After those powers

Discussion in 'War Room (Powers, Artifacts, & Builds)' started by DaKrushmor, Aug 15, 2014.

  1. DaKrushmor Loyal Player

    After Munitions & Experimental Serums l predict people will stop to shout against Kryptonian, Martian, Amazonian, Polymorph, Wind, Air, Weather & Water powers they are too close to already existing!

    But at least l got mine! :D
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  2. Sage-Rapha Steadfast Player

    Get started on your guide dude
  3. DaKrushmor Loyal Player

    6-th batch:
    Wind Controller
    Water Healer
    Kryptonian Tank

    Oh, wait, it's too wet :(
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  4. Saybro Committed Player

    Haha is it sad as soon as i read the atomic announcement i thought of you and this character. WAY TO GO DAKRUSHMOR
  5. JRsoFLY_123 Committed Player

    I'm with that guy^!

    Immediately I thought of you XD!
  6. JRsoFLY_123 Committed Player

    I just found out that atomic would be the next healer...I really wanted my lantern heal. Happy you got your power...
  7. Saybro Committed Player

    You may still get it. I'm pretty sure they said they wanted a lantern power for each role. I could be wrong though.
  8. Caleus New Player

    DaKrushmor is the main reason Atomic never died off, I'm glad he got his wish. :) Sadly not as tank but I think Atomic healing would be VERY interesting. :)

    Sidenote: I hope you're Legendary and on PC so that when Atomic comes out you can start writing your guide early. ;)
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  9. DaKrushmor Loyal Player

    Speaking about lanterns - maybe their decision is based on still brutal absense of PS3 memory. That "Munitions" thing are probably already in a game (bullet streams, sidekick's missiles), known as "Ballistic" as well. I.e. Munition Powers = Ballistic Powers, ballistic folder was in power folder, so these effects basically in PS3 mem. Atomic Powers are known having their own folder as well, in same place, thus their effects basically in PS3 mem as well. At last "Experimental Serum" probably will contain lot of existing "physical" moves & poor visual effects, to not weight PS3 as well.
    But if they add a lantern power, they probably have to do effects for it from the scratch, which would mean PS3 couldn't handle it. So, lantern healer probably first in line for times when PS3 is finally retired.
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  10. jpharrah1010 Steadfast Player

    There's only one thing that could disappoint me about the serum tank... And that's if we have "growth" abilities meaning we grow big like bane....and I don't want elongated man pulls... Where my arms stretch etc....

    I'm optimistic that this won't happen tho... The lag issues from growing would kill ps3 players....

    But I am curious to see how they are gonna come up with pulls and what not....
    Ugh I can't wait for this new power....
  11. John Brawler Committed Player

    i wouldn't be too mad with stretching alittle to grab someone, but i would love one of those physics breaking superstrength based, stomp your foot and the target flies to you for you to catch him by the neck moments.
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  12. Caleus New Player

    They'd probably use One-Handeds old animation for whenever it did moves like Flashpoint, so it'd probably be a hammer arm to the ground, most likely indenting the floor and having enemies slide in to the center, which would be you the Serums Tank.
  13. John Brawler Committed Player

    i have absolutely no problem with that.
  14. DaKrushmor Loyal Player

    In some another game l saw superstrong giant pulling my character via... shockwave generated by stomping a ground. Probably ours could use similar technique. Or even taunt enemies from distance via actually taunting n insulting them kinda using previously anger n bravery stimulator.
  15. DarkSyde79 Loyal Player

    First, while I’m sure DCUO won’t stop supporting the PS3 until it’s not profitable to do so, I’m thinking that they’ll mysteriously find more space to introduce more powers if the game continues into 2017 with the announced DLCs we have thus far.

    Second, if DCUO drops support for the PS3, then I’m suspecting that we could see anything from Water to Wind powers and everything in between.

    Lastly, in the end, it comes down to how much the tech adjust to the growing needs of DCUO and how profitable the game continues to be as 15 powers isn't a bad total to stay on.
  16. DaKrushmor Loyal Player

    l'm suspect they dont with 3-rd part of trilogies until Halls of Power pt 3 with Darkseid. After that done (probably 2015-2016 edge) PS4's ACTIVE player base vastly outnumbered PS3's ACTIVE player base (not just registred & dropped playing (inactives), but continuing to do that. Currently it's approx 55% vs 45% - PS4 wins). That means PS3 is phased out & Kryptonian with other trilogies are begun.
    Exactly in that time l predict appearance of 6-th batch of powers. Devs won't stop that l think. Rival game has 25 of them. More Powers means more to choose from to make unique & detailized character, or gain advantage before other players. That means more sells/respecing & respectively more income. l'm sure DCUO'll get 6-th batch of powers, 7-th, 8-th, of course after supporting PS3 is done. This will be eventually.

    Who won't leave DCUO by some reason sure will see Water, Wind, Shadow, Lantern Healer & other more or less requested & popular powersets.
  17. Ceo PhillipBenjamin New Player

    There wont be water power because its already a powerset its called ice. there also no wind because flying user already have that. kryptonian they wont add that either because it makes up so much of the iconic tree. sry guys. i know you all want these powers badly but they will never happen.
  18. DaKrushmor Loyal Player

    Same could be said: Munitions are Rifle/Pistol + Gadgets. Physical are Brawling/Martial Arts + Earth. Nay, we now getting these powers. As for Atomic - l always knew it hasn't any deal with Quantum besides a name. Quantum in DCUO = playing with Continuum. Atomic = playing with Matter. Continuum & Matter - like chalk & cheese. But extreme naysayers continuing repeat same blah like "Quantum is Atomic" or "Water is lce". Spytle even joked at SOE Live "water is too wet". Is ice wet?
    So mah opinion it's pretty possible to have any of: Water, Ice, Shadows, Sound, Weather, Metal, Cybernetic etc. after 5-th batch is done & PS3 no longer holds DCUO. Could be said: Brawling+Neo Venom=Experimental Serums. Or: rifle+Napalm/Gauss Grenade & Sticky Bomb=Munitions. We won't get Serums or Munitions ever. But you're wrong. l'm pretty sure you're wrong as well with that &

    Water =/= Ice, Wind =/= Flight, Kryptonian =/= pair of lconics, Magnetism =/= Amperage, Shadows =/= Cursed Celestial. etc.etc.etc.
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