 8 targets, everything hit by that given attack will undergo a split resulting in 25 damage to a given target (2*100) / 8 = 25.

    Nature's Burst damage moves all split pretty much according to this formula (I didn't test Forms or SC because "none of you are paying me to do this and that wasn't the question I was trying to answer").

    Harvest (and I think the other poison refresh / spread Ability) do not split the same way though... Harvest's split functions differently according to primary versus ancillary targets - i.e. whatever you're aiming at, versus the things around it that it spreads poison to : specifically, anything that is next to your poison producing add.

    The primary target split, in this instance, is still affected by the normal effective damage formula :

    (2D) / T = S

    But ancillary targets are affected at an inflated value, roughly analogous to :

    (2D) / (T-1) = A

    Meaning that the primary target still takes whatever percentage of damage from the Poison Dot it would normally receive according to the split formula, but the ancillary targets take damage from the Poison DOT according to a split formula that disregards the primary target - the damage they receive is at a higher value as a result.

    To see this most immediately in action, go to your League Hall sparring targets. Try Serpent Call on the single target to establish D, then use it on the set of three targets to establish S. Afterwards, use Harvest on the center target - the center target still takes S, but the two side targets take the A value instead. I suggest the three target set because after using Harvest to spread the poison DOT, the ancillary targets will take the same damage as the single target did by itself; this additional percentage of damage combined with Nature's consistency and the duration of the DOT cycle makes it a very potent output platform.
  12. crap zappa New Player

    Last time i checked, you dont do any damage dead in an elite raid meleeing. You might get big numbers on a sparring target. In actual content i destroy light guys. So does my league mate who is muni.
  13. Xibo Loyal Player

    Munitions, Electricity and Nature are the best for Elite Raids.

    Rage, Earth, Gadgets, Atomic and Light are the best for Solos, Duos, Alerts, Normal Raids and Events.

    Mental and Sorcery are, sadly, the worst and need to be reworked.
  14. gemii Dedicated Player

    Electric In elite raids? You have to be prec electric. Might ST is weak for electric
  15. L T Devoted Player

    That's true, but to be fair, Electric can basically run its AOE rotation without penalty because of the way Arc Lightning and Tesla Ball split. So the boss is getting burned a little slower, but you're helping the tanks by burning down those annoying Robin's at the same time.
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  16. crap zappa New Player

    My single target burn with electric is on par with any other power and i dont have to melee/die a bunch standing beside the tank.