AFK Farmers

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by Zamara, Feb 23, 2019.

  1. Zamara Dedicated Player

    Every time there's a seasonal or an event of some kind we have the same issue, people queue for the instance, wait to make sure their characters get in and leave their characters standing inside the room to go do whatever they do in the 5 minutes that it took the rest of the group to get the instance done without them.
    They know once they're in they don't have to worry about getting kicked because of the many restrictions that have been put on to the kicking system:
    • You can't start a vote to kick while in combat (which you're instantly put on as soon as you walk in to most of the events).
    • You can't kick people unless x amount of time has passed (this time should be reduced for events to like 60 seconds or 10 seconds for the stabilizer instance).
    • You can only kick 1 person every 3 hours (which isn't so bad if you're just getting event stuff done but it is if you're running more stuff).
    Some people don't really leave, they just stand there looking at everyone else carry them. You can see them block, roll, heal or even use supply drops or sodas, if they're not gone they'll do anything to stay alive but they won't help the group or say a word to the rest. And as soon as the instance is over they're the first person to leave the group.
    And all of them get the same amount of drops or even more than the players who did work for their rewards. There has to be a better way to deal with them that's more efficient than having to somehow get evidence of what happened, add them to ignore and then having to go to the support site to fill a report for every one of them.
    How is it that in 8 years the devs haven't figured out a better way to deal with these kind of players?

    I've been thinking of a couple options.

    Option 1) We should be able to flag them in game and when they have x amount of flags support would check their account logs and see what to do with them if there's anything suspicious or bad with them. They could make it so when they're flagged their recent chat logs are saved including the combat ones. That way they could check if they're doing something to help the group at all or not since they would have their damage/health/power outputs/inputs there.
    Now i know we have a report option in game that is supposed to save their chat logs but when you use it you have to go to their support site to fill a ticket still or it's like you didn't report them at all. And even if that takes 5 minutes to do, you still have to fill a report for each player you encounter and it adds up in the end, say you found one on each alt you did and you have 16, that's almost 1 and a half hours so not very efficient.

    Option 2) Similar to the previous one but this one would use the current add to ignore option, suppose the devs have a way to track how many people have added every one of us to their ignore, they could use that info to track down the players who have been added the most and have their behavior checked by a member of the staff. If they've been toxic to others or are abusing other players have them suspended for a day or even a week, if they don't change their behavior after that suspend them for longer until they reach the point where they can't return to the game. They could have a set amount of times you could get ignored until they had to check your account.

    Took a while to write all of this down and the options i found may not be complete but I keep running into these kind of people more and more every day and it's frustrating that we can't do much about it.
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  2. SupesUpp Level 30

    Add toon to ignore. Go about your day.
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  3. Dene Devoted Player

    I must be so lucky.. I swear I never see this
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  4. Proxystar #Perception

    Simple a player has to have a certain amount of damage registered against the boss in order to recieve rewards.


    The certain amount of damage can be 5k or something reasonable in case the person just sucks, but at least they're forced to push buttons.
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  5. Shellheart76 Active Player

    While blocking saves you from dealing with one unethical player again, it does nothing to disincentivize people who do this regularly, and besides, letting people play the game in a way that gives them an unfair advantage opens up a whole can of worms. After all, if this is okay why not speed hacking? Why not speed hacking in PvP? In fact, why not just allow hacking? After all, you can just ignore them.

    I personally have been having an issue with this in the Atlantis instances. I've been sort of lucky, as it's not constant, but I do see people who just follow the group and do nothing, or use the rare weapon attack to appear as if they've been doing something. Frankly, I don't see the point, and we'd all be done a lot faster if everyone contributed. :rolleyes:
  6. E Clip Dedicated Player

    Nothing grinds my gears as much as afkers. I see them all the time in duos, stabilizer event, seasonals and LPvE. In longer instances its not a much of a problem because you can kick them after a few minutes, but for shorter instances like stablizer events, duos and events those who dont have any contribution on the scorecard shouldnt receive rewards. The system is already in place, they just need to tweak it, in LPvE for instance you dont get credit for completing a team up or completing a solo checklist if the character didnt register anything on the scorecard. So I guess the same system can be put in place for other types of content.
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  7. The Doctor Time Lord Committed Player

    Seems more than reasonable to me
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  8. Jade Rebel Dedicated Player

    Haven’t seen them much this seasonal (thankfully), but saw one a few days ago. He was standing there, a group member died and it was just me and the remaining teammate (Not the afk player), we teamed up and stood behind unresponsive player and let mr freeze KO him, was a good laugh, he deserved it

    I agree, think when people realize they aren’t getting credited, maybe they’ll help out
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  9. EP Ice Loyal Player

    It’s definitely not limited to seasonal events as it happens in Atlantis event instances as well. Ran Crown yesterday and one person just sat in the corner the entire fight with Murk. They would move to the other side if we brought the adds over to them.

    I get the whole “put them on ignore” thing but that doesn’t address the problem but merely puts a bandaid on it.
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  10. KHALONofOGUN 10000 Post Club

    If enough people put AFKers on ignore, eventually the only people they'll have to Queue up with is fellow AFKers...job done, and you never have to run into the toon again.

    On the other hand, asking for something to be coded into the game to somehow punish or prevent this behaviour is practically begging to break something in the game. We get proof of this at least 12 times a year (meaning EVERY Game Update :rolleyes:;)).
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  11. Reinheld Devil's Advocate

    While I do hate when people show up AFK, I gotta say I have a tendency to run stuff very late and I've been known to nod off during the transition or opening cutscene (especially on the weekends...trying for one....more....alt.....zzzzz), so not all AFK are intentional. Normally I'll wake up when the controller vibrates and get to work, but I'd be lying if I said I never got a free ride. For the record though, if they did improve the ability to kick someone, I would not have an issue with being kicked if asleep. I doubt you'll ever see that though, as people would abuse it more than likely....and I'd think they'd have to revamp the whole kick system.

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  12. Jade Rebel Dedicated Player

    Lol....I would love to see this, watch them all get mad
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  13. Reinheld Devil's Advocate

    I'd be good with this, as long as you were not also loot locked assuming you do not loot in that run. There are times you queue in and the run is already started then someone left or disconnected....If i'm outside the door and do no damage, I'd want to be able to re-run.

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  14. TechWarrior0329 Steadfast Player

    Small issue with that idea and one that has been discussed before.. Okay last night I blind qued into the Mr Freeze Holiday alert with my Water based HEALER. Now I have the pool of heals over time going along with a two other heals and TWO (2) shield.. so as fast as one runs out I can protect the team with the other... That leaves exactly 1 power that does any damage and even that is designed to provide a heal to the team mate that has suffered the most damage. In other words I HEAL I am not a damager. So the entire alert took about 90 seconds last night and I did around 3000 damage with my weapon (used to help rebuild my power) and that lone damage/heal attack.

    Amazingly no one died .. hell no one ever came close and my team mates even commented on that fact and said thanks for the heal.. I say amazingly because in most cases no one ever bothers to thank you for keeping them alive. So using your 5000 damage mark as the rule to determine if a player gets credit for being in the alert.... I'd be leaving with nothing.

    I do agree the situation is terrible but I have no idea how to correct it.... Hey I have been a DPS on some things and because I was the ONLY player doing the objectives I had the lowest damage.. But using the Halloween event alert as example.. If I did grab and drag all that stuff where it needed to go those idiots shooting a Klarion while he was invulnerable would have been there forever... And sadly I have done that mission before where i was the only player moving things around and still managed to do the most damage as well. My least favorite along those lines was last year when during the Halloween event were actually joining teams just to use the soda machine and buy holiday rewards...They never even entered the battle zone and OF COURSE because we have so many out there in a huge rush to finish everything by the time the team realized that 4th guy had bought his furniture and left... we were already battling Klarion. You either completed the mission with 3 at that point or had a team wipe before player #4 could join and help.
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  15. Proxystar #Perception

    simple solution, healing out counts too.
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  16. Proxystar #Perception

    Of course, you just have to run it again.
  17. Controller Devoted Player

    The AFKers can be annoying but we should use discretion when placing folks on ignore.

    Real-World stuff your cat jumping on your shoulders and demanding attention from time to time..


    When this happens - sorry tank, DPs, Healers - no power for you. No debuffs, no stunning, least until he's got my attention and leaves my shoulder on his own.

    Just had this happen last week during the daily stabilizer event.
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  18. Proxystar #Perception

    I agree, i personally think people stick people on ignore way too easily.

    I certainly don't agree with everyone all the time and vice versa, I also run content with many people who are many many sandwiches short of a picnic, but i never ignore them.

    Apart from gold sellers i think i have maybe 1 or 2 people ignored in this community.

    Just because people disagree sometimes or even call you a name in a heated exchange isn't cause to ignore imo, doing so is just a little snowflakish, in my opinion at least.

    Sustained abuse i get why you would but yea not the other stuff and like you say, with the afkers unless it's obvious they're doing it to annoy others i find it far healthier to give them the benefit of the doubt.
  19. KHALONofOGUN 10000 Post Club

    All I require in the stabilizer duo is you being anywhere near me and at LEAST tapping triangle or something. Show that you are not literally sitting there getting a 100% free ride. I won't abide by that and i'll put you on lover or not.
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  20. recoil2 Dedicated Player

    i've had a few of these, but more often than not i just have the insensitive "me first" players who run ahead without you if you don't spawn in at just when they want you to NOW. occasionally i WILL just sit at the gate during the stabilizer event if somebody pulls this as it's a team effort and they just "left" their partner there, sorry but now i know how they'd perform in a RAID or ALERT. however if the person actually DOES possess the courtesy to wait for me to spawn in (it doesn't even take a full 60 seconds, so i can't even say wait a minute as they're not) then i'll most definitely run the event as it was MEANT to be ran, by two players. i mean, why should I be "obligated" to follow such a person and indulge THEIR egos and impatience? but they'd have to do something seriously wrong for me to take such drastic actions so depending on how far ahead they get it's honestly a 50/50 chance of whether i'll indulge them or not, and occasionally i just sit there to see if they die or not, mostly disappointed but occasionally you get one who's sheer impulsiveness and stupidity gets them killed. usually you have to be either incessantly cussing in open world, a REALLY rude or incompetent team mate, or an objective thief before i ignore somebody, or every blue moon some body does something so bad i just punish them in a PVP duel.