Amazon Time Capsule Collections Drop Rate

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by Kayla El, Nov 21, 2016.

  1. pitbullb3 Devoted Player

    Only thing DBG understand is money. Stop buying the capsules and they will get the point. It's a damn shame what dcuo is turning into.
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  2. recoil Committed Player

    who needs psychic powers? human nature is transparent as a book. they'll either see this post and do something positive for once just to prove us wrong out of spite or........the more likely out come, continue down this dead end path regardless of any heedings.
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  3. Kayla El Committed Player

    The only reason so many people spend more money on stabilizers then on direct purchases is because time capsules have feats attached to them and those direct purchases don't. I have bought many direct purchases and never complained about their price. It is true that no matter what route they take there will always be some individuals that will complain no matter what. If these time capsules had no feats attached to them they would have sold even worse then the direct purchases due to the simple fact that you're not even guaranteed to get what you want as opposed to direct purchases.

    So to whoever is in charge of DCUO's monetizing system if you want to make more money out of this game the solution is simple just start selling feats in the marketplace as direct purchases or in rng capsules however you want it, won't really matter because feats in time capsules is proof enough that some people will spend any amount of money to get them. What are we talking about here KHALONofOGUN it's obvious the reason behind the success of these rng capsules is the feats however with these drop rates i'm not so sure how long they will manage to keep the sales up for future capsules.
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  4. Kayla El Committed Player

    His word means a lot and the time capsules / anti monitor event / star trek online monetizing fate are proof enough he's on the right track. You don't need to work at DBG or have goodness psychic abilities to see what's right in front of you and i'm really sorry you can't see it yet but soon everyone will i guess.
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  5. Kayla El Committed Player

    As long as they attach feats to these time capsules there will always be people who will spend any amount of money to get them. Our only hope is for those individuals to open their eyes and realize that no amount of skill points is worth hundreds of dollars.
  6. Kayla El Committed Player

    And it's okay in your opinion to hide feats behind pay walls? We as the community should just let this slide? I like your advice and i can only hope the next time capsules arrive people will stand united and not spend a single $ on stabilizers.
  7. Mohican378 Dedicated Player

    I truly don't mean this as an insult, but I think you're being naive if you think that feats are the only reason people spend a lot of money on time capsules. Honestly, they are an ingenious sales device, because they cater to every kind of player. For the completionists, there's the feats, for the style hounds, there's the gear styles etc., and for the exclusivity crowd, there's the phoenix materials.

    If you remove the feats, there will still be tons of players spending hundreds of dollars, hunting for those style. I honestly don't think skill points mean as much to most players as you think they do. I think the coolness factor and exclusiveness factor of the gear and materials, etc, are far bigger of a driving factor. This is why I don't really care if there are feats attached or not. I think the boxes would sell just as well anyway.

    Speaking for myself, and only myself, I know that I couldn't care less about the feats. they were icing on the cake for the styles etc. I got out of the boxes. I do sincerely doubt I'm alone in that position.
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  8. Delsin Rowe Level 30

    I was running the monster training for a few months but I seemed to have hit a dead end so I stopped. It got to the point where I was getting either just a few exobytes or the same 5 or so collections I already had that were worthless on the broker. Same with the emblems, it was the same 2-3 over and over and they too were worthless to sell. And it seems nobody trades on the game anymore.
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  9. Kayla El Committed Player

    Well i guess all the effort and feedback here was worthless it seems the fate of the game is out of our hands now.
  10. VariableFire Loyal Player

    They had a 40 Stabilizer sale for ATCs. The broker prices for the rare pieces that count towards feats jumped to over 100 million. Cosmetic only items rarely break 50 million.

    Compare this to the first TCs and the difference is night and day. The only difference between the two is an increase in difficulty in obtaining the feat related portions. No one's buying stabilizers to get exobytes and materials (though that's what's happened).
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  11. Kayla El Committed Player

    The only thing that can save us and the direction the game is taking is our will to resist spending money on stabilizers to get the feats. Just repeat this phrase in your head over and over again and you'll be just fine: "It is not a tragedy if i don't get those feats".
  12. Jafin 10000 Post Club

    I buy them because I want the styles. Idgaf about the feats. Personally I think the feats are too much. They should be reduced or removed entirely, because a lot of the gripe people have is with them. I would spend the same amount of money on stabilizers regardless of if there were feats attached or not.
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  13. Kayla El Committed Player

