This looks like something a lot of the players really want! But, I'll laugh if XxXxSUPERMANxXxX plays Batman in Legends PvE!!!
This is bittersweet for me. I think this mode has a lot of potential and will be very fun, however I am disappointed that old legends characters that I purchased for real cash while also carrying a membership will now be available for MoL. For all the people that cry cash grab, what prevents the other side from crying hand out? I am happy to support the game, however this retroactive change makes me feel a little sick as it is in response to people that refuse to buy while others were supporting the game with real money. Nevertheless, thank you for spearheading this Spytle and I look forward to where you take this.
Both sides of whining is totally wrong never the less... Legends PVE has been asked for, and adding new feats for you to do with different characters is a creative idea. Somehow we have to get access to all of the various toons. Doesn't matter if you bought a char that was real-cash exclusive very, very long ago. If you are one of those who asked for Legends PVE and/or are excited about the concept, then stick to being excited!
, i can sympathize but look at it this way: you've already had all this time and all these experiences playing these toons that many other have not. your toons have paid you back. legends characters are the one area i have spent zero dollars on. not that i dont like legends or any of the characters offered. its just i had enough of a pool to draw from. as it is i've only focused in on a handful of legends toons over the years with the idea that id rather be really good with two or three toons than mediocre with all of them. it was pretty obvious this was the direction we were heading in once we had the dual option of paying or playing to unlock the newer legends toons. its for the good of the game. its supposed to get players to pvp more with legends. At first i wasnt to keen on this idea but I like the way its being implemented.
Yes! Main reason why I'm coming back to the game after a while. That and skimming <3 very nice PS: Only thing I gotta complain about, after months, Hal Jordan's voicepack (or whatever it's called). In PVP at least. The first one was great, amazing, very Hal Jordan-ish. The new one changed around WotL Pt1 release... terrible. He sounds bored. He literally sounds uninterested in anything. Sounds depressed and all xD Please change it. I really ended up thinking that it was an error that devs made unintentionally and switched the voicepack for some reason :/
I play this game to play w/ ppl...almost like its an MMO. Dnt need to log in to DCUO to play with myself. XP LOL. I really dnt care for any of the solo aspects in DCUO. There are much better games that do the solo game experience oh so much better & I play them for that reason. I think this is a nice casual addition to the game. Games don't always have to be life consuming chores to be enjoyable after all. Im at a point in my life where I just dnt have the time or care to try maxing my toons out anymore. & TBH the game anymore, just dsnt require us to be maxed to complete any of the content so whats the difference. I just want a functional game & enjoyable experience during my limited availability to play. We all started gaming just because it was cool & fun, somehow many forget this aspect because they are so focused/driven on how/what benefit they gain from running content in certain games & only log in to do just that. But thts just just a game, there will never be a real benefit & it dsnt matter how great you are in or at it...its just Wonderland Alice.
Will these be similar to the T6 solos, like Circe's Trial, Test Subject #1, ect.? Because that what it sounds like....
My only concern about this is how exactly it's going to effect legends PvP balancing. We've already seen countless times the effects that altering something in PvP messes up something in PvE and vice-versa. Other than that, can't wait to give this a try!
Does this mean no more iconic visions? I sure hope so. Instead of replacing the events every month is there any thought on just keeping them up and adding new events to the tab so we can play the ones we want? This will also alleviate the stress of having to wait for the event to came back in case the feats were not accomplished before it's removal.
mmm thats cool,thats cool.Does the Legends have weapon mastery? and are roles included or everyone will be dps like our pvp legends matches? Oh and what about our random loot drops, will be nice to have some base stuff falling along instead of knowing we call only for marks.Dont overdo it by putting too many pvp legends missions to suck up all our normal pve queue runs though.More stuff are being added all the time, just another surprise waiting at the corner.Guys dont burst ur heads thinking about it too much, time runs fast when ur not paying attention to it lol.Devs *cheers*
I'm conflicted. I came in here expecting to get my jimmies rustled over something, but there's nothing to get mad and complain about. What should I do now?
In the feats that I've seen, some of them were feats for performing in pairs. In South Gotham Courthouse, the instance is a 4-player alert. So will you reduce the amount of people to 2-player or will I get to pick Batman and my friend will be Robin and then the other two are free to choose?
This sounds like another good addition. The fact that we will be able to get the marketplace legends with marks is sweet.
Pretty awesome Spytle! Thank you all for this! It is definitely something I have been looking forward to for a long, long time. I love everything you said in that OP of yours, every word, really! My only concern, as many others have pointed out, is having a MoL sink. Perhaps it's too early for you to include something but Legends skins would be the most appropriate use for our MoL imo. Even if it's just one single skin each month, it would be nice to have something to work towards. If not many of us would run the events once or twice then move on, regardless of how awesome it can be. I propose an OMAC version of any of the Batfamily members as the first skin since the first instance is Courthouse and it would fit the theme pretty nicely. Besides they're already in the game and hopefully shouldn't be that much work. I don't think 1 skin a month is too much to ask, especially if you start with skins already in game. Council of Lexes or Batmen, emotionally misted heroes, evil superman, so many amazing possibilities! I'm exited, hopefully WB's stupid copyrights don't mess with our fun Edit: You could also add the skins to the marketplace once the event is over every month. Give people the option to earn them with MoL or pay real money for them.
will we be able to take a legend to the sparring targets and practice with them or will it be like pvp where you pick and q and thats it? also this is very cool and i can't wait