so i noticed the option to turn off "allow placement into instance in progress" option doesn't work for event instance (lpve and seasonal). i turn it off but i still keep getting placed into a group which already in progress..
That option is so you don't miss out on loot from a boss. Seeing as there is only one boss loot drop you will be place into any instance.
It's fine for lpve, just get in and get out lol. Same with pbr, all dem ads then boom boss 1 2 3. But it depends if 1st boss is defeated or not.
I find that when first connecting, the Join Instance in Progress option is restored to default settings. Always double check the setting. Also, I believe it is on a timer. 5 min into instance is the cutoff, pretty sure. This means loot drops can be missed anyway, if the rest of the group burned it that quick.
An instance is not considered "in progress" until a boss which could drop a mark has been completed. So, for instance, if you get into FOS2 and the group has been sitting there at the Prime Assassin with rotating cast of toons for an hour, it is still not in process ... even though a boss has been completed that drops loot ... because that first boss (first brainiac-corrupted hero/villain) doesn't drop marks.
Source: Imma go with that. Edit... no. As I reread that source thread, someone corrected Owl by typing in a quote block, making corrections. It seems to be in agreement that if the boss would drop loot to content relevant players and that point has been passed. Omg... that was the same person.