Almost got me to come back

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by Cybernaut21, Aug 16, 2014.

  1. Cybernaut21 New Player

    I heard the announcement of the creation of a new super strength powerset, something that would have definitely gotten me back into the game. But then I find out it's tied to injections like bane - why?! Why not just make a generic super strength powerset so people who don't want to play a bane like character but just a character with superstrength can enjoy the new powerset? Why tie it to something so specific like that?
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  2. Drakonicus New Player

    Why complain about a power we know nothing about, besides the name ?
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  3. John Brawler Committed Player

    because they refuse to do a strict physical powerset due to it's lack of visual flair and noticeable animations, however this isn't necessarily a bad thing as it could simply have visual effects attached to buffs like the neo-venom boost.
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  4. Cybernaut21 New Player

    In an attempt to steer the devs away from tying super strength, which fits an endless amount of concepts for characters, to one concept like a drug injecting character like bane?
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  5. Drakonicus New Player

    I repeat. What do you know about the power besides the name and some VERY vague descrption ?
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  6. Cybernaut21 New Player

    First, a set like super strength could have no animations whatsoever and I bet it would still be one of the more popular power sets (assuming it was even remotely competitive with the other sets statistically) if the devs ever made it simply because of the concept of super strength and how so many comic book characters are based on it.

    Secondly, if the animations aren't too obvious about injections or drinking down 'strength sauce' or whatever, then I guess it wouldn't be so bad, but then we go back to the idea that it won't have much in the animation department - which eliminates the argument that a super strength set needs to be tied to one specific concept like injections/bane or the animations would be too dull.
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  7. Cybernaut21 New Player

    Here's what I know:

    The powerset is called EXPERIMENTAL SERUMS that will involve INJECTING SERUMS and the powerset is based on BANE.

    That's not really that vague. What part are you confused about?
  8. Drakonicus New Player

    The part when you complain about a power thats barely out of the drawing board, based only on the name and on a vague concept. And for the record, the powerset is not inspired only by Bane, but several other heroes who gain their powers based on some kind of formula.
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  9. Little Sister New Player

    24 moves all based on just having Super Strength ? That would be so lame lol
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  10. Valsmurf Loyal Player

    yeah Serums gives them way more freedom to be creative. They can have a power that makes you grow, another that makes you stretch , another to shrink, or another to become indestructible for a few secs or to transform into monster or to self explode or to become invisible. i don't know, this one is the one that excites me the most
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  11. Cybernaut21 New Player

    Right, and that's my argument - why base a power like super strength, that can be used on so many different concepts, on one, tiny specific concept like injecting serums?

    And if you don't like the direction of something that is happening with a game you are interested in, then making your complaint about said direction when it is 'barely out of the drawing board' is the best time to do so.

    If you don't agree with my argument, that's fine, but complaining that I'm making a complaint about the direction of this power set is ridiculous. This is a forum to discuss the game, which includes criticism. Again, if you don't like my argument/criticism, go ahead and attack it, but to complain about a complaint is the height of hypocrisy...
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  12. Cybernaut21 New Player

    Now this is a good argument to support the serum power (but it would take away the devs implication that this is the answer to the requests for a super strength powerset) - the way I was seeing it was it was centered around super strength, and that seemed to be the way it was presented - from the slide at soe live 2:

    Experimental Serums
    -Inspired by Bane
    Inject Serums
    Mixtures (power interactions)

    And jens seemed to imply this was their answer to those who have been begging for a super strength set.
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  13. Cybernaut21 New Player

    And imo, 24 powers based on plants is lame - everyone has their own tastes I guess.
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  14. JdGriM New Player

    To be honest I like the idea. I'm hoping that they give the Bane concept his own personality, something that would resemble the psycho from Borderlands 2. A demented but job that goes into an uncontrollable "roid-rage". I've always like Bane from the comics :)
  15. Drakonicus New Player

    Oh, the irony.
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  16. Piqued Pixie Active Player

    Because the concept of a superscientist who makes experimental formulas that make himself strong, or a drug addict who can't control his own addiction to life-altering serums is based on PURE AWESOME!

    If they had told me that there were coming up with a new powerset and the sole concept was "really strong", I would have been supremely disappointed.
  17. BipolarDiva Loyal Player

    1.maybe too create trees for many gene enhacements that cause different mutations and unique abilities...
    2. Too make you ask a silly question.
    3. Both 1 and 2.
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  18. Zeo Committed Player

    Captain America gained his power from serum and he's a totally different character of Bane.
    Have faith on the devs guys, they won't will do a lame job, or else they won't will sell.
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  19. Valsmurf Loyal Player

    so did Dr. Jekyll and technically Metamorpho as well. exciting possibilities :)
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  20. EPICQ New Player

    So another tank power set?