Amenities I would like to see for my lair

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by Grainger Tech, Mar 12, 2013.

  1. Grainger Tech Active Player

    1. Phase shift - I play both phases and would love not having to go to watch tower to change phase.

    2. Teleported - would love to have a lair to lair teleported.

    This is a little off the subject but another thing I would love is to be able to open a lair to the general public, everybody, and be able to sale my unwanted a shop or store.
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  2. D3adshot Lawton New Player

    Three great ideas ... +1.
  3. Lelouch New Player

  4. Laff Riot New Player

    I agree. I hate going to the HoD. I always fall through the floors there. I just want EVERY vendor that is in the HoD/WT and put it in my lair. lol
  5. tukuan Devoted Player

    I noticed the other day when reviewing the podcast from December that they had a teleporter amenity in the inventory. They just quickly commented that it wouldn't be at launch. Who knows if or when it will show up, my money is on DLC8 as part of HQ functionality but we'll see.

    Then again, they will likely have to have some non-content based features for DLC7 so possibly they'll add a second tier of amenities then but again that's just spit-balling.
  6. Devilman New Player

    I just want my armor/style cases and I am happy.
  7. twist New Player

    I would like to see a phase shifter, as well as the ability to place two more amenities to fill in the two spaces I seem to have left over.