Another Green Aura Thread

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by MercPony, Feb 3, 2014.

  1. Fruity Reaper New Player

    Would settle for the thin ones but yeah this would be awesome.
    Nah it will be one week after release multiple threads about the wrong colours from the ones not reading this thread.

    As a villain am already planning on making heroes pay through the nose
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  2. Cloud_9 New Player

    A green aura?

    The end of days is upon us.

  3. Dirty Fred New Player

    Im gonna stack up on Prom Boxes now so when aura comes out i will sell them hyper expensive to the Heroes:cool:!

    I will FUND my new criminal empire this way....
    • Like x 2
  4. Derio 15000 Post Club

    Yes, saving my lockboxes as of today.

    In blackest day, in darkest night,
    No broker price shall undercut my might,
    When all seems lost and no green auras in sight,
    Look in trade chat, for Derio has them at the right price.:D
    • Like x 4
  5. Scott Zyur New Player

    Finally Green auras. I remember when i returned to the game and was shouting for a green aura for a few days until someone finally sent me a tell saying they didn't exist. My body is ready. My wallet, however, is not.
  6. Scott Zyur New Player

    fixed that for you.
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  7. Apostate Rising Dedicated Player

    bet money they wont drop out of old prom boxes. bet they start dropping from new ones whence the aura hits.
  8. Thewoe Well-Known Player

    I will never sell mine. Got a Few HL Characters, so will be using all mine if i ever get one xD
  9. TheRealDeathern New Player

  10. UltraElite Dedicated Player

  11. Derio 15000 Post Club

    This is a duplicate thread.
  12. Batman Beyond Well-Known Player

    Neat, now if you just add a New Batman Cowl in Lockboxes you can kill 2 birds with 1 stone lol. ;)
  13. Badname654 New Player

    I don't even like auras. I hope I get one early so I can film flam a fool into buying one for millions of dollars.
    • Like x 1
  14. KnyghtmareX Well-Known Player

    Now that we know we are getting green Auras Mods can you please close and archive every thread about them
  15. Circe New Player

    I don't think you can save lockboxes to get new items. Last time, when the new 52 styles were released, they said hording Lockboxes and saving them to get the new styles wouldn't work.
  16. Emerald Knight Well-Known Player

    I just had a mini heart you Devs! :D
  17. iLLusion New Player

    It's coming soon! Like GU34 soon!

  18. Dametria Loyal Player

  19. TKMcClone Steadfast Player

    It depends on how they implement it.... If the new aura is just mixed in with current loot table, then why wouldn't hording work?

    The new 52 styles was a complete update to lockboxes...
    from GU26:
    • Promethium Lockbox Update
    • New items have been added to the Promethium Lockboxes! We’ve removed the rings, necklaces and consumables; however players will now have the chance to get new Superman, Deathstroke, Talon, and Batgirl themed style items! We have also added new Base items, and players will also receive Marks of Triumph or Marks of Reality depending on combat rating level. We’ve even removed the limit on how many boxes you can receive monthly! Visit the Marketplace today to get your Promethium Keys, or become Legendary to have unlimited access!
    I will be hording...
  20. Circe New Player

    Who knows, maybe when the Lockbox dropped your item was pre-determined.

    And just for the facts, here are the tweets confirming the GU26 items couldn't drop from previously earned Lockboxes: