After 4 years, Speedhackers still exist?? wow DCUO

Discussion in 'Battle of the Legends (PvP)' started by Tsigalko, May 4, 2015.

  1. Tsigalko Well-Known Player

    First of all srry if this post turns out to be at the wrong subforum, i rly dont know where to post something like this.

    yeah so there are 2 ppl that using speed hacks on legends/arena all day. i mean ALL DAY and no actions has been taken whatsoever. they have been doin this for the last 10-12 hrs now. i mean its getting annoying.. i dont want to point fingers at any name, but anyone who pvp just now must know what and who im talking about.

    the funny thing is, they're stupid speedhackers. one of them uses speedhacks on rescue 4v4 match but rescue the wrong ppl LMAO
    one of them just spam hold range with hand blast, giving me infinite immunities. i tell my group to just lunge him to get immunities, but ofc no one listen,, i mean who reads group chat on pugs >.<

    i hope when i logged back in later today this will already be resolved.
    come on DCUO, some of us still enjoy PvP, dont ruin it plz..
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  2. DCUO Post Loyal Player

    Well I hope you submitted a in-game report and a ticket on Daybreak website, so they can investigate these players. If you didn't bother reporting them and come on the forums to complain, don't expect any actions to be taken.
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  3. Kroye Loyal Player

  4. Ruru New Player

    I pvp all the time and haven't seen a "speedhacker" since 2011.
  5. LightOfQuantum Committed Player

    It's fun to beat speed hacker fire tank.
  6. Master Play Committed Player

    Do you play on US PC? If so, you do not PvP frequently. I come across speedhackers at least once a week, mostly in legends because I don't do arenas.
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  7. The Enquirer Steadfast Player

    I don't find them remotely close to that frequency. My last altercation with one was over a month ago.
  8. Brother Allen Loyal Player

    That is some seriously bad luck man. I have seen a increase in them recently (as in I've seen two in the last month) but no where near once a month and all I do when I log in is que up 2v2 and 4v4 Legends when I'm on.
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  9. Ghaladh Dedicated Player

    I checked today and I have more than 600 arena fights. Of those 600+, only 2 were speed-hacked plus one about which I am in doubt... I don't see the problem here. Report the culprit and forget about him. If you meet a lot of "speed hackers", perhaps, you are just a sore loser; you can't admit that your opponent played better and you have to rationalize the frustration by thinking that they are cheating. Just something to consider...

    I am not trolling you, but I've been accused of cheating so many times that I lost count... oddly it happens only when I win (and it's not common, since I suck at PvP - I won only 40% of the matches).
  10. The Enquirer Steadfast Player

    Sabigya was accused of speed hacking 4 times in one day during the Lex Luthor promo. Consequently I was once accused by using macros, and when I asked if the person who was going to report me knew what a macro does* I got an earful of how my account was going to be banned. Still here.

    *all a macro does is record a series of inputs, so you can't use it to do something that isn't already possible in game, so it's pretty much impossible to tell if someone is using a macro.
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  11. LightOfQuantum Committed Player

    How do you check that?
  12. The Enquirer Steadfast Player

    Generally a combat log analyzer from what I remember. Mine is a bit funny. It show's I've only played 539 matches and have never lost a match, both of which are definitely untrue. Probably because I played on the steam version and regular version, which means that files are saved all over the place.
  13. KDICHU Well-Known Player

    has anyone went and found the hack, then sent it to DC? if they knew the origin the fix would be a lot easier.
  14. Ruru New Player

    I never play legends. So either this is legends specific or you are just one of those many people who cry hacks when they lose. I get accused of using macros about once per week or two, so I know there are a lot of uninformed people out there, or maybe just sore losers.
  15. Master Play Committed Player

    It's usually on my lower alts that I'm gearing because of the double marks. I guess the ranking system pairs me up with the more inexperienced players, because mostly when I spot a hacker, it's while I'm gearing a new toon. But yeah, I have countless unlisted videos that I use to report footage of me facing these speedhackers. I usually get them banned, but sometimes the process is just too slow and not worth it. I wish there was a GM actively patrolling ingame for most of the peak hours.
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  16. Brother Allen Loyal Player

    I don't mind speaking up for Master Play as I know him in game and I've never seen him be a sore loser. I also definitely would not lump him in as one of the uninformed players either.

    That being said I'm on your side Ruru as far as it comes to personally witnessing players utilizing speed hacks. It is extremely rare for me to personally run across them.

    I want to make sure it is clear Master Play that I'm not calling you a liar at all. It's just your luck must be extremely bad if you are running into a speed hacker at least once a week because I feel it would be safe for me to assume that I do Legends more than you and I almost never see them. I'm guessing it is because of our elo ranking difference and time that we play. Possibly even the map size. I never do Legend Maps higher than 4v4 and even 4v4 is uber rare for me to que into.

    EDIT: You responded as I was responding :). Gearing up the low level alt would make sense in that you would have a higher chance at running into some fresh level 5 testing out some silly speed hack in Legends.
  17. Master Play Committed Player

    Lucky you, these guys can be quite annoying.
  18. Master Play Committed Player

    Far from it, I'm pretty sure I can beat 90% of US PC. I record every hacker I come across and I actually report them. A macroer I can beat, because macroers are easy to read. I know the difference between macros and speedhacks. I know the difference from a lag teleport and a speedhack teleport. I know to call hacks when someone is on the floor taking half of your health bar away immediately after you counter them because on their screen they got back up from that counter in a millisecond, while on yours it seems normal. Don't ever tell me I'm one of those people who cry hacks when I lose. If I lose, the person who beat me is very good. Why would hacking be legends specific? I never said it was, I simply said I don't participate in arenas. That doesn't mean that I doubt hackers are there.
  19. LightOfQuantum Committed Player

    Can't find a good combat log analyzer. The ones I used show false data.
  20. kravonik New Player

    i have had some questionable fights, but usually I assume its me not a hacker. Either they are better or I didn't do the right rotation etc. not saying speed hackers don't exist. however in this game I don't understand the reasoning. winning a match has such a minimal reward. there are no titles, rare gear, new styles, etc. just extra comms, which become meaningless after awhile.

    so if youre speed hacking in this game, you must really have no life