Dev Discussion Anniversary Event: Centennial Collapse

Discussion in 'Concluded' started by Charon, Jan 4, 2017.

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  1. Ala Rebeldex Loyal Player

    It always start before when you enter the instance and Oracle and Calculator start talking.
  2. Carbon Based Unit Well-Known Player

    Charon and Mepps: I found one thing odd about the Anniversary Event. Mepps was all over the idea of Stats Matter in the video chat thingie. Hooray for AM being downplayed, DPS being brought back in line with powers, etc. And now we have this event where, basically, to do many of the feats in the Centennial Collapse battle you need 8 players that can do perfect DPS and AM to run without a troller, healer, or tank. Specifically, the 2 minute or 5 minute mark based ones. Since all CR is boosted, the CR differential is auto-nerfed or pre-determined in the entire instance, which goes along with SM. But then, everything else about the Anti-M battle is pushing for AM and DPS, be in the perfect spot so you don't get adds, live off of supply drops, and do everything super fast and extreme DPS! That just seemed to counter the idea of where the game says it is headed and makes the event look like it is partially in line with the change to SM and partially not in line with that... so a tad odd, mixed message wise.

    The Anti-M drops, well... at 188 CR, I used a couple to fill out my healer vs. DPS gear but otherwise they are a waste. I just go for the mark because it is the only thing of any value in the drops. And WHY, oh WHY do I see teleport mods in EVERY Anti-M drop list? That has to be like the worst joke ever! Want a real drop selection? Grab the Promethium Box randomizer and replace that teleport mod with one random thing from the Promethium Box list. So people would have a chance at a rare style, rare base item, or compound omega. Every Promethium Box is like 5 things to pick from, and I am saying change the one useless thing on the Anti-M drop list to a random one of those 5. People would probably be a lot happier with the results and then they would have some real choices to make about what to select.

    On a side note: Mepps, in the SM video you talk about CR staying and CR differential going. OK. But how is CR staying? Please address this at some point. I can see CR staying 2 ways. 1) As a value on gear or 2) as an evaluation of unbuffed stats. I am hoping for 2 because then gear, mods, and SP will all be valued in CR, not just gear. Also, you could do weighted CR for role so your DPS CR in Role gear would be low as well as the reverse. This would help make it clear to people that they need to use the proper gear, SP, mods, etc. and armories to change roles because then their CR would be appropriate to what they are doing.
  3. Raijin1999 Loyal Player

    After having played the event with every character/every power, I gotta say the Anti-Monitor's CC spam is the bigger problem here that needs to be addressed. Not so much when you're actively fighting him, but during the 1st and 3rd phases where you're supposed to be attacking shards and shadow demons, and Anti decides to blindside the group with CC and CC combos that result in one shots.

    During these two phases, Anti should not be attacking the party, and shouldn't even be a selectable target (he still is, for some reason), and should instead focus on fighting the iconic heroes/villains so the party, and it's already limited support team, can focus on their current objectives without being cheaply killed off.
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  4. CTCFirebird Active Player

    There were a few times myself and a group I was with was going to get the 5 min. feat. Apparently, we got cheated out of the feat at the 2nd part of it when we destroyed the Shadow demons, another group was suppose to come out. They didn't; we had to wait 1 min for them to come out and it had lag in it. We only were 1 min late... We literally got cheated out of the feat.

    I just want to add, I got lightheaded from putting too much energy into trying to get the feat.
  5. LanternCorps1010 New Player

    Inventory slots not unlocking with membership. Keeps asking to buy membership for more when already have one
  6. sharpy36 Active Player

    It sounds to me like most people are complaining about the aspects of CC (and many other raids) that make it fun. If you say you don't have enough power, the problem isn't the game. The problem is you need your controller to practice more. If you die too easily, work on helping your tank and healer. If it takes too long to beat, keep practicing until you can do it faster. I have done CC in under 5 minutes and it is difficult, but obviously possible. That's why 5 minutes is a feat. It's an accomplishment to be able to finish that quickly. It's not a trophy just for playing. If 5 minutes is possible, then 10 minute runs shouldn't be hard to do at all one people have figured out how it works. 10 minutes for a raid doesn't sound like a long time to me. It it supposed to take teamwork and learning how to use your powers. Raids have a learning curve and it sounds like a lot of people want to just run into every instance with dps and finish it in 2 minutes and get their reward. I understand that for a seasonal event the quick and easy reward might be nice, but in general it just sounds like people haven't yet learned their roles well, and/or figured out how the mechanics of how a fight works. In CC everybody is the same CR with capped stats, the only difference between a 5 minute run and a 20 minute run is the experience of the group and how well they can work together.
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  7. CTCFirebird Active Player

