Dev Discussion Allies: Updated Tooltips

Discussion in 'Concluded' started by Mepps, Sep 17, 2021.

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  1. BumblingB I got better.

    Great news! Looking forward to see the changes!
  2. ObsidianChill Community "Trusted"

    FYI as I mentioned it in a couple of other places just not in this thread cause I doubted it changed.
    • Flashpoint Batman's Combat Suture is a 12s cooldown at Level 6
    • Levels 7-10 are 30 seconds
    • The heal percentages don't match any of the numbers provided
      • 36283 base prec/47796 buffed and the heal is 36674 and 51701 non crits
      • doesn't fall within 10%-25% of the prec
      • tested 2021-09-23
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  3. BUDOKAI101 Dedicated Player

    I would like to point out that Batman Flashpoint does not have a passive health buff at all and the description says he does. The description says you can either get a defs buff as solo or health buff or healing. Just wanted to throw that out there. Because when allies first came out I was interested in Batman flashpoints Health buff. And so far it doesn't look like we are going to get that
  4. xxHELLSTROKExx Loyal Player

    Awesome, thanks!
  5. Kimone Luthor Genetech Clone

    yeah, on Live? It's operating WAAAY outside of those ranges - testing in solo open-world, it's not functioning as intended right now.
    • It heals 100% of your current damage, every time. If you have 150,000 Health, and you're at 10,000 Health? It heals for 140K.
    • Also have not seen it crit at ALL, even spec'd full Healing criticals;
    • at present the cooldown @ level 7 is 30 seconds.
    That said, I do think it would be more useful (and actually worth the entry price for the item, AHEM) if the percentages were scaled up a bit - not to the 100% Health Return it's doing right now, but maybe 15-20% Precision entry at level 6, 5-5-5-5 for 7, 8, 9 and 10 for a 35-40% of Precision potential return so it's functionally a Meaty Heal, and maybe make it Crit.

    It's not going to replace an actual Healer in a Raid at that point, but it would be a nice addition to a Solo Build with those changes.
  6. MaryMagdalene_DCUO Well-Known Player

    Imagine nerfing Flashpoint batman's prec heal passive.
    It's well worth 200 bucks.
    Nerfing it would make the ally as useless as Aquaman and yall know the devs aren't good at adjusting something thats really not overperforming in terms of what it costs to level a marketplace only ally...
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  7. Kimone Luthor Genetech Clone

    I mean, it DOES need to be addressed - it's not actually working effectively enough to be 100% useful right now.

    The 140K insta heal is nice, but when you're looking at a 30 second cooldown? It goes from being "awesome" to being "another Soder" - so that part NEEDS to be fixed; it should be useable on the Precision Buff cooldown timer. As for the magnitude,

    100% is a little much, but 10% is a little... pointless, really, especially considering that it costs 25 dollars just to get the Ally, it's not for sale in game, and it takes FOREVER to level. Don't get me wrong - I like the idea of the 100% Heal, I just don't think that's going to pass muster with Developer review. It NEEDS to be better than its current range is though.

    A 6-15K Heal that can't Crit and only occurs once every 12 seconds is basically only SLIGHTLY faster than the Calculator passive, and gives you less Health - the other difference being that the Calculator passive can be gotten and maxed out in like, a day and a half - IF you choose not to spend the four dollars on Ally Favor and max him on the spot.

    As it is now? You get more performance out of Lern's Healing or Mystic Seven, by a large enough factor that it makes the Flashpoint Batman passive basically pointless to have. That's why I think it should be subject to Critical Magnitude and Chance, and have both a higher base start and a steeper improvement ratio.

    A 15K top end fo a once-every-twelve-seconds Heal is a little weak - it's an absolute joke for the money involved to get it and level it. But if it was a little beefier, like 40% top end would still be a base Heal that was around 24K with a base Precision of 62K, and could potentially Crit - with that 135% Magnitude from Strat? Would be a 56,400 Heal, potentially, but not ALL the time, thereby making it "better" than the other options without making it overpowered by any metric.

    Or maybe just make it a flat Heal that heals you for 50%-80% current Precision on Weapon Buff application, no Crits. It would basically be the same thing. I think that would justify the cost, make it useful, but not make it broken.

