Another Make The Witch Hat Tradeable Thread

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by Anima, Nov 1, 2014.

  1. The dark knight New Player

    The drop rates seem to be better this year than the 2 years before. I never had the hat on any toon, this year I got it 3 times on 2 toons.
  2. Saami Loyal Player

    I got my first witch hat in this halloween too.
    I had forgot the whole thing.
  3. Darkerusaelp Devoted Player

    Would you prefer it to be account bound or just plain traceable?
  4. Anima Committed Player

  5. RoxyStormbringer Dedicated Player

    I'd like it to stay untradeable, because people should be willing to run content on the toon they want to get it on. IMO, making this hat tradeable is the same as making ALL Vault drops tradeable, which seriously reduces the rarity, joy, and uniqueness of having these items on the toon we truly want these items on. Yes, I ran the event regularly until I got the hat on my main, not only that, but I had to rerun the content to get the Spooky Bites needed to get all of the Feat items. Truthfully, I'm glad that every Seasonal Event has that rare untradeable item that is really cool and unique, these items are the carrots that keeps us running content even though we don't need it.
  6. Anima Committed Player

    I have friends that have run this instance every day it was out, and still did not get the hat.

    Except that it's not.

    So did many of us. And some of my friends that don't have the hat replayed the instance many times.

    All in all, not really a good argument. But I appreciate your time.
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  7. Anima Committed Player