An Otherworldly Guide to Celestial

Discussion in 'Oracle’s Database (Guides)' started by Remander, Sep 7, 2014.

  1. Tilz Loyal Player

    Fort battlehealing i use a 1:1 Ratio.
    Loadout: rcw, rcc, dlcp, acb, anoint, mcb

    Never did it in t6 raids... but for t6 Alerts and every other instance ist nice
  2. Xzotix Committed Player

    I LOVE this one. :):D
  3. ForsakenDarkness New Player

    Ok. BcA with McB is gravy burst. The crit boost is amazing

    I usually get 2100 from the burst and the damage heals from cAdmonish with McB is 2061. Not bad.

    BcA/A with Consume Soul is also great.

    Tried mixed healing

    RcC, BcA, AcB, McB, CScWoTP, PcDL.

    Try for yourself with Bow>spinning punch mastery.

    AcB clip McB> WM> AcB> BcA>CScWotP
  4. Remander Steadfast Player

    I also go closer to 1:1 in alerts. Basically heal in DPS gear. Not recommended for raids, though. You need your HoTs and burst heals, as well as Blessing (if you choose to use it) to be strong, as well. If you're 1:1, all the heals outside of McB will be pretty weak. I could see doing that as a second healer, but I'd probably just DPS with McB on my loadout.
  5. Remander Steadfast Player

    Here's something I've been messing with: McB/BcM. McB sets up the 8-person damage-based heals, and BcM sets up an 8-person heal based off the precision cM ticks. Since they are precision, you actually get double ticks, because of McB. Haven't tried it in content yet.
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  6. ForsakenDarkness New Player

    Supreme Monarch had done this in boss fights. he said the Law of McB still applies to the prec damage from BcM.
    He also mentioned this in your thread.

    Btw, I love the guide :D
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  7. MentosTroll Loyal Player

    I love this thread because of stuff like this. I was doing McB to RcC to have a prec based HOT, but McB / BcM makes more sense.
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  8. Remander Steadfast Player

    I'd actually forgotten that, lol! Credit to Supreme, then!
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  9. Remander Steadfast Player

    I'll tell you that until I did the research for this guide, there were a lot of healing aspects I didn't fully appreciate. Prior guides and threads had narrowed it down to a couple loadouts. There is so much more flexibility. That's why I purposely didn't just list recommended loadouts. If you look at the options, you can create your own!
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  10. Remander Steadfast Player

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  11. ForsakenDarkness New Player

    Im a friend on his alt account. I wanna pm you the details.
    I hope I didn't come off brash man. Your guide is very detailed and beautifully done.
    I see why Monarch holds you in high regard.. and why his healing is considered amazing.
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  12. Black Jaq Devoted Player

    Thinking about adding Death Mark in for healing since it seems like I rarely use McB and can switch the PP from Mal to DM. Any idea what the range is on the heal?
  13. MentosTroll Loyal Player

    In regards to McB, can you elaborate on this? So if I have 3000 precision and 3000 resto, the max total heals I can push out every second is 3000?
  14. Remander Steadfast Player

    I actually think it's short range, but don't think I formally tested it. BRB.
  15. Remander Steadfast Player

    It's based on damage, not precision, but the cap is the resto. That means the largest (non-crit) heal you can get will be equal to your resto. If you WM a 15k hit, the heal will be 3k. If the heal crits, though, it can he higher. It can also be amplified by something like a Fire tank healing in buff.
  16. Remander Steadfast Player

    Nah, it's max range. ;)

    EDIT: Makes sense, actually. Most heals are actually LoS.
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  17. Remander Steadfast Player

    Ran McB/BcM in ICW. BcM gave me about 1/3 the healing out of McB. Not bad at all! Set up with AcB to make sure a HoT was up. McB/AcB/Anoint>WM. Had CI and Blessing on the bar, as well.
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  18. ForsakenDarkness New Player

    Yup. Power bar seems like it didn't budge either. Malediction cBenediction and Benediction cMalediction are relatively power cheap

    How I did it was
    Retribution, Benediction, Malediction, Admonish, Divine Light, Anoint
    heavy damage, crits, and bosses were just ya know..
    I only use this on bosses though.

    You can test it out if you want.
  19. Black Jaq Devoted Player

    Gonna add it.
  20. Badname28 New Player

    Im not sold on DM in a healing loadout.
    Its just a heal we cant control,we only get the heal when a mob dies so its unpredictable at best. unreliable at worst.
    and it is clearly situational as it requires adds to be effective in a boss fight.
    Not just alot of adds either......but persistent adds that allow us to use it for the duration of a fight or a good portion there of

    so while it might serve some purpose in necro,lockdown,paradox and doesnt get much utility in artifacts or nexus or prime.

    The combos for it are also an issue.

    BcDM has a 22 second cooldown. far too long to be very effective and we also risk using our shield at an inopportune moment to get a delayed heal we may not even need.

    DMcB is the better of the two as it has a much shorter cool down but again i tend to relly on abilities i can count on to do what i want when i want.

    (do the shields from BcDM DMcB stack?)

    I like blessing but I typically only use it in duos or those scenarios i know exactly who is getting the shield (everyone) as opposed to an 8 man raid where it may not always go to who needs it most.(or who i feel needs it most)
    Its great for pickups but when solo healing i dont always have the time or leverage to stop healing and pick anyone up.

    I would rather have renew on my loadout than blessing in a raid as it is spammable.

    i basically have 2 is an aggressive battle healing stance the other focuses more on outright healing.

    aggressive mode 2100 precision 4900 resto all crit dmg % and mag except one half the healing crit % mag (dps trinkets flex soder)

    defensive mode 1700 precision 5200 resto all heal crit % and mag a few crit dmg % and mag (healer trinkets nutri soder)

    my two loadouts are virtually the same except i swap annoint for blessing or CI