    The only way to prove what you're saying is true is if they remove the feats from the next time capsules. Judging by your statements stabilizers will generate roughly the same amount of profit regardless if feats are attached or not to these time capsules. You have the right to have your own opinion and no offense to you either but you're the one that's being naive if you think there are bigger driving factors in these time capsules then the feats. I almost wish they remove the feats from time capsules only to prove how wrong you are but i know that's not going to happen because by now the devs know too well the majority of players wouldn't give a fk (including myself) about these time capsules and their contents if they remove the feats. Here's an idea though i'll make a poll thread where everyone can vote what they care more for: the feats or the gimmicks from these time capsules.
  14. Alba Eclipta Committed Player

    When something becomes this unattainable, I stop wanting it. I wouldn't waste money on this, ever. Like you, been here since the beginning. I'm a legendary member. I have collections from styles that to this day will not drop for me, but have been available since the start. At some point, this stops being a game for some of us, and starts being an unreciprocating vaccuum that takes our money and time. I don't mind supporting the game. But your point on drop rates totally validates my perspective. It's not worth sinking that much money into.
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  15. Dwild50 Well-Known Player

    Feat point's equal skill points. Skill points equal stat increases. "Stats Matter" is coming, wherein you lose your AM and some sort of balance is supposedly going to be struck. Now you have a system where, if you have a subscription and play for the shards every day, you will receive 5 opportunities to open a cap box every two weeks. Now you have to chose which boxes you decide to open. Do you use those 10 shots a month to try for a drop that will give you 1/12th of a collection worth 50 feat points (or half way to your next skill point) or do you use it to open the AntiMatter cap box that might give you marginally better odds at getting part of a collection that will only be around for a month or so? Or do you scrape up spare change and stop going to the movies to purchase Stabilizers directly for A CHANCE...not a certainty but a CHANCE that you might get something worthwhile. You might get Exobytes, but those "free" exos just add to the devaluation of a commodity that used to be the bedrock of the game economy. Most of the drops are crafting oriented which means you pretty much have to craft. For one specific toon, not even account balanced. You can't make armor for your toons after you've purchased a plan or received it as a drop, only for the one character that can has the plan. You can make armor mods (for 17 Monstrous Essences which means you've scrapped 17 armor drops to get them, cause you can't trade, buy or purchase that particular piece of craft material.) But you cannot make Generator mods for your other toons.

    The crafting system, the awards system, the collection system (of which there are now about a dozen and each seems to require 12 drops of varying rarity) all equal increasing your stats (not SKILLS, btw, but Stats). And they are all dependent on insane levels of luck or the expenditure of large amounts of cash EVEN IF YOU BUY A SUBSCRIPTION! If you reach a certain level and want to improve your character you either have to sink huge amounts of time or huge amounts of money into the game. As for the time, I'm 66 years old and arthritic...I can only play the game so many hours a day before the pains start holding me back.

    I'm a capitalist. I accept that Daybreak has to make money in order to stay in operation and provide us with this game. But when they start selling Feats, nay selling CHANCES at feats which are divorced from game play or skill in playing your toons, you're buying upgrades for a game you're already paying a monthly charge to play. The game economy is wrecked. (any time you have to spend 155 million game bucks to purchase one of 12 collection pieces to get half a skill point, you're in the realm of pure fantasy and blind chance, not skill.) But why bother typing this? As long as a significant portion of the gamer base is willing to shovel money at them for chances at obtaining objects (or go to "insert nationality of choice" gold farmers and buy in game money to pay those ridiculously high prices for that Flaming Phoenix Feather) those of us who simply want an chance to advance thru actual game play will just have to suck it up and pray for miracles.
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  16. Kayla El Committed Player

    Or cancel our subscriptions and delete the game which is already happening. Thanks for your time and effort to come here and post your thoughts regarding this matter.
  17. Kayla El Committed Player

    Them taking advantage of feats and use them for profit like this was the cherry on the cake for me. I haven't canceled my subscription yet but i won't renew it and once i reach 300 skill points i will say my goodbyes to this unrefined diamond of a a game which has been completely shattered because of greed cause this is what it is at the end of the day. The game was doing fine for 5 years and has survived all it's struggles but now this pay for feats double edge business model will be it's own demise.
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