Some comments on the Anniversary Event's encounters, now that it is closing. Perhaps you can look at them to avoid issues in the future. I know, TL;DR... but this is a post-wrap for them to think about. Others, please add any post thoughts on the AM event's ENCOUNTERS... we all know we all think the vendor is to pricy, etc. I am making this post for the mob parts, not the whole event. =) OK... I am going to break that for ONE non-encounter comment. If you are going to have a 2X weekend on a special event, please do so on the 2nd weekend. Why? Because then people will have heard of the event, they might miss it on the 1st weekend, but they won't be sick and tired of the event like I am at this point... I like the idea of the 2X weekend, but I am really having to push myself to even turn on the game machine when I think about the Anti-Monitor at this point. I ran a lot of alts through to get Motes, so I have seen how different powers worked. So I will go into different things. I have two Controllers, Quantum and Munitions, both geared for Role. In both cases, they could do little to nothing in DPS mode. OK. Fine. Expected that. They are not really made with those powers, armories, and other things that will matter less when Stats matter goes through. However, their control abilities were VERY sporadic. About 1/4 of the time I could control things, if that. The rest, well, I had several times where I burned through all power, regen did not keep up, and even 1 mob was too much to handle because they resisted EVERY control and never gave a combat break. Before the soder could cool down I was near dead in those cases. Those made the trollers long tasks to get through. Sorcery, my main, DPS and Heal gear. No real issues. Could even do the Purge the Merge mission without help by being able to kill everything before it got to the center. Not 100% of the time, but did decent. Heal in the CC was a bit hard in some spots. Had times where a person was on the other side of an Antimatter Shard and I could not heal them. I think this may relate to the location bug I will talk about below. Also, Sorcery heal range will be changing, so, that may be a non-issue in the future. Nature, bank mule, pure DPS spec and gear. Did over 25M damage one time and actually exceeded the sum of the rest of the people! That was at L25 with CR22 gear, buffed to the instance. How did I do much in CC? Left to every shard early and hit it with 2x Qua bombs as well as all the AE stuff a Nature DPS can pump out when backed by a troller and swarm, well, it really worked. Atomic Tank or DPS (geared for both)... do you hate them or something? EVERY TIME a Qwardian machine changes movement mode, cooldown time, or movement speed it interrupts the atomic weapon combos that are key to atomic power. This prevents building stacks and keeps you out of the QG Aura, so damage absorption and heals are auto nerfed too. Add to that all the shield and staff opponents that also interrupt a lot and you can see how one CC I NEVER got off my QG Aura without using Energize! Every other time I was nocked down, thrown around, or Qwardebuffed out of getting it off. Rage, sort of geared for both, but ran DPS after issues with tank. On the Purge the Merge I tried to pull a group of shadows from one side to the other so they would not merge. As they passed through the center, they stopped half way through the pull and merged into an Archon. Really? You let them be snagged out of a pull? That is a bit much... The combos also got messed up a lot, like Atomic, but most are faster and got off. So Eviscerating Chain worked pretty reliably, but Outrage would not get the flails a noticeable percentage of the time. The Interference Device mission had one other issue. People liked to steal it... a lot. You are still fighting but the device controller is down. They walk up, drop the shield, and destroy the device. Thanks to your being involved in a fight, you can't easily switch to the proper target in time or may not even see it. Your credit for taking it out needs some changes, like if you hit the controller you can get credit. Now, the location bug. I have seen, several times, a person in the CC event who is off in a corner fighting. I have also seen a person next to me fighting, taking down mobs, and someone else is complaining about them not participating. I even had someone trying to get me kicked because they said I was getting a free ride and they were all working for me... but if they had looked at the leader board, I did more damage than them, so they were wrong about that one... And other people laughed at them in the group chat, so I am guessing other people saw me fighting, not sitting it out. With 6 toons doing this EVERY DAY and using several replay tokens on my main to finish the armor, I saw that CC battle close to 200 times. Other than being sick and tired of it, I would say that at least a third of the time I saw someone with a location error. Now, I have been kicked from a group ONCE because someone else was lagging and they missed seeing that i was right next to them. One time. But in the CC event, it seems to be around 33% of the time that someone is complaining about one person or I see someone that is attacking a wall... but how do I know it is NOT a wall? Because the Anti-Monitor Purple Beam of Nockback is still hitting them!!! It passes through the instance, to the entrance, and still hits the person attacking the wall next to the Soder machine! LOL! That is a huge clue that there is some location bug going on between them and me, something that does not happen often on other raids, and as a result I can't heal them, power them, etc.
Oh, almost forgot one. Just ran my Rage through CC again. The double rage crash with the cooldown changer is a real PITA. I have died from that before, but these days I load 3 rage preventers to compensate for it. Still... did you really think about what happens when you extend cooldown on these powers? Things on a timer or with action triggers really get hit hard by that.
These are just some notes for them to think about because theyare talking about doing more events. By reviewing the interaction on this event the hope is that other events will be better. =) Actually, it was Rage bringer when I tried to tank them once and I was about 2/3 off to one side, pulled from the other, and 3 or 4 passed through the center on the pull and merged... yah, that only happened once cause I never tanked it again there. Other thing you can do to keep the EChain up is to just watch the position. Turn, EChain another cormner, whap that one and the orifinal with the slice, then Outrage to hit them both or 3 or however many you have echained over to one spot. To be honest, I do like the Rage on the instance... or rage in general. it is fun. But I think they need to adjust the absorption some for when the mobs are some sort of pull system.
Played with following powers every day the event ( mostly support) + weekly mission( DPS) to collect the anti-matter motes and had absolute no problems : Fire, Quantum, Munition, Gadget, Nature, Sorcery, Hardlight. Hm was not aware of the location bug , and i always voted for kicking those ppl cause i thought they are away from keyboard.
Mainly was attack bug also but u just had to unplug controller on ps n plug back in most thought you get the blue lantern collects by doing nothing n tht wasnt true. You really get to see how much the powers are off in there on live cuz the buff. Earth and ice ridiculous . Srry but ice is tripple light in there on live. Mainly i think because ice elemental and interruptions.. Personally i think the pet powers were nuts. I was level 10 with Am ice crushig people cuz i still had am n bombs. I got more collections from relics using under level 30 toon. Hands of the player is completely dumb cuz those same hands of that player wit ice or pet or mental will crush the other ones.