An Otherworldly Guide to Celestial

Discussion in 'Oracle’s Database (Guides)' started by Remander, Sep 7, 2014.

  1. Misashini New Player

    So, I am mostly prec modded. I am able to get some good damage out, if I put a ton of prec dots on things. Is there any way I can get more out of my precision without just using my weapon all the time?
  2. Remander Steadfast Player

    I don't use my weapon at all, unless power becomes an issue (solos, duos, troller down).
  3. Misashini New Player


    So, let's say I have a base pve prec of 3000 or so. I should just keep using my powers to damage? I have been doing a loadout where I go from dl>pl s>h ben clip anoint r>w p>dl
  4. Remander Steadfast Player

    You can definitely use just the AM combos. You won't be as power efficient as with WM, but you'll still be fine. I usually end up at about 20:1 damage to power ratio.

    In what situations are you using the above rotation? If you stick your buffs in the center of the rotation like that, your initial hits of DLcP and ScH don't benefit, so you lose damage. I always use my buffs to set my rotations. Bene/Anoint>attacks until Bene and Anoint are off cooldown, then restart. That way, every attack gets the full benefit of your buffs. As far as the combos, ScH is actually inferior to RcW in all situations. It is, however, 400 msec quicker clipped, so if you want to tighten up a rotation, it's fine to use. Why are you rotating DLcP and PcDL? The former is predominantly single target, and the latter is predominantly multi target. Furthermore, the glyphs overwrite. You should really just use one or the other. If there is only one target, I use DLcP. Two or more, I use PcDL.
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  5. Remander Steadfast Player

    Healing section is up! There are a couple sample loadouts, but I'd really like folks to look at the categories of heals and try different options. I've even been trying out new ones after seeing it all laid out. Thanks for your patience. I hope this helps. Please feel free to share and questions, comments, or your own loadouts/experiences. I want this to be an active thread for the Celestial community!
  6. Fzphrf New Player

    For ranged single target would it not be beneficial to throw in PcDL midway thru the DLcP cool down since there seems to be room after each for dots to finish before cool downs are up?

    Single target PcDL appears to have better damage per cast time than the other ranged filler alternative RcW.
  7. MentosTroll Loyal Player

    I am very very very new to celestial healing and have some questions. Have healed through every content, but would like to understand these powers better.
    1. For Heal over Times, what's the duration on AcB, WrcC, ConsumeS.
    2. When I use McB, I notice that I see 2000-5000 heal numbers even though I don't actually hit for 2000+ damage. Why is that?
    2b. How Exactly does McB heals work? do I need to be constantly attacking to keep healing?
  8. Burnt New Player

    Got my @$$ handed to me in a TD run by sorcery DPS. Rotation as follows:
    Anoint/benne/PcDL WcR/RcW x3
    I was using CI as my super
    If any good DPS can post a video of a TD or Raid run using only the AM I'd really appreciate it. Maybe I'm not clipping the powers correctly? I don't think that's the problem but I'm doing SOMETHING wrong.
  9. Fzphrf New Player

    It's going to be hard to compete with sorcery (especially in TD where mobs melt so fast).
  10. Flewt New Player

    This is brilliant! >:3 I feel like this guide will be on a favorites page for quite a while :)
    I only just got back to playing yesterday, and was a little bit rusty, but I started trying RcC with McB for raids and alerts that have plenty of over geared players. It worked rather wonderfully ^-^
    My current loadout is
    Blessing, Malediction, Admonish, Consume Soul, Divine Light, Sacrifice
    I've been switching Admonish for Renew, and using Divine light instead when several people drop. If DL doesn't cut it, then I clip CS with Blessing and then Renew if still needed. I am a little guttered about losing the crit chance from AcB though.

    It was absolutely awesome to see some actual numbers from Sacrifice. I've been loving it recently! I still don't have the situational awareness I probably should, and can be quite suicidal trying to stay close enough to damage things. When I notice I'm seconds away from going down, I pop Sacrifice, and then I know my team has the shields and heals to stay up and hopefully pick me up. Also great if the entire team is generally low on health and power as well.

    Just wanted to point out that you put DMcB as a 4 person shield... I'm fairly sure it's only 2.

    Anyway, thanks again! The time that must have gone into this is greatly appreciated!
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  11. Burnt New Player

    They were indeed melting very quickly. I did much better in intergang. He still beat me but it was much closer. I hadn't been in TD in awhile. Maybe that was the problem. Thanks
  12. Remander Steadfast Player

    You could argue that. The single target DoT of cP lasts for 5 seconds, whereas the cooldown is 12 sec. If you time it right, the DoT of Plague won't overwrite, and you'll get the precision DoT from cDL overwriting the might DoT. It seems that you don't get the precision burst on the overwrite, though, so that's a good amount of damage lost (~1/3 by my numbers). That reduces that damage potential and likely makes it less than RcW. I'd have to compare the loadouts to know for sure, though.
  13. Remander Steadfast Player

    I put those values in the OP a day or so ago, so you may not have seen them.
    1. AcB is 7 ticks, CS and cCS are both a burst plus 6 ticks. So, basically all 3 last for 7 seconds.
    2. The heals can crit independently of the damage. Also, if you are healing a Fire tank, for instance, they buff incoming heals.
    3. The aggregate of the precision damage you produce each second is translated to heals on a 1:1 basis (in healer stance) capped by your resto.
  14. Remander Steadfast Player

    First, Sorc and Rage are the OP DPS powersets presently. That said, I can still hold my own against them, unless they outgear me by a decent amount. If Bene/Anoint are off cooldown for more than a split second in that rotation, you're clipping too slowly. You can clip the combos very quickly. WcR/RcW can look like a single, twitchy lob for the cR/R portion. cW should barely start before you're into the next Retribution. You should be into WcR before you hit the ground from cDL. I've been flirting with the idea of recording my own vids, but need to get the software first. Best I could manage now would be a scorecard shot and the analysis of my combat log. I'm totally serious, though, when I say I don't use my weapon unless power becomes an issue.
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  15. Remander Steadfast Player

    You're right about DMcB. Thanks for the heads up. Yeah, Sacrifice is pretty beast. I was surprised at the numbers myself. You should know, though, that the heals are much better, if you stay up. They will continue after you're down, but at a reduced magnitude.

    EDIT: At least I had DMcB right in the initial description. Just updated it in the healing section. Thanks again!
  16. Flewt New Player

    Indeed, I was just looking at that.. ^^; Looks like I need a little more practice :)
  17. Remander Steadfast Player

    Clip it with Blessing.
  18. Flewt New Player

    Hehe a pleasure ^^ Just been running FOS, and when the whole group, myself included, was very low on health, Sacrifice clip Blessing clip renew was rather beautiful >:3
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  19. Badname28 New Player

    Just wanted to add that consume soul will also heal npc allies and player pets as well within range up to a maximum of 16 total player/non player allies.

    I also regularly use CScWotP in my battle healing loadout. It stacks with the HoTs from AcB DL can also stack the HoTs from CScWotP with WotPcCS.

    I am usually up close and personal in battle healing mode as the dots from AcB and CScWotP add up to nice heals while McB is active.

    my usual rotation is WM>McB>annoint>DLcP>CScWotP>AcB>WM tossing in CI as needed
    I can usually do this rotation in about 10-11 seconds which is perfect as McB cooldown is 12 sec

    personally Dual Pistols full-auto is a beast with McB active as well
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  20. Remander Steadfast Player

    Yeah, that's a great loadout. I've used that in the past. As to the heals, any heal that's described as ally will heal pets and NPCs. I'll add that to the healing section specifically, though.