Advanced Play Calling in L&W

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by Flightboy, Dec 3, 2014.

  1. Crimson Jonni New Player

    Only thing about this raid that frustrates me are the Coil/snake things carol uses. Those are always the things that kill me, even when I block it takes a dino-chunk of health and then constricts and takes my life away.
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  2. Flightboy New Player

    Breakout of the initial "tie up" and lunge her.
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  3. Proxystar #Perception

    It's just called effective communication, it doesn't matter whether you think the group needs it or not effective communication makes a group better regardless of whether it's an experienced league group or a bunch of pugs
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  4. ACW37162 Loyal Player

    Well I have accepted it's a video game and not real life.

    In the context of a video game yes I think it's absurd but then again I enjoyed the hell out of Hit Girl and her backstory is absurd
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  5. TKMcClone Steadfast Player

    Turn off your Crit bubbles if you're having trouble spotting the main skull arrow.
    and...'Bracers' is a better warning shout than "block" for WW... ;)
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  6. TKMcClone Steadfast Player

  7. Eminence Dedicated Player

    I love to yell at PuGs. "STOOOOPPP!" "BLOOOCKKK!"
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  8. TKMcClone Steadfast Player

    Use all-natural soders.... heath buff - you wanna be 10K health
  9. MrMigraine Devoted Player

    Green fifty three! Green fifty three!

    Kill! Kill! Kill!

    Rocket ninety-nine Red Zeta!


    ... wait, that's more 'Advanced Audibles' than it is 'Advanced Play Calling'. My bad, Professor Flight. ;)
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  10. TKMcClone Steadfast Player

    It's only fun in PUGs if you do that at Zantana
  11. Flightboy New Player

    You know you meant us!
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  12. Flightboy New Player

    i can still totally see all Rebels doing that as code for stop attacking!!!
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  13. Mageara Well-Known Player

    Ummmm no you have to stop all powers and angle your camera back so you don't look at her because her eyebeams......
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  14. zZzTorrOzZz Committed Player

    I "pug" it 2 or 3 times a week, not in a league, and haven't failed it yet.

    My main complaint with Love and War?

    The loot drops which absolutely suck 99% of the time. 3 pieces in 15+ completes, Chest, hands (both dps and troll) and a 1-hand which I made dps.

    Have gotten the Sector Hands every time I have done the raid when I have gotten any gear at all.

    Most of the time all I get is marks. Got hands again today. Spent 87 replays ran it again and got only marks. I see a few here and there with 5-8 pieces of the Sector 97 and I just scratch my head at the luck of a few. Haven't seen a OP ring drop in A&B virtually since release and I am sure the OP neck from lock down will never happen either. :(
  15. Crn Well-Known Player

    I heal and I'm at distance and I always see it. Might be people on PS3 who do not see it. I don't know, but I always see it.
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  16. SkullGang Devoted Player

    I don't think anyone should be relying on others to yell out when to block or stop attacking. You are not babies anymore.
  17. Omega Boy Committed Player

    I agree they shouldn't solely depend on that, but communication helps. There's a number of reasons that someone might miss seeing it occasionally. Crit bubbles in the way, 2nd tank holding adds, lag, etc. If you're attitude is that players should see it on their own, that eliminates like 90% of the conversations in the game. Help, I'm down. No, everyone can see that. Look out, I have the red from Kalibak. No, everyone can see that. Etc.
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  18. randomkeyhits Dedicated Player

    The thing is you yell/type "BLOCK" or "STOP ATTACKING"

    They hear/read "OMG WIBBLE WIBBLE WIBBLE"

    true fact.
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  19. SkullGang Devoted Player

    Understood. However when I have described what the warning is most players have no idea what that skull is. I don't how you can reach T6 and have never seen that skull before...
  20. Flightboy New Player

    Are you sure it's herrrrrrr eye beams your mates are angling their cameras from?! :p
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