    Oh, I know and you're right about that, Sharpy. Also, the problem is that they have people do CC once and think they know the mechanics and want to get the 5 min feat - Time Dilation with pugging it. Tbh, I rather team up with exp players who know what their doing as well as being prepped for the for the feat. Of course, I do my part cause I know the mechanics, but its way too many people who just don't come prepared for it. Even one person can screw it up for everyone. I'm tired of that crap. I wasted enough money as it is trying to get it. I have the Qwa-Bombs, Interference Shield, and Qwardian Uplink just for those as well as the Speed Boots.

    I've always said this: If you have the feat and you're willing to help someone else get it. That's great to give something back like that!
  8. Supremo BR Well-Known Player

    The feat isn't too hard, although you need people that know what they are doing.

    I did the feat as rage dps and i topped the scorecard. Of course that rushers will have the most damage no matter what - 40% related damage of qwa-bombs to current hp status.

    The best strat i found out so far is to use 6 dps, 1 healer and 1 troller. You should have all 8 players using qwa-bombs as soon as they are out of cooldown, also you preferably should have 3 people rushing after next shard as soon as they are spawning, and they Spawn when previous shard has got down to 20% hp. All the dps have to be at least decent dps. Once you get to Anti-monitor, troll should go dps and you should run from that point on with 7 dps and 1 heal. People should make a circle around anti-monitor for shadow adds, and don't move around too much, qwa-bombs will do damage for you. If people don't use those qwa-bombs, you won't do the feat. This is not the only way to do it, but we did under 5:45 min. Exoshields are very important, they will prevent you from being a tennis ball bouncing around, soI'd say get two players to use them. That's pretty much it. Good Luck.

    Last but not least, thx to darkman and lightfx for the heads up.
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  9. light FX Steadfast Player

    We did the feat the 2nd day, both speed feats before the health nerf, and we were far from perfect. And we had a heal and a troll for the shard phase and 1 heal 7 dps for the anti-monitor burn phases and shadow demon phase. Its not that tough to do and people dont need to be perfect. The entire group needs to use the bombs and orbitals on the shards. That isnt perfect dps. Its being smart and knowing how the instance works ;) And i dont mean to be rude when i say this, but some dont seem to know what good dps is because they have never actually seen it or run with people who do great dmg ;) Also SM is not like the event at all. No1 is clamped or boosted in SM. And what exactly is hard about dps doing their AM? 1234 is now a difficult thing? Should people be able to get speed feats by doing tap wpn attacks? AMs do the optimal dmg in the game right now. So if ya want above average dmg ya need to use your AM, simple. I guess im just somewhat confused by what you're saying.
  10. Sigeci Well-Known Player

    This feat has to have been bugged out since the health nerf hotfix. Ran multiple runs where the timer said 6 mins at the end. Even had an insanely quick run where it said 5:15 and didnt get the was pretty much a perfect run. It has to be counting the cut scene which is over 1 minute alone. This needs to be looked into as there will be so many without these feat and its just a seasonal.
  11. Helderman Dedicated Player

    The speed feats: You freaking kidding me? An all DPS group hasn't the burn to destroy 9 anti-matter shards in less than two minutes. A pug group lacks the coordination to kill 20 shadow demons in less than two minutes (it doesn't help that they have as much health as the shards). And completing the event in five minutes? Really?
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  12. CTCFirebird Active Player

    I ran it recently and beat it around 6:30/ 6:40, no feat... Not sure what myself and a group that I'm running with are doing wrong here. I mean, it was STILL in the 5 min mark, close to 6 mins... Should've popped...
  13. Carbon Based Unit Well-Known Player

    Yes, I found out how good the Qwa-Bombs were on tha shard after i posted this, but even getting a group with a bunch of people using Qwa-Bombs, did not get it. As you point out, it also needs something else. You point out Orbital Strikes. OK. Great DPS would help too. In eithe case, it is basically impossible for a scrub group of scappers and only planned groups with a few of the right things will make it.