    I do know that as it stands now, if it worked as projected there's almost no chance I'll be interested in it for any other characters, so.
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  8. Kimone Luthor Genetech Clone

    Also, it doesn't seem like the performance for the Heal is consistent on Live right now either : in World of Flashpoint (non-clamped content) it didn't Crit once during a solid hour of fighting, now in Atlantis it's Critting, it's not Healing to Full, but it IS healing for far above what it says on the box...
  9. Kimone Luthor Genetech Clone

    okay, some more testing on Live later -
    • Flashpoint Batman's Combat Suture does Critical, regardless of the content you're in (I was apparently just having rotten luck catching it) - which is awesome; it's also subject to Critical bonuses, so "Something to consider" if you're running it.
    • It doesn't necessarily ALWAYS heal you to 100%, it just seems that way because of how high the output is. It DOES seem to be outputting based on a "around 100% of current Precision" basis, which means it caps out around 100,000 (ish) in its current state.
    • This is assuming that it calculates the heal after the Precision boost occurs (I'm using a Mental Precision build with a base Precision of 62,000; running VWD, Menace and Psychic Empowerment means there's about 6 seconds of 100K Precision if everything is active at the same time) - if it's calculating based on base Precision alone, then the Heal multiplier is slightly higher than that.
    So what needs to be repaired is the cooldown timer and the output itself (assuming that it's completely unacceptable for it to do that - I kinda like it but hey.)
  10. Jcal Dedicated Player

    On Live, I finally leveled up the House of Legends Bot to Rank 3 and unlocked the power back passive. At this minimum rank, I'm seeing that there is indeed an internal cooldown time on the power back proc that isn't being mentioned in the updated Ally descriptions. I've tried all kinds of stuns, and they ALL work btw, and I'm only seeing power back once every 30 seconds, give or take.

    Is a cooldown intended or am I seeing a bug with Rank 3 on Live?
  11. Mepps Sr. Community Manager

    Thank you for the FP Batman combat suture and HoL-bot information. We are following up.
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  12. Olli Malicious Active Player

    Will there be a visual indicator to let you know that the “Take that” debuff from WW is actually applied on an NPC?
  13. Mepps Sr. Community Manager

    • Take That: Working correctly - does not work in PvP
      • Now hits all pulled enemies
    • Sole Detective: Fixed internally and in QA
    • Hear My Call: Reworked and in QA
      • Now buffs baseline powerset and iconic pets' damage - no longer just for 10 seconds after summon
    • Combat Suture: Fixed internally and in QA
    • Power Thief: Fixed internally and in QA
    I'll spell out the fixes/confirm the tooltips once we're through QA.
    • Like x 5
  14. BumblingB I got better.

    Looking forward to seeing the information on the changes to hear my call. Thanks Mepps.
  15. xxHELLSTROKExx Loyal Player

    Aquaman purchased. Excitement intensifies. Half way leveled up, got sidetracked. Will finish him tomorrow so he's ready to go
  16. Kimone Luthor Genetech Clone

    Any word on moving the baselines on Combat Suture so it doesn't become useless when you guys "fix" it?
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  17. MYTHLORD Active Player

    just a humble suggestion.But maybe make Zoom work in combat at a reduced effectiveness too. Since it'd give him a more serious reason to be used in battle. Rather than just for doing dailies. farming collectibles or doing races. Maybe make the combat buff be just half of the out of combat speed increase.
    This could help in many situations and make it less likely that everyone is just running mostly the same allies. Granted i'd also ask maybe to make ALL allies have the same good damage for their attacks so as to not make Cyborg and the HOH Bot be the top choices exclusively.
    All in all though. Definitely glad to have more transparency on these allies and i'm eagerly awaiting the mentors. Harley Quinn and moar.
  18. Mepps Sr. Community Manager

    I'm just focused on the bugs right now.
  19. Tori Slainte New Player

    Well, so far for me. My trio of Flashpoint Batman, Cyborg and Oracle* in that exact order* lolz are doing exactly what I need them to do. No more worrying about costly repairs or using a repair bot during long raids now thanks to Oracle. Cyborg really takes care of my passive power return :) Takes the pressure off not having enough in the tank and last but definitely not least is my Flashpoint Batman. He is soooo awesome. I know it's not the same for everyone else but he works well for me. I'm even noticing that he's doing knockbacks and knockdowns with his batarangs after level 7
  20. Rejchadar Inquisitor

    Are these changes already on the test server?
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