Well, time for a 2nd post here. Chronometric emitters are taking a second or 2 to stun the ads, counters are delayed so I'm knocked over before I have a chance to stop it. On my prec side, the entire flurry shot animation plays, even though I stop it at a certain point and there's no damage being done after that. Feels like the delay is growing increasingly worse almost if not every day, and me re-logging does not seem to fix it as much as the delay affects me the second I log back on. There are some days where I get no lag at all, then some days where it gets annoying trying to work with it. Also, it seems to be hit-or-miss, depending on what you're running.
At first it was 1 power stuck in animation now it’s all channeling powers and now the entire game is lagging
I found some weird situation where my character was completely fine in HoL and the in JLDC alert and raid, but when doing the Wonderverse solo, my powers' effects on enemies had a similar delay to the one reported earlier by me. This is weird because now the bug went from being login specific (affecting everywhere) to being instance specific...
Daily push! It seems the developers are mastering the art of delay in real life too. Still no response to our lag issues. And anyone was calmed by the dev letter...
This animation delay has been going on since the PS5 new client. The game is in a terrible state because of it and a lot of players have decided to leave the game because of it. This is a GAME BREAKING issue and I see no attention being directed at this. Is sad to see that people up vote for cosmetics but they won't vote for an actual problem that is ruining the DCUO gaming experience. PLASE TAKE NOTE/ACTION OF THIS THREAD POST. It deserves more attention that it has at the moment.
Push! Delays and lags in the game that affect the gameplay experience. PlayStation 5 users unable to access the marketplace, with no prospect of improvement. A legendary character in PvE being fixed, despite hardly anyone playing it Lack of communication from the developers regarding planned updates and events. It's not just annoying but also disappointing to see how little the community's concerns are being considered. But hey: they fixed the missing LPVE Character in the marketplace - no one plays LPVE but yay....
Are they under attack? That's the only plausible reason as to why they're staying quiet. Is the cybersecurity team asleep, do they even have one?
It seems like its starting to get out of control. Sometimes its fine, Q into something (or go to different zones) and it breaks. Then works fine again. Sometimes log out and back in solve it...sometimes it doesnt. Getting more and more annoying
Ran an alert earlier, it was the Star Labs 4-player, and I noticed weird damage and animation behavior that I suspect is related to this thread. I popped a shield that never manifested even though the ability went on cooldown and I nearly went down. Then blocking wasn't healing below 35% for a while. It's tough to get through content when the game doesn't respond as intended.
I'm not sure if it's the same issue or not but I've been unable to DPS for two weeks. jump cancelling causes a slow dramatic "moon jump". Any "hold" in button combos needs to be held longer or the combo won't register. Animations are delayed. Heat Vision and Geiger beam animations were lasting nearly twice as long as normal earlier today. I'm getting 400-500 mgps down & >100mgps up and get NAT type 2. I use port forwarding, external DNS servers, etc. So it's definitely not me. I've switched between PS4 client and PS5 client to see if it helps or makes any difference and it does not. Game is currently unplayable for me. Until things are better I'll just be logging in for daily rewards, stabilizer (also laggy), and broker stuff.
Same issues here. Log in and can’t properly do stuff as animations are delayed and really messes up the flow of channeling powers.
I’ve had this the past two (possibly 3) days, when tanking. I’ll be going through my “rotation” and weapon hits, and it’s like the system isn’t picking up on what is currently happening. I’ll have used backdraft and clip it etc, and it’ll end up using hard light shield or some other power that I’d used 3 moves ago. I dunno if it’s lag in the game itself/the ps5 client/ or bugged areas (though, most seem like that now) but it’s constantly there. I’m guessing it’s some form of lag? Whatever this is though, someone who works for this company NEEDS to sit down with this game, and play it thoroughly. As it stands! Paying customers are paying for a very VERY mediocre experience. Whilst the ps5 client has gotten a lot better, it’s still running so poorly at times. And for me… is where most of this lag/animation not in timing thing has been occurring. But the ps4 seems affected too now. Do we not give enough money for decent servers to be bought?
In-game delays have been plaguing us for weeks. It's absurd how widespread they've become. Every action is affected by delays even executing an ability. Enemies that should have been defeated still deal damage and interrupt us. During the final boss encounter in hom the poison suddenly appears before he even initiates the animation for it. Typically, he raises his fist, and then the poison spawns but now it appears first, followed by his fist. And then there are these invisible tables in the second boss fight that offer no warning before hitting us. They are not even there and damaging. It's simply ridiculous that such obvious issues persist without being addressed. Not even the AI gives a copy pasta reply.... Butnhey: soom we get new BBs and TCs
No seriously, it’s so annoying having to re-log 20 times because my game is delayed by 2 seconds. It’s very unplayable, and very unenjoyable. Here are all the issues I’ve seen with this delay. - on my healer character, my heals and shields are delayed - on my dps character, all my damage is delayed. Also the animations with some of the powers. - on my tank character, all my pulls are delayed. - when holding B(Xbox controls) on a revive, the time to finish the animation of that is delayed.
No seriously, it’s so annoying having to re-log 20 times because my game is delayed by 2 seconds. It’s very unplayable, and very unenjoyable. Here are all the issues I’ve seen with this delay. - on my healer character, my heals and shields are delayed - on my dps character, all my damage is delayed. Also the animations with some of the powers. - on my tank character, all my pulls are delayed. - when holding B(Xbox controls) on a revive, the time to finish the animation of that is delayed.