    My point was, here they are changing the game to get away from this need to have really great DPS, and then they make an event that pushes for DPS. I got the 2 min Shadows w/o Qwa-Bombs, everyone dinging their AM all the time. So that was, most likely, a DPS heavy group and only got the Shadows in 2 min, not the rest. Again, that was after making the post.

    They are pushing to remove AM, weapon combos, etc. but then come in with an event that celebrates them? They could have done a ton of different feats. There are lots of options. But they stuck with speed, a feat that is based on the things they are getting rid of. I just see that as an odd choice. As for what about 1234 that is hard, you have to have every person with the correct 1234 and in many cases, with the proper power because not all are equal in AM. For people that are here for fun and chose their power based off of that, well, it is a lot harder to have fun when all you are doing is reading a HOWTO page, picking a specific set of powers, and running around going 1234 all the time.
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  14. darth_paul Dedicated Player

    Yes, I saw this yesterday after I boosted one of my villains to CR 100 with one of the my two free tokens. I was trying out the cultist mission and it severely sucked bad that I kept getting the Qwardian guys interfering. Why are they even in the regular Metro map to begin with when there is nothing for you to do with them other than have them be and unnecessary annoyance?
  15. CTCFirebird Active Player

    I love the map and all. I hope it will continue on so that everyone can get the 5 min feat - Time Dilation. Both CC and Antimatter Metropolis. The feat may be a bit annoying, but still is fun. I rather team up with people willing and know how to get the feat. I hate wasting time. I pray this Event will go on for a few months.
  16. Johnny DCUO Well-Known Player

    Had to rage-quit the event AGAIN today. Went in as tank, and before I could even do 1 move, I got CC'd. o_O
    Couldn't do anything. No powers, no consumables, and not even block. :(
    I know that this can happen, cause it does all the time, but today??? It took 2 minutes of running around holding the R1 to see when I could do anything. After the 2 mins I quickly ran towards a shard, and after using 1 power, guess what happened? I got CC'd.
    Again it took 1,5 minutes before I could do anything again.
    So again I was running around in circles holding R1 to see when I could do anything again...
    After the 1,5 minutes I could fight again so I ran to the Anti-M to join the group in the fight. (Couldn't help on even 1 shard...!!!)
    And guess what happened..??? I got CC'd and couldn't do anything... So I quit the event.

    I like a lot of the event, but man do I HATE, HATE, HATE, REALLLLLYYY HAAAAATE the CC when you can't do anything.!!!
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  17. Laura Lightning Level 30

    There isn't enough time to complete all of the anniversary event feats in the limited time that you have given. The gear alone costs nearly 400 Quardian coins. If you ran all of the dailies, raid and weekly for the entire month, you only get 284 coins. This is not including the 140 coins you need to spend for the blue hope collection, the 20 coins you need to spend for the anniversary collection. Even if you ran the collections on an alt, you still couldn't get enough coins to finish the style feat in a single month. Plus there are all of the other feats that are unlikely to be completed in that time frame unless you replayed it several times. Did you really expect to force players to waste replay badges on this silly nonsense? Are players really going to have to wait an entire year to finish this, even if you planned to reintroduce it next year? Badly planned, Devs. You need to extend the deadline from Jan. 31 to give players enough time to complete this junk.
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  18. Pingvinozavr Dedicated Player

    I wonder is it still in the plans or you guys decided to leave the event as is?
    Does it mean that in theory it's possible to spawn all shards (damaging them first) without killing anything, to not start the timer? Does the timer starts if player dies?
  19. cyberdroid New Player

    Hello, I like to asked can you give us a free replay of this event so we can get 10 points each time we play - want to armor and only way I see I can is replaying it. Please can you just make that free for till event is over?
  20. IamINC Dedicated Player

    never , never , never going to happen.
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