Am I doing Electricity Healing right? Feel free to revise my loadout!

Discussion in 'War Room (Powers, Artifacts, & Builds)' started by Amayes, Jun 2, 2013.

  1. WarHoundZero New Player

    I don't heal but a two elec healers in my league had a discussion on how situational electricity is and there is no single load out for you to go with.
  2. Remander Steadfast Player

    I don't think any of us said "don't use Galvanize." It's a great, essential heal. Also, no one said you should "sit on a full bar." The main point was learning what to use when, rather than just spamming a group heal, like Galvanize, when it's not necessary. That ends up wasting power, which in itself can cause a wipe, because you won't have the power to heal, when you need it. Honestly, in the T5 content, I've found myself leaning on Galvanize more than I ever have. Stuff just hits so hard in there! I also end up being near the top, if not at the top, in power in--but people survive. It's going to vary by situation. Sometimes, efficiency needs to take a back seat to survival. I find in most content, I can rely on Arc Lightning, clipped with Biosurge or Biocap with Galvanize thrown in only when under heavy fire.
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  3. Cadens Dedicated Player

    Just like running out of power spamming ionic?
  4. BrotherMutant New Player

    Can you even run out of power spamming ionic if u have PoT on you at all times? Not sure this one is a problem unless of course you are canceling out of it just after casting it.
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  5. Remander Steadfast Player

    Sure, you can, but you can run out by spamming multiple different heals. Actually, ID, Galvanize, and Arc Lightning are all 350 power cost, which is the most power expense. BS is cheapest at 250 with BC at 300 and EG at 270. ID is great, if you can get an uninterrupted channel (heals whole raid with essentially no range restriction). Galvanize is great, if the team is spaced closely enough (also heals whole raid). Arc is great for max range heals of tanks and surrounding DPS (only heals up to 4, but not yourself). None should be spammed, though. BS is still your cheapest single target heal, but BC gives the 35% safety net to 4 of the group (including yourself) for only 50 more power. EG is also fairly cheap, but I'm not a fan of the aura mechanism or the heal strength, so I don't use it.
  6. Cicatrix New Player

    I would replace ionic drain with a personal shield or arc lightning. Arc lightning is great when you have multiple targets and its a big heal just remember to heal yourself as it doesn't. I personal go galvanize -> bio capicitor -> electro genesis weapon combo single heal if needed to top one person off, galvanize for big heals if group is together, hit that regardless every other rotation. Flux as a self shield to ensure you stay alive, if you are dead you can't heal if you can't heal your group is dead. Invigorate use it before a hard hitting time like healer drones in prime or if the second healer goes down or if your out of power and your groups taking a beating.

    The reason I personally don't like ionic drain is that the big heals take way too long to cast your group could die during that time or you become to dependent on the second healer. I really do want ionic drain in my loadout and I even throw it back in every once in a while but I just don't see how you can rely on such a long cast time heal if your group is dying. If you are constantly using it there are times in between where you group can easily die and if you are constantly using it then when its not needed its just wasting power. It's just too situational for me.You can also be knocked out of it if you don't have the mod.
  7. Remander Steadfast Player

    1) Yes.
    2) Or sometimes even if you have the mod.
  8. Cadens Dedicated Player

    Ionic drain works better as a group heal than the other 2 power sets, due to one thing - 35% protection. You can use ionic drain all the time because of this simple fact. If you have bio cap active on everyone (which isnt hard, just move around), then ionic drain becomes amazing.

    Not to mention, this works with channeling ;)
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  9. Remander Steadfast Player

    The 35% safety net from Biocap and ID don't stack, as far as I've seen. Why does having Biocap active make ID "amazing?"
  10. Tule New Player

    I don't believe I said you said "dont use Galvanize" or "Sit on a full bar". People in topics like these say "Don't spam galvanize" or "Dont be one of those bad healers that use galvanize a lot". Sometimes you have to use galvanize. A LOT. But people don't distinguish so newbi healers think using galvanize in any situation that isn't absolutely "oh sh**" is wrong. And it isnt.
  11. Remander Steadfast Player

    My bad, then. Misinterpreted your post.
  12. IamZACH Well-Known Player

    Elec is simple it's a burst healer
    1. Elecrogen I use when it's up as my one and only hot
    2. Biocap simple use it as a single target heal and yourself and the 35% is just a bonus and will be spread around eventually
    3. Biosurg single target heal
    4. Gal very good group insta heal
    5. Flux/wired flux good for picking people up and self heal with white mod/ good group buff
    FYI ^ that spot u really can run whatev I just like those 2
    6. Last Invigorate obviously its a healer SC
    Elec healing is very simple all those other are fun/diff but this loadout is solid and works for PvP an PvE
  13. petvpets New Player

    Well you kind of answered this yourself a little bit further on, but if you have stacked your HoT through a galvanize and a genesis, ID and Cap are only used to top up and catch players. So technically no you won’t run out of power, unless you spam it and knock yourself out of it and aren’t getting power back. Not to mention that for Arc to work you need enemies to bounce it off, its fantastic for pvp where no one dies. Its a great heal and use it occasionally.

    I clip galvanize all the time into an Ionice Drain as it gives me instant close heals followed up with the long cast.

    Healing in this game isn’t about catering to the play styles of suicidal dps/carefree/bad players - so I will never use two power hungry heals at once like a bio cap and surge. That’s like a sorcery user putting rejuv on his bar twice and saying they are a raid healer.. Most aren’t saying don’t spam galvanize, most are saying is DONT rely on it as your main heal as it causes people to compare electric to nature and its nothing like it, also give it a bad name in regards to power usage etc.
  14. Cadens Dedicated Player

    Because no one will die if you are a little slow with the group heal??
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  15. Sumeric New Player

    In my opinion, arc lightning shows its most benefit during boss fights. When you want a heal to go directly to the tank, as long as you have the boss targeted, he or she will get it.

    It's also pretty handy to toss at bosses that like move around a lot, like the avatar of magic in prime (bird form) or ninja batman in nexus. You may not necessarily know right away who they intend to target, but if you toss an arc at them shortly after they move, the person they hit is guaranteed a heal as well (if they aren't KO'd, anyway).
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  16. Jafin 10000 Post Club

    I have to admit that half the reason I love using Arc Lightning and Ionic Drain on enemies that move fast such as Bird Form AoM is so that I can see the streams of electricity from my hands zipping around in circles...I know, I'm ultra mature.
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  17. Sumeric New Player

    I will try not to question the maturity of anyone playing with super heroes and villains like I
  18. Remander Steadfast Player

    Ah, now I see what you're getting at. Wasn't clear from your wording.
  19. blklightning New Player

    I really think that many people just don't get how to make ID work. I completely rely on it during certain battles. Anticipate big damage and use it to finish a clipping sequence. ID has single handedly kept groups alive at Tala, where nothing else in my bar could have matched that. During that battle, for example... a perfect time to cast it would been when a meatball goes by. Blocking or not, you know that big damage will come in. So, cast it before the dmg hits. Then, there's a very small window of risk before the big heal kicks in.